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Rate The Platinums


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This thread has been sitting idle too long.  I hate spamming a thread, but I want to see more collections pop up.  Hopefully some newbies.


Buk Lao, Imma rate your collection.


Lots of time consuming plats.  A few easy ones, but we all have those.  Throw in some more toughees and you'll have a stellar collection.  However, as it stands, I'll give you a...




Strong 9/10


Some pretty hard plats on that list :)

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prarpin, what can I say other than... 9 maybe even 10 out of 10? 
Your list is impressive man. You almost have a 100% completion percentage aswell as plats I wouldn't even dare to attempt. Mortal Kombat for example. 
Great list!  Is what I would say if someone hadn't beaten me to the punch for rating his list!

Your list is foreign to me. Games I've never seen and stuff like that. But you almost have a 100% completion percentage aswell, so that's cool. 
I give you 7/10!

Edited by Vacio_Luna
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