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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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18 hours ago, ShogunCroCop said:

I still do not have access to the OP. I requested it, but I know @Lucas is busy, so until then, the sign up listing will be here...if, by Jan 20, I still do not have access to the OP, I will start a new thread that references this one.


It is official!! Sign ups are underway! Spread the word since I cannot update the Title of the thread or the OP yet.

I already replied to you on Monday. Again, I'm not going to change anything if I don't know what you want me to change.

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On 1/8/2020 at 6:18 AM, Lucas said:

I already replied to you on Monday. Again, I'm not going to change anything if I don't know what you want me to change.


Ah, I did not see your reply on Monday. I slightly misunderstood. My reading comprehension sucked last week lol. I had thought you were saying you were going to give me access to the OP, but no, you said for me to tell you what to change and you'd change it.


I understand now. So, here is the list of changes for the OP:


Title change from Trophy Hunters League to THL - Season 24 Signups Now!!


League Runner changed from you to me.


List of Current Competitors:






HcG Clawz














That's all the changes for now. I just thought it would be easier to give me access to the OP, but we can do it this way too.


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@ShogunCroCop Alright, I updated the OP a little bit. Let me know if you want any rule changes etc. added to the OP later. I can give you access to the old league tables and stats if you want. If you decide to make new documents, I'll add those to the OP as well. 


Edited by Lucas
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10 hours ago, Lucas said:

@ShogunCroCop Alright, I updated the OP a little bit. Let me know if you want any rule changes etc. added to the OP later. I can give you access to the old league tables and stats if you want. If you decide to make new documents, I'll add those to the OP as well. 


@Lucas, if you could add microsamm to the list of competitiors, that'd be great. Having access to the old tables and stats would be awesome. I'll definitely send you any new documents I make.

Also, I don't intend on changing the rules right now, but I do hope on adding one. I want to mention it first to see if others think it is a good idea. 



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I know trophy rarity is a big thing here, so I am hoping to add a rule for bonus points based on trophy rarity, in hopes of cutting down on easy trophies. Here is what I propose:


The rarity bonuses are defined as follows - 


Common x1

Uncommon x1.3

Rare x1.5

Very Rare x3

Ultra Rare x6


So, as a simple example, let's say someone earns 5 Bronze trophies. Their base score is 5, and let's say they have 1 of each type of rarity among these 5 trophies, then their bonus would be 1x1 + 1x1.3 + 1x1.5 + 1x3 + 1x6, making their total score: base (5) + bonus (1 + 1.3 + 1.5 + 3 + 6) = 17.8.


Now let's say their opponent also earns 5 Bronze trophies, but they pop easy trophies from easy games so the rarity on all is Common. Then their score is 5 (base) + 5x1 (bonus) = 10.


Under the current rules, they'd tie at 5. With this rarity bonus, there is a clear cut winner, and participants are less likely to fall victim to easy trophy pops. The hope is it will deter (but not prevent) super quick, super easy trophies, which has been raised as an issue by some people.


What do you all think? should we implement it this season just as a trial run, to see if we want to keep it for future seasons? Or does this seem unfair and we should not implement at all? Please let me know your feedback.

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