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The Hunt is my Mistress


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Complete all objectives in the Test of the Wild.


Video: http://www.twitch.tv/roose91/b/600921516

1. Get information from Uruk of all captains (6:21)

2. Ride Grauga pre lure his meat (6:44)
3. Kill 10 captains using Grauga (18:04)
4. Kill 15 captains (23:15)
5. Take the task to kill the leader of the first (23:52)
6. Kill the first leader (27:14)
7. Take the task to kill the leader of the second (28:12)
8. branded the second leader, at the time of his murder be killed about 18 captains (29:16)
9. Take the job riot, kill the enemy leader (30:40)
10. asks its branding leader staged a mutiny other leaders (31:20)
11. Get a job riot, kill the enemy leader (33:32)
12. asks its branding leader staged a mutiny other leaders (33:48)
13. Get a job riot, kill the enemy leader (34:53)
14. asks its branding leader staged a mutiny penultimate captain (35:07)
15. Get a job rebellion, killing the captain (37:05)
16. asks its branding leader staged a mutiny penultimate captain
17. Get a job riot, kill the enemy leader
18. kill their leader
Sorry for my English, I'm Russian. Happy hunting!
Edited by PhilNya
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  • 5 weeks later...

There is an alternate way to do this that I personally found very efficient.  A video of this method can be found on YouTube by Phoenix C64 titled "SoM DLC The Hunt is my Mistress - #/4"

  1. Find intel on the map and head for it to reveal the war chiefs, do not waste any time getting intel on any of the captains.  You want to get Ugakuga because he has the most health and doesn't kill the enemy war chiefs too quickly.  I was horribly unlucky and ended up getting Ugakuga as my last war chief.  If you don't get Ugakuga with your first intel, fast travel to any of the forge towers and look on the map nearby to see if any new intel popped up.  If not, fast travel again until you get it.  Alternatively, you can go after captains and brand them to get intel on the war chiefs as well.
  2. Immediately head to his mission and brand him.  Despite how incredibly unlucky I was, I still managed to have Ugakuga branded before the 5 minute mark.
  3. Once Ugakuga is branded, immediately command him to start riots with the other war chiefs starting with the war chief that has the most captains.  IMPORTANT: when rioting with Zugor, DO NOT try and get beast kills.  Immediately fire arrows at him until he dies to end the riot.  He is by far the most dangerous of the war chiefs and can very easily kill Ugakuga and mess up your entire run.  Killing Zugor ends the riot and promotes one of his captains to war chief with the off chance of gaining even more body guards
  4. At each riot location there is a graug bait nearby and it is very important you know where the closest graug bait is in order to maximize efficiency.  After the mini cut scene at the conclusion of each riot, be sure to go and dominate Ugakuga again to command him to attack another war chief.  Once you have done this and throw him away he disappears off the map so be sure to kill any of the remaining followers he has using down on the directional pad for extra points.
  5. Continue to focus on riots with war chiefs that have captains until you have gotten your 10 beast kills.  If there is no longer any war chiefs with captains, use the advance time feature which will promote one of the remaining captains to war chief and potentially give him some body guards
  6. After you finish your 10 beast kills, continue rioting against all of the other war chiefs until you are down to ONLY Ugakuga.  I had my 10 beast kills done by the 20 minute mark
  7. Once I got down to just Ugakuga remaining, I was at the 28 minute mark but only had 9,500 points.  I suggest going into one of the strongholds and just kill orcs and caragors until you reach 13,000 points.  I chose the fortress in the south since there are a bunch of caragors in cages and the "Beck and Call" mission for Ugakuga was right outside of it but the one in the north east and the other in the north west both have caragor bait.  Caragor kills are 105 points each.
  8. There have been reports of only needing 12,000 points since you get an extra 1,000 points from completing one of the other objectives but I didn't have the balls to test this theory because I didn't want to have wasted 40 minutes.  Also, if you are running short on time and are still low on points, I did end up getting just shy of 1,100 points for killing Ugakuga so don't forget about those points.  I waited until I had over 13,000 points before killing Ugakuga just to be safe.  I finished with over 15,500 points.

Good luck!

Edited by Matticus182
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  • 4 weeks later...

There is an alternate way to do this that I personally found very efficient.  A video of this method can be found on YouTube by Phoenix C64 titled "SoM DLC The Hunt is my Mistress - #/4"

  1. Find intel on the map and head for it to reveal the war chiefs, do not waste any time getting intel on any of the captains.  You want to get Ugakuga because he has the most health and doesn't kill the enemy war chiefs too quickly.  I was horribly unlucky and ended up getting Ugakuga as my last war chief.  If you don't get Ugakuga with your first intel, fast travel to any of the forge towers and look on the map nearby to see if any new intel popped up.  If not, fast travel again until you get it.  Alternatively, you can go after captains and brand them to get intel on the war chiefs as well.
  2. Immediately head to his mission and brand him.  Despite how incredibly unlucky I was, I still managed to have Ugakuga branded before the 5 minute mark.
  3. Once Ugakuga is branded, immediately command him to start riots with the other war chiefs starting with the war chief that has the most captains.  IMPORTANT: when rioting with Zugor, DO NOT try and get beast kills.  Immediately fire arrows at him until he dies to end the riot.  He is by far the most dangerous of the war chiefs and can very easily kill Ugakuga and mess up your entire run.  Killing Zugor ends the riot and promotes one of his captains to war chief with the off chance of gaining even more body guards
  4. At each riot location there is a graug bait nearby and it is very important you know where the closest graug bait is in order to maximize efficiency.  After the mini cut scene at the conclusion of each riot, be sure to go and dominate Ugakuga again to command him to attack another war chief.  Once you have done this and throw him away he disappears off the map so be sure to kill any of the remaining followers he has using down on the directional pad for extra points.
  5. Continue to focus on riots with war chiefs that have captains until you have gotten your 10 beast kills.  If there is no longer any war chiefs with captains, use the advance time feature which will promote one of the remaining captains to war chief and potentially give him some body guards
  6. After you finish your 10 beast kills, continue rioting against all of the other war chiefs until you are down to ONLY Ugakuga.  I had my 10 beast kills done by the 20 minute mark
  7. Once I got down to just Ugakuga remaining, I was at the 28 minute mark but only had 9,500 points.  I suggest going into one of the strongholds and just kill orcs and caragors until you reach 13,000 points.  I chose the fortress in the south since there are a bunch of caragors in cages and the "Beck and Call" mission for Ugakuga was right outside of it but the one in the north east and the other in the north west both have caragor bait.  Caragor kills are 105 points each.
  8. There have been reports of only needing 12,000 points since you get an extra 1,000 points from completing one of the other objectives but I didn't have the balls to test this theory because I didn't want to have wasted 40 minutes.  Also, if you are running short on time and are still low on points, I did end up getting just shy of 1,100 points for killing Ugakuga so don't forget about those points.  I waited until I had over 13,000 points before killing Ugakuga just to be safe.  I finished with over 15,500 points.

Good luck!


This is a much better method than the other one floating around and I managed to do it on the first try. I almost fucked up with the riot with the final captain. I dominated him, but cause there was no one left except Ugakuga, I had to dismiss him. Killed Uga and all his dudes and ended up with almost 13,000 points and after a fast travel, 55 seconds to kill the final, branded captain. Ran until he popped up in the bottom left corner and killed him. Woo hoo.

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  • 1 month later...

While trying to achieve the fastest Shadow of Mordor 100% (which I now have, as of now) this trophy really held back my time. I spent maybe an hour or two just researching on hints/tips while the clock was ticking away. Out of everything I had read, none of it really ended up helping out on any of my first 8 attempts. I ended up taking another blind shot (not using other peoples guides) and finished with 5 minutes to spare and about 15k points total. So here is how I did it.


My method isn't luck based either, so in general, this should work in the first few attempts, if not the first. This doesn't mean that it's garaunteed even if you're extreamlly unlucky, but lucky and unlucky will likely even eachother out with my method.


1. Get intel on most of the captains as fast as possible. Preferably all, but at least 15. (This will take up to 10 minutes.)

2. If you run into a worm or captain during step one, then use them to get intel on a warchief. (if you find a captain who is a body gaurd, have him betray the warchief) Be sure to get intel on ALL warchiefs using worms if you havn't already memorized their weaknesses/vulnerabilities yet.

3. Avoid powerstruggles. Powerstruggles may always have 1 or 2 captains, but you can more easily find 3-6 in the same area which is far better since doing a powerstruggle opens up new powerstruggles which takes a captain or two off the map.

4. With all captain locations revealed, find out which area (most likely will be a fortress) has the most. If you're unlucky like me, this will be the northeastern fortress, which isn't accessible with a graug. Go to the area, find a nearby graug or graug bait, and run around eating all the captains.

5. Repeat step 4 with the second most populated captain area. If the second or third most populated area has less than 2 captains, then ignore them.

6. Go participate in the betrayal mission, then finish it by either branding the warchief, or letting your branded captain become warchief by killing the warchief instead.

7. Start a riot with each warchief one by one, and always draw your bow and look around for graug bait before starting the riot. Make sure you are hastefull here, depending on the involved warchiefs and if they have body gaurds, your's could die pretty fast.

8. After 4 warchiefs are dead, command the last one to start killing off the others. Focus on ones that are in areas by themselves. After doing the power struggle, send your warchief off to another.

9. Once the only remaining captains alive are ones that are in power struggles, hastly do each one of these either by using your warchief to make easier powerstruggles, or by killing your warchief and doing whatever powerstruggle the captains are in.


13k points can be a little annoying, but to make it easier, just remember to press down on the d-pad AFTER your captain/warchief leaves the area of a power struggle (sending them to a new riot/powerstruggle makes them leave immedietly). This will rack in some pretty decent points since you will likely have left over branded grunts after taking a branded captain/warchief to a powerstruggle. Keep in mind as well that you will recieve 1k points for being under 40 minutes, as well as 1k points when the 5th warchief dies (possibly more large values hidden in there as well).

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Just got this trophy with a mixture of massive luck and perseverance! It was the last for 100% too!


I actually just left all the intel, did the 10 monster kills first and then Branded Ugakuga to do all the riots. I heavily used saves and this did make it easier, but its still luck based on what monsters will spawn where, i.e. graug locations. 


I ended on like 15,000 points, and didn't really try to kill extra grunts along the way, but dispatching the branded uruks AFTER re-commanding Ugakuga to start a riot was definitely a help. Also, killing any mounts after riding them is good. 


Thanks to PhilNya, Matticus182 and Monk746 for the info above!!

Edited by romylikestogame
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

(Matticus182) posted a perfect run, i followed it to the letter and completed all objective requirements

with 2:50 remaining... Amazing guide bro, i spend HOURS trying to get this and thanks to you i do


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  • 2 months later...

finally nailed it yesterday!

The odd thing is: my final time was: 40:01...... But the Trophy already popped up :D

I'm so happy.


I achieved it by getting intel on all captains and if possible intel on warchiefs (especially Ugakuga)

After that I got my 10 beast kills with a Graug.

When I got my 10 monster kills I branded a captain which was the bodyguard of Ugakuga. I commanded him to betray Ugakuga. This got me a lot faster to Ugakuga.

I branded Ugakuga and riotted the other warchiefs. If the Warchiefs didn't have any bodyguards I advanced time to get them bodyguards.


Hope these tips will help.

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  • 3 months later...

There is an alternate way to do this that I personally found very efficient.  A video of this method can be found on YouTube by Phoenix C64 titled "SoM DLC The Hunt is my Mistress - #/4"

  1. Find intel on the map and head for it to reveal the war chiefs, do not waste any time getting intel on any of the captains.  You want to get Ugakuga because he has the most health and doesn't kill the enemy war chiefs too quickly.  I was horribly unlucky and ended up getting Ugakuga as my last war chief.  If you don't get Ugakuga with your first intel, fast travel to any of the forge towers and look on the map nearby to see if any new intel popped up.  If not, fast travel again until you get it.  Alternatively, you can go after captains and brand them to get intel on the war chiefs as well.
  2. Immediately head to his mission and brand him.  Despite how incredibly unlucky I was, I still managed to have Ugakuga branded before the 5 minute mark.
  3. Once Ugakuga is branded, immediately command him to start riots with the other war chiefs starting with the war chief that has the most captains.  IMPORTANT: when rioting with Zugor, DO NOT try and get beast kills.  Immediately fire arrows at him until he dies to end the riot.  He is by far the most dangerous of the war chiefs and can very easily kill Ugakuga and mess up your entire run.  Killing Zugor ends the riot and promotes one of his captains to war chief with the off chance of gaining even more body guards
  4. At each riot location there is a graug bait nearby and it is very important you know where the closest graug bait is in order to maximize efficiency.  After the mini cut scene at the conclusion of each riot, be sure to go and dominate Ugakuga again to command him to attack another war chief.  Once you have done this and throw him away he disappears off the map so be sure to kill any of the remaining followers he has using down on the directional pad for extra points.
  5. Continue to focus on riots with war chiefs that have captains until you have gotten your 10 beast kills.  If there is no longer any war chiefs with captains, use the advance time feature which will promote one of the remaining captains to war chief and potentially give him some body guards
  6. After you finish your 10 beast kills, continue rioting against all of the other war chiefs until you are down to ONLY Ugakuga.  I had my 10 beast kills done by the 20 minute mark
  7. Once I got down to just Ugakuga remaining, I was at the 28 minute mark but only had 9,500 points.  I suggest going into one of the strongholds and just kill orcs and caragors until you reach 13,000 points.  I chose the fortress in the south since there are a bunch of caragors in cages and the "Beck and Call" mission for Ugakuga was right outside of it but the one in the north east and the other in the north west both have caragor bait.  Caragor kills are 105 points each.
  8. There have been reports of only needing 12,000 points since you get an extra 1,000 points from completing one of the other objectives but I didn't have the balls to test this theory because I didn't want to have wasted 40 minutes.  Also, if you are running short on time and are still low on points, I did end up getting just shy of 1,100 points for killing Ugakuga so don't forget about those points.  I waited until I had over 13,000 points before killing Ugakuga just to be safe.  I finished with over 15,500 points.

Good luck!


This method is ultimately what I ended up using, but I had to make a few modifications to it:

  • There are two Riot locations that do not have Graug bait nearby. One is at the far west of the map. There is bait a bit to the northeast in some ruins, but if you go out that far, the riot will end. If you try to shoot it from far away, the graug won't show up. The other one is in the middle of the map, where you start on the corner tower of a base. There is bait inside the base, but it is normal bait, NOT Graug bait. Whenever I got a riot in either of these locations, I tried to kill the warchief as quickly as possible, ignoring the captains.
  • For my beast kills, I found it far easier to get rid of captains out in the open rather than during riots. Once I had killed all the initial warchiefs, I set up another riot and then spent a few minutes grabbing intel on the remaining captains. I then took a Graug around and ate any who were in the open. You cannot get all the way into the northeast base with a Graug, so ignore captains hiding in there.
  • When captains flee for any reason, running them over with a Graug DOES count as a beast kill. So does projective vomit, for those that are on a higher elevation than you can get to.

I finished with about 3 minutes left. Once I killed my last captain, I only had about 11500 or so... I was so worried about the time that I pressed down to kill all my branded guys without looking at my score. killing Ugakuga, my graug, and the remaining orcs got me up over 14,000 total. Phew.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
On Sun Jul 12 2015 at 8:52 AM, windhoos2000 said:

finally nailed it yesterday!

The odd thing is: my final time was: 40:01...... But the Trophy already popped up :D

I'm so happy.


I achieved it by getting intel on all captains and if possible intel on warchiefs (especially Ugakuga)

After that I got my 10 beast kills with a Graug.

When I got my 10 monster kills I branded a captain which was the bodyguard of Ugakuga. I commanded him to betray Ugakuga. This got me a lot faster to Ugakuga.

I branded Ugakuga and riotted the other warchiefs. If the Warchiefs didn't have any bodyguards I advanced time to get them bodyguards.


Hope these tips will help.

For anyone curious, it tacks on a few extra seconds from when you officially finish the trial and what your final time is.  Mine was 39:09 on my GOTY edition run, but the pic from the trophy popping showed 39:07.

Edited by Snake2410
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  • 2 months later...

Finished in around 32 minutes.


Not as bad as people make it out to be. Cloud/USB saving is a life saver. It's optional if you're only going after the level 25 tune in the base game but here it's almost a necessity. 


I basically went after a captain on one of the power struggles/etc (red icons on map) and got Intel from him on a Warchief. Restarted the test until I got a certain one, I don't know his name but everyone who has done the test knows who I'm talking about. Did the objective to lure him out, branded him and used the riot feature. Repeated the riot feature on all other warchiefs.


The guy with the flaming explosive arrows I just killed him immediately after the riot started since he basically annilates all the other warchiefs if I try to get a Graug. He ruins entire runs so it wasn't worth the trouble. 


If a Warchief didn't have bodyguards I advanced time. I rioted one after another, got the Graug bait and used the Graug to eat the Captains and eventually the enemy Warchief. I would eat any bodyguards my branded Warchief had as well. 


If I ate my own Warchief on accident I just reuploaded my save either from the cloud or on a USB stick. If I took too long on a section I also reuploaded. The riot approach did wonders. 


I've seen other strategies posted on video and on posts but a couple of them seem to make this challenge more difficult. I suppose Hunt Is My Mistress would be a complete nightmare if we had to do it without any saves. I'd be stuck for a week going after the trophy. 


As I said, not as hard as people make it out to be. The strategy I used is very effective but it isn't for everyone. If one strategy isn't working try another one. You might be a lot better at using it.

Edited by Spaz
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7-6-2017 at 0:41 PM, Spaz said:

Finished in around 32 minutes.


Not as bad as people make it out to be. Cloud/USB saving is a life saver. It's optional if you're only going after the level 25 tune in the base game but here it's almost a necessity. 


I basically went after a captain on one of the power struggles/etc (red icons on map) and got Intel from him on a Warchief. Restarted the test until I got a certain one, I don't know his name but everyone who has done the test knows who I'm talking about. Did the objective to lure him out, branded him and used the riot feature. Repeated the riot feature on all other warchiefs.


The guy with the flaming explosive arrows I just killed him immediately after the riot started since he basically annilates all the other warchiefs if I try to get a Graug. He ruins entire runs so it wasn't worth the trouble. 


If a Warchief didn't have bodyguards I advanced time. I rioted one after another, got the Graug bait and used the Graug to eat the Captains and eventually the enemy Warchief. I would eat any bodyguards my branded Warchief had as well. 


If I ate my own Warchief on accident I just reuploaded my save either from the cloud or on a USB stick. If I took too long on a section I also reuploaded. The riot approach did wonders. 


I've seen other strategies posted on video and on posts but a couple of them seem to make this challenge more difficult. I suppose Hunt Is My Mistress would be a complete nightmare if we had to do it without any saves. I'd be stuck for a week going after the trophy. 


As I said, not as hard as people make it out to be. The strategy I used is very effective but it isn't for everyone. If one strategy isn't working try another one. You might be a lot better at using it.

Thanks, this post helped me a lot. Did it first try following this strategy. I found Lord of the Ring to be the tougher one.

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  • 2 months later...
On 04/07/2017 at 11:40 PM, BB-BakkerJ said:

Thanks, this post helped me a lot. Did it first try following this strategy. I found Lord of the Ring to be the tougher one.

Really? After going through hell with this one, I got Lord of the Ring fairly easily on my second try.

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46 minutes ago, igs63 said:

Really? After going through hell with this one, I got Lord of the Ring fairly easily on my second try.

Well maybe it's because I hadn't played the game for 8 months when going for these last 2 trophies. I started with lord of the ring and completely forgot the controles and game mechanics. So I struggled with it a lot more.

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9 hours ago, BB-BakkerJ said:

Well maybe it's because I hadn't played the game for 8 months when going for these last 2 trophies. I started with lord of the ring and completely forgot the controles and game mechanics. So I struggled with it a lot more.


Fair enough I guess, I played Bright lord maybe just over a month after finishing the Hunt is my Mistress. I just felt Lord of the Ring was fairly easy because you can essentially adopt the same tactic to get the captains that you needed to fine tune in the Hunt, and with the ring ability branding the remaining captains and taking down warchiefs was a breeze. Plus you get the 60 minutes, which you definitely need. Got it in 59:16.

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  • 3 years later...

My hints and strategy.
1) Your starting tower (Eastern) is perfect as it has graug bait. Look directly to West, it's under some bridge. Graug will spawn slightly right or further than bridge. Left of the tower there is one caragath near canyon. Sometimes three caragath will spawn. One time I saw graug there. Keep all this in mind, you will need it in the end.
2) From starting point bait graug and mount him. Just ride through the map and search for captains. Find them and eat. If you see a Worm, catсh and get info about any of Warcheafs. I didn't notice any differences between any of them. Again just ride and eat. You must eat at least 6 captains before 8 minutes run out. In good situation you should get 8. In perfect way - all 10. Firstly I recommend to check South of the map. Southern fortress often has 3 captains. Also there is point slightly Southern than starting tower, I saw one captain there very often. So your ride will be to the South from starting tower, then directly to the West through the fortress. End of the road will be at the left fortress at Northwest. This fortress often has 2 captains. If you have more time, ride more through the map. Northeast fortress is a bad option as you cannot ride graug deep into. Sometimes I saw 1 captain at graug-avalable part of that fortress but 2 captains were out of reach. Do 6 or more beast kills, exit and transfer your save to the Cloud or USB. I do prefer USB.
About save files. Game save your progress of the Hunt in odd way. It saves only when you kill a target (Warchief/Captain). If you then have long failure trip without killing target, you may think to exit to menu and pressing Continue will load you at last kill state. Well it’s true, you will appear at the starting Eastern tower but time will be the same as you quit to menu. It also apply when you have been killed and you wish to exit before game save new data. This way you may escape fact of your death but time will be lost. If it not took too much time I’m recommend to try to continue with it if you lost not more than 1 minute.
3) Further steps are very similar to the guides. Hunt down known Warchief and brand him. Order him to riot against other Warchief. During this fight look around, often there is graug bait. Ride and use it on bodyguards of hostile Warchief if you need more beast kills. Your Warchief must survive, if not, brand new one before he escape. Attention! If hostile Warchief is killed and his bodyguards start to run, kill them! There is a chance one of them to become a new Warchief! You may see it by changed icon above new Warchief as it will have crown now. Don't let him escape. If he escaped you will have to riot against him in order to finish Hunt. It not as time consuming as it looks like so give it a try without loading save file. In my final try I screwed it up twice (!!) but in the end I was able to successfully finish the Hunt.
4) Catch your Warchief and order him to riot next Warchief. Repeat. When you will finish the last left Warchief, start riot against Captains. Be sure to get 10 beast kills before all Captains are dead. You must kill 4 Warchiefs and all Captains before 32-33 minutes. If something goes wrong and your Warchief is dead than brand Captain. This will allow you to lure out any Captain without doing red quest. However sometimes it will be better to go to red quests on the map where are two captains. In my final try my Warchief was killed (he were the final Warchief… mistakenly eaten by my graug…) so I brand random Captain to fight all others. At the end of 33rd minute only two Captains left but mine ran away to far and respawned somewhere else. I thought I have to do all over again from 8 minute checkpoint but there were new red quest on the map where… My Captain going to execute last one) Good coincidence. So I left this until the end of the Hunt.
5) Now teleport to the starting tower. Remember graug bait and caragath to the left? Shadow ride all of them and all other beasts you can see. 2 caragaths and 1 graug is enough but if you see more of them use shadow ride. Firstly shot graug bait and then shadow ride caragath on the left. When you ride on caragath to the area near the bait, graug ust already spawn. Once you capture them all kill them by pressing down on D-pad. Repeat until you gain approximately 12000 points. When it's done just call your Warchief (Captain on quest) and kill him.
Well, that's all... Good luck and be calm, it will take several tries to eat 6 and more captains under 8 minutes and more tries to fast and correctly kill all the targets. Don’t despair, it’s easy then it looks like.

Edited by AlexUmbra
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  • 6 months later...

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