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Do you "completely" complete your games?


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I know that the name of this topic is kind of silly but let me explain myself...


A few months back I was talking with a friend of mine about Dragon's Dogma and he said something interesting about the way he plays his games. He was telling me that when it comes to RPG titles (like Dragon's Dogma), you have to complete the game 100% otherwise it wouldn't feel like you've beaten/seen everything the game has to offer; and I do not mean only the trophies list, I mean like EVERYTHING! (maxing your characters level, armor level, killing all the optional bosses, you know, this sort of stuff...)


We both have the plat for this game but I didn't bother doing everything in the game as he did. No need to say he scolded me for that... :( (just kiddin'! xD)


This topic is kinda intriguing to me because there aren't many games nowadays that I actually go after the "in-game" completion. Is it because we got used to get only the trophies for said game and don't bother setting objectives on our own? Or are we getting lazy as gamers?


I'm curious to know what you guys think, feel free to comment as much as you like.


Also, thanks to GunBlade for giving me the idea to post this thread! xD

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This topic is kinda intriguing to me because there aren't many games nowadays that I actually go after the "in-game" completion. Is it because we got used to get only the trophies for said game and don't bother setting objectives on our own? Or are we getting lazy as gamers?


I would say it's both. You have people who won't play a game if it doesn't have a plat after all.


For me it depends on the game. If it's a game that I really, really enjoy then I'll try to do everything. Like when I resume playing Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls I plan on going for 100% completion which means all enemies fought, all items found, etc.


Also, if it's a game where how well I've built/geared my character can make a difference when helping someone else then I'll put more effort into the game in order to make my character better.

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Hmm, sometimes I do. I do plat games, but after that, I stop playing the games I platted. Games I actually "completely" completed are: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, The Last of Us, Sly, Sly 3, Jak & Daxter: The Precursor's Legacy, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Hitman: Blood Money,Resident Evil 4 aaaaand that's about it! Before I got into the trophy feature that the PS3 offered, I would try to completely complete all my games, but I guess now I'm fully satisfied with a game once I obtain its platinum. But if I really like a game, I do try to do and complete everything that the game offers, even if I did already get its platinum. But that's rare for me to do nowadays.

Edited by jack21_98
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When it comes to RPGs, I'm usually the type of player to try to do and find everything there is on the game (with the expection of FFXIII...I just wanted that to be over as quickly as possible). When it comes to other genres, more times than not I play games from beginning to end and like to play any single player/storyline DLC for the complete experience.


With that said, I had a ball with the Mass Effect series :)

Edited by merciful84
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If it's outside the trophy list, I probably won't bother with it. I used to be one of those 100% guys before trophies existed (Castlevania, FF, GTA). But nowadays I just care to complete the 100% trophies and move on. That being said, for PS2/1 games I buy (Disgaea, Persona) I do go over 100%, since they don't have trophies, I try to set my own checklist.

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I would say it's both. You have people who won't play a game if it doesn't have a plat after all.


For me it depends on the game. If it's a game that I really, really enjoy then I'll try to do everything. Like when I resume playing Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls I plan on going for 100% completion which means all enemies fought, all items found, etc.


Also, if it's a game where how well I've built/geared my character can make a difference when helping someone else then I'll put more effort into the game in order to make my character better.


I'm more of a 100% completionist when it comes to trophies, doesn't matter if it has or not a plat. I have some RPGs left to complete and wizardry is one of them.


Right now I've been playing Dead Island but I'll have to go for this games again sometime, but my job doesn't let me do much unfortunately... :(

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Definitely when it comes to games like Mass Effect, Fallout and Skyrim, I have done so much in those games that isn't required at all but that's just because I like to explore a lot in my games and see everything the world has to offer :lol: but I will say that if there isn't much to games world then yes I sometimes do just get the platinum but usually I end up exploring either way in all my games!

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Hmm, sometimes I do. I do plat games, but after that, I stop playing the games I platted. I can actually remember the games I actually completely completed, and these were: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, The Last of Us, Sly 3, Jak & Daxter: The Precursor's Legacy, and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Hitman: Blood Money, aaaaand that's about it! Before I got into the trophy feature that the PS3 offered, I would try to completely complete all my games, but I guess now I'm flly satisfied with a game once I obtain its platinum. But if I really love a game, I do try to do and complete everything that the game offers, even if I did already get its platinum. But that's rare for me to do nowadays.


That's actually a great list compared to mine! :lol: I mean, I can't tell exactly right now how many games I fully completed on the ps3 generation, maybe 1 or 2? One of them was the first Assassin's Creed, I didn't need to cuz it has no trophies, but I felt compelled to do so nonetheless.


When it comes to RPGs, I'm usually the type of player to try to do and find everything there is on the game (with the expection of FFXIII...I just wanted that to be over as quickly as possible). When it comes to other genres, more times than not I play games from beginning to end and like to play any single player/storyline DLC for the complete experience.


With that said, I had a ball with the Mass Effect series :)


I'm ashamed to assume that I didn't touch FFXIII yet, although I'm a great fan of the series. I can tell you for sure that both Star Ocean: The Last Hope and the Disgaea series are the real deal when it comes to time consuming RPGs, that's why I'm avoiding these for now (although I already started Star Ocean).


Gonna have to work on Mass Effect too some day! :lol:


Fallouts and Skyrim and like that, I guess every game is if you're into it enough. 


Also I've tried so many times to get into Dragons Dogma and I can't, I get to the first cyclops and after than I have no clue what to do. :(


Yeah I agree but when trophies/achievements came into play I kinda lost the interest because most of the games makes you see/do almost everything it has to offer. Which doesn't necessarily happen all the time though.


I don't remember exactly when you encounter your first cyclops but have you finished all the missions for the king and stuff? You should unlock every inch of the map so you'll get a better view of the places you have to go.


If it's outside the trophy list, I probably won't bother with it. I used to be one of those 100% guys before trophies existed (Castlevania, FF, GTA). But nowadays I just care to complete the 100% trophies and move on. That being said, for PS2/1 games I buy (Disgaea, Persona) I do go over 100%, since they don't have trophies, I try to set my own checklist.


I used to be like that too (at least in a few games) but I lost interest as well in this gen. Some games are already a pain to finish because of the multiple playthroughs and right now I'm more like: "let me finish this fast so that I can move on".

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Well, I guess this topic in mainly related to RPG due that genre has a LOT of stuff to do, so it's a challenging thing.

I'm an action/adventure gamer and i try to go for all the secrets in the game but i'm not obsessed about it.

Considering how vast RPGs are my first one i'm being devouring it (Kingdoms of Amalur) i platinumed the game, finished the first DLC, just missing the 2nd one.

In many cases the trophy list helps you to get all the stuff in a game, if it wouldn't be a requirement for the platinum i wouldn't find all the heads in Puppeteer.

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Unless the game gives me ample reason to stick around, I will usually drop it the moment the platinum pops. I only seek 100% in game completion in games that I really love playing. Far cry 3 for instance.


The Bioshock series was like the best experience I had in years and I absolutely took the most out of it. Can't absolutely tell if I did it 100% but at least tried to. But I lost some of the savefiles to the 1st and 2nd game due to the autosave feature... :(


Definitely when it comes to games like Mass Effect, Fallout and Skyrim, I have done so much in those games that isn't required at all but that's just because I like to explore a lot in my games and see everything the world has to offer :lol: but I will say that if there isn't much to games world then yes I sometimes do just get the platinum but usually I end up exploring either way in all my games!


Yeah I definitely like to take my time exploring the game for items, money and other stuff. Been enjoying Dead Island a lot because of that!! xD Also, chopping zombie heads feels awesome!

Well, I guess this topic in mainly related to RPG due that genre has a LOT of stuff to do, so it's a challenging thing.

I'm an action/adventure gamer and i try to go for all the secrets in the game but i'm not obsessed about it.

Considering how vast RPGs are my first one i'm being devouring it (Kingdoms of Amalur) i platinumed the game, finished the first DLC, just missing the 2nd one.

In many cases the trophy list helps you to get all the stuff in a game, if it wouldn't be a requirement for the platinum i wouldn't find all the heads in Puppeteer.


No there are several other genres that do have tons of stuff to do so everyone is welcome to share their thoughts here. As you said, action/adventure, platformers have a lot of secrets/collectibles and hardcore achievements aside from trophies; and I do enjoy hard games (Giana Sisters is giving me trouble...! :lol:).


I guess I'm missing a lot of RPGs in my completion list, Kingdom of Amalur is another one... damn!


Also, I love Saint Seiya series! :lol:

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Well I usually complete 100% only in games that I enjoy for example in FF X I got all characters with 255 luck because I loved the game, I used to get perfect charcacters in the SNES and PS One versions of the FF games.


There are some other genres where I go for everything of the game but it is usually in RPG; the others genres do not have too much to offer aside from the plat.


In this generation there a a little games that you can play over and over again just because you liked it, but in the SNES, PSOne, PS2 there were a lot of them; I remember that I finished at least 80 times RE2 just because it is the best Resident Evil in the saga, when I was in the University I used to play FF7, FF8 and FF9 every 3 months getting everything that the game offered.


Today I do not have that much time so only games I really love, once in the year FF7, FF8, FF9, RE, Metal Gear and Bioshock ;)

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There is some games that I enjoy and complete, but then you have some that I don't want to complete because I'm just not that into the game enough


Yeah, sometimes I only go for the trophies too when the game isn't interesting enough for me.


Well I usually complete 100% only in games that I enjoy for example in FF X I got all characters with 255 luck because I loved the game, I used to get perfect charcacters in the SNES and PS One versions of the FF games.


There are some other genres where I go for everything of the game but it is usually in RPG; the others genres do not have too much to offer aside from the plat.


In this generation there a a little games that you can play over and over again just because you liked it, but in the SNES, PSOne, PS2 there were a lot of them; I remember that I finished at least 80 times RE2 just because it is the best Resident Evil in the saga, when I was in the University I used to play FF7, FF8 and FF9 every 3 months getting everything that the game offered.


Today I do not have that much time so only games I really love, once in the year FF7, FF8, FF9, RE, Metal Gear and Bioshock ;)


Damn you're really hardcore!!! :blink: I love the FF series but the only one that I really completed to the fullest was FFXII. One of my objectives in there was to get all weapons and armor (at least 1 of each in my inventory). Finished the job with more than 500 hours of gameplay.


The RE series is one of my favourite and RE2 is the best indeed! :lol: Played it like 20 times as a kid. Played the Metal Gear series as well (missing only MGS4 cuz I bought it recently). These are great games indeed and I have almost every one of them in my collection! ^_^

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Only if I truly enjoyed the game after beating it for the first/second time, then it's worth putting some more hours and actually completing them.


Even when the game is really old or they just don't seem to have any trophy/achievement set for them, if fun is guaranteed then I would just go for it. (The latest games I actually "100%" them was Yakuza 1 and MGR)

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I normally drop after getting the platinum, but if i really love the game, i will search for easter eggs and stuff, but that's very rare.


Some platinums are hard enough to care about in-game completion after you get it.


Hmmm... never thought about going for the easter eggs in a game. I like to hunt for hidden stuff in a game like a room full of treasures and the ocasional easter egg as well, although I never found many of them. The ones I remember were in FFIV, the room where you talk to the developers of the game and in Prince of Persia for ps2, playing the original PoP that's hidden behind a wall.


Only if I truly enjoyed the game after beating it for the first/second time, then it's worth putting some more hours and actually completing them.


Even when the game is really old or they just don't seem to have any trophy/achievement set for them, if fun is guaranteed then I would just go for it. (The latest games I actually "100%" them was Yakuza 1 and MGR)


I usually go for the collectibles on my first playthrough because on harder settings sometimes it gets crazy hard to get them all again. I usually speedrun them to get it over with but there's some of them that I have a lot fun doing it over again like in Demon's Souls (the combat aspect feels very good on this game! :lol:).

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Hmmm... never thought about going for the easter eggs in a game. I like to hunt for hidden stuff in a game like a room full of treasures and the ocasional easter egg as well, although I never found many of them. The ones I remember were in FFIV, the room where you talk to the developers of the game and in Prince of Persia for ps2, playing the original PoP that's hidden behind a wall.


I see. It's very fun to explore a game, i can't even count how many times i stopped BioShock Infinite just to see a store or something like that.


Those hidden stuff in FFIV and PoP you found for yourself or you knew what to do?

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I see. It's very fun to explore a game, i can't even count how many times i stopped BioShock Infinite just to see a store or something like that.


Those hidden stuff in FFIV and PoP you found for yourself or you knew what to do?


From the soundtrack to even a single picture of songbird stuck on the wall, Bioshock Infinite is a game that everyone should explore and experience at least one time. Even the "Burial at Sea" dlcs is worth every cent you spend on them cuz they're freaking awesome as well.


I think that the entire series is full of easter eggs hidden inside, but most of them I can't really decipher for myself. For instance, there's a text log in Dead Space 2 that you find inside the Ishimura related to some issue that the developers had with their bathroom while they were making the game. It's kinda of funny that they put an easter egg related to this. I've seen this one on youtube! :lol:


About PoP, I actually knew that you had to destroy the wall to play the original cuz I've seen that on one of PSM dvds. But in FFIV it was pure luck, once you get underground to look for the crystals there a shop somewhere which has 2 balconies; you just need to get in the middle of them and walk upwards to find the hidden room.

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I think this is different for most games.


If you take a look at a game like Jak 3.

It's pretty straightforward what the game has to offer.

If you finish all the missions, side quests and all orbs, you are done with it.


However with a game like Fallout or Skyrim, it's unclear.

Does "completely" completing the game means multiple playthroughs where you experienced every choice?

Using different playstyles?

Obtaining all unique weapons?

Engaged dialogue with everyone?


I agree that trophy lists aren't always the best indicators.

Playing a shooter where you have to kill 1000 people isn't really a part of completly completing the game, unless it's an ingame mission.

Because you can argue if killing 1500 isn't "more" completing the game.


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Always complete beyond plat...that's why I love plats that really ask you to do EVERYTHING that the game has to offer...I've been after the 100% on games since PS1 so seeing the plat pop is satisfying of course but if there is still things to do in the game...it just feels like the plat wasn't earned yet....oh well with the insane amount of trophy whores/fake gamers that plunge the gaming world nowadays ...I believe this is very rare.



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The only games I have 100% literally were Dark Souls 1, LoZ Ocarina of Time, LoZ Majoras Mask, LoZ Wind Waker (I think I missed few sidequests but I got everything including the art gallery on the Deku's island), GoldenEye 007 N64, GoldenEye 007 Wii (including multiplayer) & Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door (I think I missed like 3 badges to actually 100%...)


Good old days back when I was Nintendo 24/7 ^3^

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I think this is different for most games.


If you take a look at a game like Jak 3.

It's pretty straightforward what the game has to offer.

If you finish all the missions, side quests and all orbs, you are done with it.


However with a game like Fallout or Skyrim, it's unclear.

Does "completely" completing the game means multiple playthroughs where you experienced every choice?

Using different playstyles?

Obtaining all unique weapons?

Engaged dialogue with everyone?


I agree that trophy lists aren't always the best indicators.

Playing a shooter where you have to kill 1000 people isn't really a part of completly completing the game, unless it's an ingame mission.

Because you can argue if killing 1500 isn't "more" completing the game.


That's actually some good points you're making there because mostly RPGs or games that do have RPG elements makes you go out of your way to try and complete everything. Most platformers or action/adventure titles are pretty straight forward on that regard but as you said about Jak 3 you have side-missions and orbs to collect that you don't necessarily need to complete the game (although I haven't played that one game yet, so I don't know if you actually need to do this extra stuff to get the ending but in most cases you don't).


I think that when it comes to "completely" complete a game is kind of relative; let me explain:


When I played Castlevania Symphony of the Night for the psone, I set an objective to get every enemy's dropped items (which you can actually check that list in the Library), did I need to do that? No but I just wanted to complete this objective, I wanted to get as many weapons and items as I could since everything inside the game was already complete. I needed to get this done cuz everytime I checked the bestiary there was this "?????????" on some enemies' item drops, and that's a no-no for me! :lol:


For me if you can actually see on the menus or somewhere else that you are missing something, then I can tell for sure that's not completed 100%. Things like as you said: "1000 kills" or "100 headshots", if it's trophy related then yes, you can say that it's worth getting. If not, then it's something that you actually feel like completing on your own to brag later! :lol:  

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