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National Football League Thread


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I don't pay attention to the draft at all, never have.  It never seemed relevant as once the season actually starts, no one talks about those players again (with very few exceptions).  They either play well, or they don't, and let's be honest, a lot of them don't play much at all.  Half the draft picks are essentially back-ups from the start, some barely make the practice squad at the end of training camp.


Plus I'm from the Bay Area and it's 2016.  The only things I hear being discussed... anywhere, are the Warriors and how it's an even year, Giants are winning the World Series again!  I'm not a baseball or basketball fan, and couldn't care less what the Giants do or don't do this year, but I must say I'm glad the Warriors are doing well.  I've lived in the bay area all my life and the only time a trip to Oracle Arena was ever warranted until the last 2 years was to see Disney on Ice.  So good for them.


Also, I'm still a 49ers fan, but even if they drafted zeus himself they'd still find a way to lose most of their games next year.  I'm still a Colts fan, but my god last year was such a cluster fuck that I'm just gonna wait for the regular season to start and see what happens before I get involved emotionally.  And of course I was a Peyton fan, but he retired, so one less team to cheer for there :(  Broncos still have a great defense and I wish them luck, but I was never a Broncos fan, just a Peyton fan.


Oh, and deflategate, lolz.  At least this time the ruling was based on the terms of the CBA, so this shit-show should be over now (unless Brady, the NFL, the NFLPA, and anyone else involved want to just keep embarrassing themselves until the pre-season starts).

Edit: Also, this thread was titled the 2015 thread.  Should we start a 2016 thread or just keep the convo in here going forward?  A few years down the line it might get a little confusing :P

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Denver trading up made absolutely no sense.  They obviously did it to get Lynch but the chances seemed pretty high that he'd be there anyways.  Every team from 26-30 has their QB set, with the exception of maaaaaaaybe Kansas City, who traded with the 9ers anyways.  Seems like Denver threw away a 3rd round pick to make a 99% chance turn into a 100% chance.


Bummed to see Arizona pick up Nkemdiche as well.  Lookin' like another year of the Cards getting all the bounce.  First they get to avoid Brady in week one, then they get an absolute steal in the draft.  Bad times.  I guess the plus side is that their window is closing way-way faster than Seattle's.  Palmer and Fitz can't have that much time left and I really highly doubt both guys will have the same caliber of year as they did last season, especially Palmer.

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  • 2 months later...

So where the fuck did the Mo Wilkerson deal come from?  I can't imagine there was a single Jets fan who pays attention to this sort of thing who expected that the franchise and Wilkerson would get something done and avoid any potential mess of a Training Camp holdout, et cetera, et cetera.


I'm speechless.  But I'm also very happy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Time to try and bring this thread back to life.


Gonna start with some pre-week-2-pre-season-game predictions.  I haven't heard about any real major injuries out there (I also have payed little to no attention) so I'm just gonna go on the teams being whole.


Division winners:


NFC West - Seahawks.  Cards drafted well and made a blockbuster type trade but I'm going with the hawks.  They seem to have the same mentality that was present after losing to the Falcons several years ago and I'm expecting the offense to be more productive than ever under Wilson.  Add to that no drama (read: holdouts) or injuries on defense and a much softer schedule than last year and I expect a return to the top.


NFC East - Redskins.  They're the only one of the four that made a real attempt at improving the defense.  All four division teams seem to rely on scoring as much as possible to win and Washington is the only one that miiiight be able to slightly slow an opponent down.


NFC North - Green Bay.  Last year showed that Minnesota is a contender but I expect Green Bay, much like Seattle, to have something to prove this year.  


NFC South - I reeeeeally want to go out on a limb and say Tampa Bay but I won't.  I was never convinced that Carolina or Cam are as good as the numbers said last year and I'm still not.  I just can't look past that schedule they were spoon fed.  Just two years ago they joined my beloved Seahawks as the 2nd team ever to make the playoffs with a losing schedule because of their dumpster fire of a division and I put them as an above average/good, not great, team... which is still good enough to win the division.  For now.  


AFC West - Gotta go Raiders.  The Broncos do still have that defense but I'm not sure the offense will be able to score enough to gut out the wins.  The Raiders have only been getting better over the past few years and I think this is the one they get over the hump.


AFC East - Hmmmmmmm.  Patriots-Jets, Patriots-Jets, Patriots-Jets... The Patriots are without Brady for the first four games (I also saw a footnote about Gronk leaving a practice but not for anything serious) but that most likely only means a 2-2ish start, not that bad.  Brady will come back with a chip on his shoulder and that never bodes well for the opposition.  The Jets, however, seem like they're capable of becoming a force.  Gonna play it safe and say the Pats and stick with it until the Jets can prove they won't choke again.


AFC North - Another staying true to tradition pick.  Bengals win the division and fall flat on their ass in the playoffs.


AFC South - Houston had their chance last year.  They insulted the rest of the league with the money they gave Osweiler and I don't see that paying off.  At all.  Luck will get back to form and the Colts will win the South, again.

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Why don't you start a new thread for the upcoming season? Or whoever started it should change the heading of this topic to 2016.

I was going to suggest the same thing in response to Avatar, or better yet, just take the year out and make it the "NFL thread".  Doesn't the OP'er or a mod have to do that though?  If so, we can put in a request I guess.


Edit, just sent Sly a message suggesting the change.  His discretion now.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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I was going to suggest the same thing in response to Avatar, or better yet, just take the year out and make it the "NFL thread".  Doesn't the OP'er or a mod have to do that though?  If so, we can put in a request I guess.


I was only making a joke with some trophy hunting/football humor mixed :P

I think CMG is busy atm since Demon is hosting the SoTM so idk how long it would be before this topic title could be changed. (Unless a mod did do it.)

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I was only making a joke with some trophy hunting/football humor mixed :P

I think CMG is busy atm since Demon is hosting the SoTM so idk how long it would be before this topic title could be changed. (Unless a mod did do it.)

All good.  you still brought forth a good idea though.


Anyways, lets talk football.  Give us your thoughts.

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All good.  you still brought forth a good idea though.


Anyways, lets talk football.  Give us your thoughts.


I haven't watched the pre-season games but have been reading about them.

Patriots will have to get used to JG for a bit it seems. He had ups and downs apparently.

Cam Newton, I read, cost his team a touchdown was it? For running out onto the field too early lol.

An article on yahoo had a few players named as possibly going to be punished by the NFL for some sort of cheating/doping thing. Clay Matthews was one of the names. Don't know the legitimacy of the article, however.

^Pretty much all I know at the moment. I don't put much faith in games that don't mean much other than a warm up. 

Edited by Avatar_Of_Battle
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I haven't watched the pre-season games but have been reading about them.

Patriots will have to get used to JG for a bit it seems. He had ups and downs apparently.

Cam Newton, I read, cost him team a touchdown was it? For running out onto the field to early lol.

An article on yahoo had a few players named as possibly going to be punished by the NFL for some sort of cheating/doping thing. Clay Matthews was one of the names. Don't know the legitimacy of the article, however.

^Pretty much all I know at the moment. I don't put much faith in games that don't mean much other than a warm up. 

I like pre-season games because they speak to the depth of a team.  You get to see if your team is doomed from an injury or if they might have an out.  Granted, the potential out isn't playing against the best guys in a pre-season game but if they completely dominate it shows they could probably at least hang against the starters.  Frank Clark was that guy for Seattle last year, expecting to see him on the field quite a bit this year.

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I like pre-season games because they speak to the depth of a team.  You get to see if your team is doomed from an injury or if they might have an out.  Granted, the potential out isn't playing against the best guys in a pre-season game but if they completely dominate it shows they could probably at least hang against the starters.  Frank Clark was that guy for Seattle last year, expecting to see him on the field quite a bit this year.


:hmm: I don't really have a team tbh. I just enjoy watching the sport. I only "root" for the Pats because it bugs people. (I'm pretty sure I stated that way earlier in this thread...somewhere...) It wouldn't be much worth watching the Pats this year if Brady is coming back after 4 games I suppose. I understand your point though and if I were really die hard about the sport or a team I'd be with you on that all the way.


I think they changed the ruling on some things too but I'm not sure what. I remember reading something on Yahoo saying that they altered what a catch is and managed to make it even more confusing. 

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Cowboys fans got a good scare last night.  Think it might be time for Dallas to consider finding a replacement for their made of glass QB.


Edit:  nevermind, guess Romo's out indefinitely. 



Seems you were right... here we are with another "yada yada we are the best team in NFL... next year!"

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