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I don't normally applaud WWE on much, but yeah I have to give them this 1:

That Raw was their best having a nice set of 4-way matches to determine the #1 contender qualifiers(Reigns & Balor).


Sasha wins the title over Charlotte.

Which makes you wonder what they'll do for Summer Slam, they can either rematch or throw in Bayley. That'd be a nice 3ple threat, but I doubt(since she just debuted).


Then have Balor Vs Reigns in a pretty decent match, to determine the #1 contender against Seth at Summer Slam.

Much to everyone's shock, they actually let Balor fucken win...Say what you want, that fucken Seth Vs Balor match is a Dream Match.


As to what can Shane do to attempt to match this at Summer Slam?

Dean doesn't have much of a contender list on Smack Down, since fans are expecting a Styles Vs. Cena rubber match.

Although they can make it a Triple threat, were Dean pins Cena...then on the following SD Styles blames Cena for the lost opportunity leading to their last match of the feud/w no interruptions.

The 3ple treat between Styles, Dean, and Cena seams the logical thing to do...and honestly i'd be a nice match IMO.


Then there's the Dream Match that I hope closes the show at Summer Slam: Brock Lesnar(Raw) Vs Randy Orton(Smack Down).

This is the only Brand competitive match on the card, so I honestly almost demand it becomes the Main Event(last match).


This Summer Slam can be better than WrestleMania, and already seams better just by those 2 confirmed Dream Matches on the card.

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Holy. Shit.

I don't know how Smackdown is going to top that. I was leaning to team Raw after the draft, but now I'm fully on board.

So what was that about "Vince won't try to punish Reigns". When he builds you up as "The Guy" for over a year, don't fuck it up and don't make his company look bad.

Looks like they aren't going to fuck around with Finn Balor. Strapped a rocket to him immediately, and he deserves it.

Not really liking the "Universal Championship" name though. Sounds like some little kid bickering thing between Shane and Steph. Shane: "Haha, we have the world champion." Steph: "Oh yeah? Well I'll just make my own championship, and it'll be the championship of the whole universe." As long as it looks cool I guess.

And finally, SASHA BANKS IS WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPION! So happy right now. Next step: main event Wrestlemania.

Honestly, I think we're about to enter the new golden era of WWE. Tonight was the first step. If they can keep the shows even a quarter as entertaining as tonight, the Attitude Era might finally have some real competition for 'greatest era ever'.

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Holy. Shit.

I don't know how Smackdown is going to top that. I was leaning to team Raw after the draft, but now I'm fully on board.

So what was that about "Vince won't try to punish Reigns". When he builds you up as "The Guy" for over a year, don't fuck it up and don't make his company look bad.

Looks like they aren't going to fuck around with Finn Balor. Strapped a rocket to him immediately, and he deserves it.

Not really liking the "Universal Championship" name though. Sounds like some little kid bickering thing between Shane and Steph. Shane: "Haha, we have the world champion." Steph: "Oh yeah? Well I'll just make my own championship, and it'll be the championship of the whole universe." As long as it looks cool I guess.

And finally, SASHA BANKS IS WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPION! So happy right now. Next step: main event Wrestlemania.

Honestly, I think we're about to enter the new golden era of WWE. Tonight was the first step. If they can keep the shows even a quarter as entertaining as tonight, the Attitude Era might finally have some real competition for 'greatest era ever'.

I thought the same thing about Universal Champion. I hope Shane comes out on SD and says "well our belt is called the Infinity Championship...+1"


Also I know a lot of people are happy about Sasha winning but I would have kind of liked it to happen with a little more build. I mean the day after the PPV she gets a title match and wins it. Does this company not believe in hyping up anything anymore? I mean Why not advertise it and do it next week or at (I don't know) Summerslam. I mean Sasha should have won it at Mania (that way she could have been the first women's champ, it would be on the biggest stage and she had freaking Snoop Dogg in her corner) but if they weren't going to do that, Summerslam was the next best choice. If SS was out then at least make it the main event of Raw to give it a little prestige.


I don't know, I guess that is just nit-picking...but still seems stupid.

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I thought the same thing about Universal Champion. I hope Shane comes out on SD and says "well our belt is called the Infinity Championship...+1"


Also I know a lot of people are happy about Sasha winning but I would have kind of liked it to happen with a little more build. I mean the day after the PPV she gets a title match and wins it. Does this company not believe in hyping up anything anymore? I mean Why not advertise it and do it next week or at (I don't know) Summerslam. I mean Sasha should have won it at Mania (that way she could have been the first women's champ, it would be on the biggest stage and she had freaking Snoop Dogg in her corner) but if they weren't going to do that, Summerslam was the next best choice. If SS was out then at least make it the main event of Raw to give it a little prestige.


I don't know, I guess that is just nit-picking...but still seems stupid.

I completely agree. She should've had her moment at a PPV, putting it on Raw without a proper build just lessens the impact. If they had the match at Summerslam, I'm sure the crowd wouldn't have been dead for the first 70% of the match because they expected a non-finish. Unless they're bringing up Bayley next week and inserting her into a triple threat at Summerslam, this seems like an unnecessary call.


And my god does the 'WWE Universal Championship' sound like something an 8 year old would think of before discarding it in favor of a better idea. The big gold belt is still my all-time favorite belt design, I was really hoping they'd bring back the heavyweight title. That was probably the plan, given their renaming the WWE World Heavyweight Championship the WWE Championship, but Vince changed his mind again and now we're probably stuck with this joke of a belt.


The Bálor debut was impressive however (though I do kinda wish they gave that treatment to Nakamura instead, I've soured on Bálor a bit over the last few months), and overall the show was quality. Good to see them putting Reigns' push on the backburner, let's hope it stays there.

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I agree with you guys that Sasha's championship victory should have been at Summerslam. It seems like that's where this build up was going anyway. I think everyone expected it to happen that way. But it's kind of cool that it happened last night. I think years down the road, having her win it on the first episode of the "new era" of Raw will be just as memorable as having her win it on a PPV.

Plus, my theory is that they want to start a Sasha/Bayley story as soon as possible. Especially after that monster pop Bayley got at Battleground. This way Charlotte can use her contractually obligated rematch clause at Summerslam. Sasha retains, and moves on. Bayley finishes up with NXT after TakeOver Brooklyn 2: Electric Boogaloo, which is the day before Summerslam, and gets officially called up to WWE.

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From what I've heard they bumped up Sasha's title win from the PPV to last night.  Don't know exactly why but it. apparently, happened.  I'm also hearing that Bayley's Battleground appearance was a one-off match and she's gonna stay in NXT until her program with Asuka is finished.

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From what I've heard they bumped up Sasha's title win from the PPV to last night.  Don't know exactly why but it. apparently, happened.  I'm also hearing that Bayley's Battleground appearance was a one-off match and she's gonna stay in NXT until her program with Asuka is finished.

I'm happy with Bayley staying for a while in NXT, this is Boss moment and actually in the roster there's nobody else as charismatic as her in RAW.

Even I have the little premonition that she's going to SD.

now watching SD, it was resume in the first 5 minutes, at least for me the only interest I have in the single division is Bray, AJ, Ziegler.

My main reason to watch SD are the tag teams and some women wrestlers.


Edit: Wait, Shelton Benjamin coming to SD?? I'm listening.

Edited by GoldenShaka
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So...Thoughts on SD?

For me, it was ok, but not enough to beat Raw

Raw was a lot of better. You know what was one of the best things that RAW had in general?


It went straight to the action and we saw match after match with a decent and no excessive pre-match soap opera.


Even without the main event, the two 4-way matches were pretty good and then what people asked for long time: Sasha as champion.


I hope SD does a good job with Shelton, he's a great performer.

Edited by GoldenShaka
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Raw was a lot of better. You know what was one of the best things that RAW had in general?

It went straight to the action and we saw match after match with a decent and no excessive pre-match soap opera.

Even without the main event, the two 4-way matches were pretty good and then what people asked for long time: Sasha as champion.

I hope SD does a good job with Shelton, he's a great performer.

I definitely agree. If they use him right, I believe he can make some great matches. However, the key word here is "if". Edited by GoodbyeBread
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So...Thoughts on SD?

For me, it was ok, but not enough to beat Raw

As much as I don't want to admit it, RAW was better. And come on, Dolph Jobbler at Summerslam against Ambrose for the WWE title? Dolph shouldn't be in this spot yet. He's been potrayed as a jobber for so long, it just seems odd that he's automatically getting this spot. They need to build him back up first, make him seem credible again. THEN, give him this spot.

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So geed for Shelton Benjamin's return......AIN'T NO STOPPIN ME NOOOOO

I am surprised that Ziggler is number one contender and deserves to have a run in the main event scene but would have preferred Wyatt to get a push and renew his rivalry with Ambrose.

HEATH SLATER BABBBBYYYYYYYY is back smackdown should take advantage of him as he is a talented worker and can work the mid card scene and somewhere down the line have a IC title shot

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So...Thoughts on SD?

For me, it was ok, but not enough to beat Raw

RAW was miles ahead of Smackdown.  Having the 6-man match was a terrible idea, it put all their "top" talent at the end of the show and really left nothing to fill the first two-thirds.  A tournament would have been better so they could spread the top guys out and give the show a nice flow.  Having a battle royal straight out of the gate was also a terrible idea.  I'm probably a totally biased on this one because I hate non-rumble battle royal matches but it bookended the show with two bloated matches and left almost nothing to fill the gaps.  


The biggest offense, however, was the complete lack of NXT call-up builds.  No American Alpha at all.  Alexa Bliss, Carmella and, (ugh) Eva Marie just had a stupid everyone interrupting everyone segment.  The only NXT'er that got any ring time was Apollo, who's been called up for a while now.  Compare that to what RAW did and it's a freakin' joke.  Really hope they step it up in the coming weeks or Smackdown is gonna be right back where it was sooner than later.

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But honestly, I miss matches like the one Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker that happened at one Wrestlemania before they both somewhat retired.  You still see them from time to time, but not at the same caliber, I feel.


I also miss crazy moves like Shane McMahon did in Pay-Per-Views when he jumped so hign into the air onto his opponent.


Times change, don't they?



P.S.:  I'm not saying today's wrestlers suck, but I'm an old faschion guy, if you get my drift!

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What's with Ryback? Is he staying or going? Wherever you look for an answer, there doesn't seem to be one.

He's still under contract for awhile (a couple weeks I think). WWE is just going to let it run out, and he's not going to re-sign.

He's always been shit, so I'm glad he's finally leaving.

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