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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Trust me dude, it is one thing you will never see.


How has everybody started the new season, anyone have anything good planned? Personally I haven't even picked mine up yet!!



I picked up 2 that had given me fits before. Survivalist from way back on xbox in Geo Wars 2 and bulletproof on ps4. Quite pleased with myself, gonna have to attempt those again on ps4 when this is done. Though another 1 I had picked up on there is giving me issues now  :facepalm: . Like I cant make my fingers do what I want them to do in time.  :rolleyes:

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I'm doing ok so far. If I really push and my wife continues to take pity on me, I might be able to sneak in the SoTC plat. Of course that assumes I'll actually be able to do the hard time attacks. Could take 3 hrs, could take 20, we'll see. I'm definitely not counting on it.


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I'm doing OK I guess, managed to get a couple of trophies in the Resogun DLC when I was tinkering around.  Also popped one on Soul Sacrifice when I loaded that up (I think it's because I downloaded some of the free add ons)  Mainly working on Murdered: Soul Suspect though.  My husband bought it for us in the flash sale and it was one I wanted to play for a while, it seems to be throwing trophies at me but I'm not really as into it as I thought.


I was thinking about maybe playing Counterspy after this, but it all depends as I wanted to try and squeeze some Ni No Kuni in too :)

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So how did everyone do on their first day, i barely did anything today. the points i got was during midnight. Just been chilling and listening to music today oh and i was also a referee for my first time with a football game which was quite fun :P

My personal best is doing alright, somethings seem easier and others harder compared to ps4 version. Can't tell if I am doing well compared to my opponent though, He hasn't sync'd his profile since the 14th. 

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So far, I have completed the trophy list on Wake-Up Club, and that's about it.  I worked with a neighbor for eight hours today, so that was nice.  What was even better was straining my back walking up the steps of my house after said work was finished.  If I'm lucky, I won't have to work at the office tomorrow, and then I can spend the next two days in bed recuperating.​

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You need a co op partner for those geomatry trophies? if so ill download it aswell.


Cheers but I think its local only unfortunately. I'd still give the game a download though, its a lot of fun. 


Me predicting you to win has inspired you it seems. ;)


Haha, we'll see how it goes. Keeping my cards close to my chest right now. Dont go choking though, get some trophies! 

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So i basically need a 2nd vita for that? Or how does that work. 

I have to admit the game looks really good, was thinking about buying the ps4 version untill i saw it was free on ps plus


2 people play on 1 vita by holding it sideways. One person uses the left analog and dpad to control their ship, the other person uses the right analog stick and face buttons. Its a huge pain in the ass but the game overall is really fun though dood

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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