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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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On 9/6/2022 at 7:52 PM, Psy-Tychist said:


Seven people got the right answer but two people got the number of seasons and the right person so they receive a bonus point.

Jello and Shogun have 2 points with Mayhem, Anorak, Fallacy, ArcticCress and Beer scoring 1 point.


Next question is coming soon!

Holy moly!! Have I really taken part in that many. Congrats to Shogun on his outstanding record!

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Fixture 2 results!


Platinum League


Gold League






Silver League

Bronze League






Standings after fixture 2







Some exciting rivalries during the second round! @KPWCORE and @UnboundedCash99 had an intense high-scoring match up in Bronze. KPWCORE took home the two points but a great showing from both players here!:yay:In Platinum, @NuclearManager and @Arctic Cress both surprised their opponents with a big comeback on the final day and moved up to the 1st and 2nd place in the league. @Syr_Rys put up a nice score to defeat Zephyr-pt and seems to be a serious (sorry) contender for the top spots in Silver this season!


In a few hours, we'll get started with fixture 3!


Fixture 3


Platinum League


Mesopithecus v Krazy_99

LucasV9991 v X18JELLO18X

GTA_Darren v ArcticCress

man_with_wdjat v NuclearManager

Psy-Tychist v UGotHitByGunner


Gold League


FallacyUnknown v Master_Mayhem_

stupid0089 v jermthejerm

ApriIis v connman88

Havoc273 v ShogunCroCop

xZoneHunter v Berendsapje


Silver League


TheScruffyton v Yunakia221

Zephyr-pt v ExsphereBrawler

Syr_Rys v UltraDog177

madbuk v cjninja125

Reinachii- v Doylus91


Bronze League


RedbeardRik v KPWCORE

YieuY v UnboundedCash99

ShinobiMonk v serrated-banner9

DEMONICRUBLE18 v freddie1989

IrishNelly v UnwaveringSoul_


Approximate starting time: 7 hours and 39 minutes from now

Edited by Lucas
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On 06/09/2022 at 10:52 PM, Psy-Tychist said:

Question 2: Several rules have changed throughout the seasons of the THL. Definitive wins lasted a while in the THL, but what season did they stop?


Bonus: Which League Runner started using Definitive Wins back in Season 6?


So here are the guesses:

@Arctic Cress - Season 22, Precision-Playy.

@Master_Mayhem_ - Season 24, Shoguncrocop.

@UnwaveringSoul_ - Season 22, Prinny.

@Mesopithecus - Season 22, Prinny.

@serrated-banner9 - Season 27, Lucas.

@Syr_RysSeason 19, Jello.

@Jello - Season 24, ShogunCroCop.

@Wdjat Prinny Doods - Season 20, Prinny.
@Doylus91 - Season 15, Lucas.
@ShogunCroCop - Season 24, Precision-Playy.
@GTA_Darren - Season 22, Lucas.
@NuclearManager - Season 22, Prinny.
We have had 5 League Runners for the THL, with Precision-Playy being the founder.
The correct answer that Season 22 was the first season to not have definitive wins since they were introduced. And the nefarious leader who put them in place was Prinny!
Excellent guessing from everyone here.
The scoring stands like this.
1. Anorak - 3pts.
2. ArcticCress, Jello, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul - 2pts.
3. FallacyUnknow, Mayhem, Beer, GTA_Darren, Prinny - 1pt.
New question coming later today.
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5 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:

All tables and stats have been updated.

See OP for details.



Also, still waiting for guesses to the third question to the quiz. ?

i was wondering when the stats would be updated lol.

as for the quiz i going to go with 7 times and for the bonus i going to go with @UGotHitByGunneri know that that is probably wrong but i can't rember the guy's name

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On 12.9.2022 at 1:07 PM, Psy-Tychist said:

Quiz Time!


Question 3: Everyone loves big scores, and @Sebastian has scored the highest with 2791.5 points. The question is, how many times have competitors scores over 2000 points in a season?


Bonus: Which competitor has scored the most points in a season before the rarity bonus was added?

I am gonna say 4 times

And @zajac9999

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On 9/12/2022 at 0:07 PM, Psy-Tychist said:

Quiz Time!


Question 3: Everyone loves big scores, and @Sebastian has scored the highest with 2791.5 points. The question is, how many times have competitors scores over 2000 points in a season?


Bonus: Which competitor has scored the most points in a season before the rarity bonus was added?

I'll guess 14 and Cj in one of his many guises 

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On 9/12/2022 at 7:07 AM, Psy-Tychist said:

Quiz Time!


Question 3: Everyone loves big scores, and @Sebastian has scored the highest with 2791.5 points. The question is, how many times have competitors scores over 2000 points in a season?


Bonus: Which competitor has scored the most points in a season before the rarity bonus was added?

I'll guess 20 and Jesaya815

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7 hours ago, Lucas said:

Competitor ShogunCroCop has been removed from the current season of THL, effective immediately. He will also not be able to rejoin the competition in the future. Yesterday, Shogun openly admitted to, what to us constitutes as, cheating. This happened during one of the previous seasons of THL, which is absolutely unacceptable. The Trophy Hunters League is meant to be a fun tournament with friendly competition. I can't stress enough that cheating is and will never be acceptable in any way, as it goes against both the fun and the competition aspect of this event.


To make sure that this season's Gold League can still continue as intended, Froopy will fill the open spot and play out the rest of the season starting with a score and total points of 0 using the PSN-id PikachuInZShower.


I hope you all understand our decision here. If you have any questions about this situation, please feel free to send me or Psy a DM. Hope you all have fun during the remainder of the season! :) 

i wasn't expecting for him to be removed to be honest, still kind of shocking for me. at least he was honest, it would be worse for him if someone else found out via other methods

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9 hours ago, serrated-banner9 said:

i wasn't expecting for him to be removed to be honest, still kind of shocking for me. at least he was honest, it would be worse for him if someone else found out via other methods

I understand though. I appreciate the support, but this is the right call. I'd like to be able to think that at some point in the future, due to it being a one time mistake, I'd be allowed back, but I understand the precedent that was set, and that there'd always be a question of legitimacy if I was allowed to compete going forward. It's still the right call, no matter the circumstances. I have had fun, and I'll still be around on here.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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On 12/09/2022 at 0:07 PM, Psy-Tychist said:

Question 3: Everyone loves big scores, and @Sebastian has scored the highest with 2791.5 points. The question is, how many times have competitors scores over 2000 points in a season?


Bonus: Which competitor has scored the most points in a season before the rarity bonus was added?


Here are the guesses for question 3:

@serrated-banner9 - 7 times with UGotHitByGunner scoring highest before rarities were added.

@Syr_Rys - 4 times with zajac9999 scoring highest before rarities were added.

@RedbeardRik - 14 times with cjshaitan/AffectatiousDonk scoring highest before rarities were added.

@Arctic Cress - 20 times with Jesaya815 scoring highest before rarities were added.

@ShogunCroCop - 11 times with ToxiKirby scoring highest before rarities were added.

@Jello - 10 times with pureproteinman scoring highest before rarities were added.

@ShinobiMonk - 15 times with UGotHitByGunner scoring highest before rarities were added.

@NuclearManager - 9 times with Jesaya815 scoring highest before rarities were added.

@Master_Mayhem_ - 12 times with blu3st4rdust305 scoring highest before rarities were added.


Some great guesses, and here are the highest scores of the guesses that were not quite on the mark.

blu3st4rdust305 - Never competed before rarities were added.

Gunner - Never competed before rarities were added.

zajac9999 - 1183pts in Season 3.

AffectatiousDonk - 908pts in Season 22.

Jesaya815 - 1445pts in Season 23.

ToxiKirby - 1203pts in Season 4.


10 times with pureproteinman scoring highest before rarities were added. In Season 5 he scored 2194 points in a season along with 25 Platinums (amended after checking scores, regards @NuclearManager)


The scoring stands like this.
1. Jello - 4pts
2. Anorak - 3pts.
2. ArcticCress, Shoguncrocop, Mesopithecus, UnwaveringSoul - 2pts.
3. FallacyUnknow, Mayhem, Beer, GTA_Darren, Prinny - 1pt
New question up soon!
Edited by Psy-Tychist
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13 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:

9 times with pureproteinman scoring highest before rarities were added. In Season 5 he scored 2194 points in a season along with 25 Platinums.

Wait, I missed that one, but it's still 9 times?


What I counted was 

S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5


Andrea9281 1
blu3st4rdust305 2
UGotHitByGunner  2
jermthejerm 1
Master_Mayhem_ 1
man_with_wdjat 1
Anorak 1


So I think it's 10, meaning @Jello gets full points and I get none.

Edited by NuclearManager
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Time for question 4 in the quiz, getting close to half way through now.


Q4. Everyone loves the sound of a Platinum popping, especially as its worth good points in the League. So then, who has scored the least amount of Platinums (who has competed in at least 10 seasons)?


Bonus: How many have they achieved in all their seasons?

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On 9/17/2022 at 6:36 PM, Psy-Tychist said:

Time for question 4 in the quiz, getting close to half way through now.


Q4. Everyone loves the sound of a Platinum popping, especially as its worth good points in the League. So then, who has scored the least amount of Platinums (who has competed in at least 10 seasons)?


Bonus: How many have they achieved in all their seasons?

I get bonus pints for being the only one to guess, right?  And complete guess it is, I'll say Lucas and 15

Edited by RedbeardRik
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Fixture 5


Platinum League


X18JELLO18X v NuclearManager

LucasV9991 v UGotHitByGunner

Krazy_99 v ArcticCress

Psy-Tychist v GTA_Darren

Mesopithecus v man_with_wdjat


Gold League


connman88 v Master_Mayhem_

Havoc273 v stupid0089

Berendsapje v jermthejerm

xZoneHunter v ApriIis

FallacyUnknown v PikachuInZShower


Silver League


TheScruffyton v UltraDog177

madbuk v Zephyr-pt

Reinachii- v ExsphereBrawler

Syr_Rys v Doylus91

Yunakia221 v cjninja125


Bronze League


RedbeardRik v serrated-banner9

YieuY v freddie1989

UnwaveringSoul_ v UnboundedCash99

IrishNelly v ShinobiMonk



Approximate starting time: 9 hours from now

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