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Persona 5 - WEEBNESS HAS WON THE FIGHT! Release on 4.4.2017 will contain DUAL AUDIO!

Satoshi Ookami

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Well, for all we know, Vita has been forgotten the year after release.

In Japan, both Vita and PS3 are strong so if you want bonuses, you need to go there.


West is all about newest power. that's always been the case. No point in expecting something else.


And frankly, most players do not care about the bonuses. They get the game and that's all.

I mostly get on what your saying of how Japan brings more fairness and puts out every console out there which it makes sense but I don't shop there because logic sense I ain't from Japan at all, and most shopping websites there isn't a way to buy the games at Japan whille on a US Amazon website unless if you can buy it with US money.

And that's the problem on America that isn't like on Japan, bringing fair and putting things in order to make every game nice instead of missing features. If they companies no matter in what country you're in, they have to bring something that either miss that was on the current version, then bring a new feature pop in and stop half assing it just because it is old. Look at Madden?09 for the Wii for an example where I don't need to explain how because I already said a few times of how that brings some fairness and most people actually like that game. Where the time go back at 2008?

I know but look on what I trying to say overall though?

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Damn, there are crosswords... :/ Sure, in katakana but getting the question may prove to be a bit difficult o.o


And damn you, Japanese viewers, you can get Aoi-chan's sign :( I WANT TOO!



I know but look on what I trying to say overall though?

I know what you are saying, I'm just saying western companies do not care about that xD

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Damn, there are crosswords... :/ Sure, in katakana but getting the question may prove to be a bit difficult o.o



And damn you, Japanese viewers, you can get Aoi-chan's sign :( I WANT TOO!



I know what you are saying, I'm just saying western companies do not care about that xD

Yeah but how you still see there are some games on ps3 that are still going to be released soon? Not all of the western companies care for releasing thier companies on ps3 which is why I like those type of companies that understands my wish and thought willing to do that

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You can either play Japanese games that you will never really understand or you can study Japanese and then not get the time to play the games that you can now understand :)


I can't remember the last time I played a game for longer than 20 minutes.

Oh yea, the same problem as finding a job to earn money for games but lose time to play them.


Oh, why is gamer's life so complicated =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every JRPG in existence has a swimsuit DLC. I'm not complaining. xD

Holy crap! A Catherine DLC!? AWESOME! :D I don't think I've ever seen a better costume DLC before. This is something I'd happily spend money on. I really hope it comes to the west too.


Yeah. I am not a super big fan of the swimsuits for the guys. The girls are cute, but the board shorts are a little boring to me.


The Catherine dlc is super rad. 

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I do not know if anyone has seen this yet, but there is also a little collab planned with Dragons Dogma Online. It doesn't really matter for us in the West, but still some neat pics.



Yeah, I thought that was awesome. Reminded me of the Berserk outfits in the original DD.
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To my knowledge those swimsuit DLC will be free and the Catherine DLC will be free for a limited time (10/5 -10/10 I believe).


Yup, that's right. I noticed this later when I checked out Gematsu: http://gematsu.com/2016/09/persona-5-shipments-top-550000-free-swimsuit-catherine-costume-sets-due-october-5-japan


That's pretty generous of Atlus. Most other devs sell this stuff at a premium. Very cool of them. Will their generosity extend to the west? I guess we'll have to see.

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Yup, that's right. I noticed this later when I checked out Gematsu: http://gematsu.com/2016/09/persona-5-shipments-top-550000-free-swimsuit-catherine-costume-sets-due-october-5-japan


That's pretty generous of Atlus. Most other devs sell this stuff at a premium. Very cool of them. Will their generosity extend to the west? I guess we'll have to see.

In Atlus case, it's pretty common (let's not forget EU does not exist) to give limited free stuff.

The bigger question is whether this actually comes west =d


Two costumes DLCs.


Futaba-tan is the cutest thing :awesome:

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In Atlus case, it's pretty common (let's not forget EU does not exist) to give limited free stuff.

The bigger question is whether this actually comes west =d


Ah, is that so? Well that just reinforces my love of Atlus then. :D


Maybe it's bold of me, but I think it will come to the west. I know of a lot of Japanese DLC not coming over here, such as the Code Geass and Madoka Magica costumes in Tales of Xillia, but from my understanding, that was because if licensing issues. Atlus own Catherine, so I can't imagine there will be any issues there. I just really want to put the protag in a Vincent outfit, dammit! He's always reminded me of him. xD

Futaba-tan is the cutest thing :awesome:


That she is. :wub:

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Maybe it's bold of me, but I think it will come to the west. I know of a lot of Japanese DLC not coming over here, such as the Code Geass and Madoka Magica costumes in Tales of Xillia, but from my understanding, that was because if licensing issues. Atlus own Catherine, so I can't imagine there will be any issues there. I just really want to put the protag in a Vincent outfit, dammit! He's always reminded me of him. xD

Catherine yea, I'm more concerned about Futaba-tan's cute mizugi =D


Not when you're constantly worrying about getting 250 navigation lines out of her  :D

That's 250 lines from THE Aoi Yuuki! :D We should be okay even with 2500! :D

It's Aoi-chan!

It's going to be 10 levels harder to collect them on localized version without hearing Aoi-chan :/

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There's also this:





I love the Gekkoukan High School outfit. The MC is looking sylin'. ;) It'll be hard for him to top Makoto's coolness though. I guess we'll see. :giggle: You can even see an Evoker sticking out of the holster. Nice touch!


I can't wait to see what other DLC costumes come out. I hope there's some anime crossovers. Of course they would never make it over to the west, but I'd still like to gaze upon their beauty. :awesome:

Edited by Undead Wolf
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