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40-silver.pngSpreading Managed Democracy
Take part in a successful final assault on an enemy's home planet by completing at least one mission.



Only 1 other event trophy remaining and then I can take my sweet time to get this plat after Xcom :D

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GUNS Of The Patriots



FaceCamo Addict 

Obtained 10 or more types of FaceCamo (excluding types obtained via password).- :silver:- 23.18% Uncommon *atm




Frog Soldier Doll 

Escaped the Haven Troopers in the Middle East by non-lethal means, and obtained the Frog Soldier Doll.- :bronze:- 29.14% Uncommon *atm




Can you feel my power now!!!? 

Took control of an enemy soldier's body using the Mantis Doll or Sorrow Doll.- :silver:- 23.37% Uncommon *atm



Handle with Caution 

Broke off the most important part of a statue.- :bronze:- 35.82% Uncommon *atm



:popcorn:  :dunno:  :popcorn:  :coffee: 




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Treasure Hunter :silver:
Found all of the hidden Treasure Boxes.




Megadimension Master :platinum:
Completed Neptunia VII!



Overall i can just say that Neptunia VII is the best Neptunia game that is out there imo. So to any Nep fans or those that want to become one you all better get this game asap.


Also despite a lot people saying neplunker is hard or too hard i actually found neplunker rather easy.

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