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Hello, fellow PSNP gamers. :)


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Welcome to the forums :awesome:


It was awesome to read that, you've had a very interesting 36 year span so far and tbh I am always somewhat inspired to learn new languages in the future when other people know several themselves


Cancer can just go fuck itself - good thing you fought it, 1v1 trickscoped it on COD and told it that you fucked it's mum ^_^


And I was interested to know the origins of where your PSN ID came from, the fact that it has meaning from your life experience is pretty cool

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Never heard of you, you must keep very quiet around these parts :P

Very interesting read, and I think you are the only person to include a body scan! It's good that you are getting on with your life and doing a damn fine job with sucky circumstances. Keep on gaming man, and perhaps one day I'll have the guts to sign up to the game lottery :D

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Uhmm.. Hi and welcome? it's kinda weird to welcome someone here that stayed waay much longer than me...:P


It's really interesting to learn new stuff to people I meet and see here... thanks for sharing and good luck with your battle with cancer..

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It was a rough time to say the absolute least. Try thinking about having a phobia of needles and then having someone tell you that you have over 60 scheduled in the next 10-12 month. :S


Sucks to have any kind of cancer, and I'm glad yours is curable, even if it was caught a bit late.


Anyways, I quoted this portion, because I've always had a bit of a needle phobia myself. I have absolutely no idea how many needles I've taken in my life, but it's not few I imagine. They've literally sliced into my feet, sawed over the bone in my leg, turned it around a bit and screwed the two parts together again with a real screw, before sewing the sliced flesh and meat together again with pig skin tissue. This wasn't a one time thing either. Luckily, I was made unconscious, basically breathe in the air in a mask until you fall asleep and wake up a day later or something all alone in a hospital bed room with nobody you know around, and with all kinds of stuff plugged into your body, and gypsum plaster around your itching foot. This last time I did this, my foot was in the gypsum plaster for too long, or at least it didn't get to breath enough, might be due to growth in the foot or something, anyways, the foot started to rot due to oxygen starvation or something. I 20 years later still got scars left from this, the kind of scar you get from falling and your leg scrubs against the ground making like a layer on top of the cuts.


Even had a couple of operations for my ears where I'm not entirely sure what they did, but basically small straws inside my ears. I've bled from my ears later on, by just jumping like 10 meters down into water.


There's a couple of other stories, but yeah, I think you get the point, I think this has made me fear needles, and I know what it's like to just take one. 60 can be worse, or it can be you get a bit over it after some few shots. I don't know. :S Do you feel differently about it now?

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The sugar wakes them up and makes them OM NOM NOM more vigorously and the radioactive makes them smile brighter for the camera.

Cancer can just go fuck itself - good thing you fought it, 1v1 trickscoped it on COD and told it that you fucked it's mum ^_^

Best parts. Welcome, eff, hope you find the cure for your addiction to shopping ps3 games too!
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Sounds like you have had it rough the past few years. I can't imagine the pain you've been through. Seeing my uncle go through cancer treatment was really rough. It was probably worse than it looked.

I hope you continue to be active in the community and more importantly, stay healthy!!!

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