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Thoughts on the free PSN+ Games


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Personally, I think indies are way better to get through PS+ than these AAA titles. :P


Why? Well, because if it's a good AAA title I want to play, I'm likely going to or have already purchased a physical copy of the game. The AAA title would then just be a waste, and the game costing more would waste more of what we else might have got of PS+ games. And, the indie titles are usually digital only, might as well get it through PS+. Besides, I think digital games are a bit overpriced, even though I want to play some of these games. PS+ simply gives me a chance to play them. Furthermore, I'm not exactly all that into most AAA titles anyway. ;P


As for your claim about no AAA since First Light... At this point, I don't really know what is considered an indie title or a AAA title anymore. AAA is really just a game with a massive over bloated budget, while indie means that it's developed by a small independent developer team. What is small? When does it stop being indie? I don't know. There's also plenty of space between indie and AAA, and they're not necessarily mutually exclusive, though a game is highly unlikely to be both.


Is Tell Tale Games indie? Nope, and we got TWDS2 not that long ago.


You can argue either way with Grim Fandango I guess, both indie and AAA. :P


Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is definitely not indie, though not AAA.


Neither is MGSV indie, it's AAA.


The Unfinished Swan is not indie, but not AAA.


Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty!, much the same as for Grim Fandango can be said here as well.

Edited by MMDE
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I honestly don't care if we get AAA's or indies.  In the past I've gotten AAA's that I wanted and AAA's that I had no interest in just as I've gotten indies that I wanted and indies that I didn't care about.  What matters to me is that every month I always get at least 1-2 games that interest me even if the rest of the lineup is a little meh, so for my $4.17/month, PS+ is well worth the money.

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So what? The post is in off topic and PS4 wasn't even mentioned until the third post. I was addressing the content of the first post.


Are you kidding me??? Did you read the opening post? =P


I love Indie games but PS4 hasn't gotten a good AAA title since First Light (what I remember).

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Just buy what interests you. I'm looking to get many, many indie titles over the next few months. PS Plus at under $5.00 a month for a whole year? That's pretty good in my opinion, considering we all know it gives us discounts.

Firewatch looks good so I'll be playing that soon.

Damn you Gearbox for taking away Duke Nukem: Megaton Edition. I missed out on a free game.

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I'm cool with the IGC stuff. We just got a great AAA, Persona, for the ps3 last month. I'm a bit surprised we got I Am Alive this month considering how short and old it is. Good game nonetheless. Also, Last Man looks good. IGC aside, the $50 a year is well worth the cloud save alone. After losing so much data after my fatty YLOD, I can definitely attest to how valuable it is.

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This will not end well...

Plus, everyone already keeps saying the same things in monthly PS+ threads.

"Indie shit, give us AAA!!!!" 



Personally, I stopped caring about PS+ games since PS4 got released. Getting indies I would not normally buy is a nice bonus. And if we get one Japanese game per year, that would be enough for me.

I pay for PS+ features, not for games. And people should do the same.

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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Even when they gave out AAA games regularly, a lot of them weren't that good anyways.


The reason I complain isn't because the games are shit, but because the games are cheap. I could just as easily not spend 10 bucks a month, and pick up most of the indie game offerings for the year on sale and own them forever. Or, spend that money on indie games I want.


Taste is subjective, so of course people will complain about games not being something they like, we all have different tastes and that's fine, complaining about BS+ games not being what YOU want is just silly, because they can never satisfy everyone.


However, complaining about the drop in the average price of the games offered, and therefore, the "value" included in the service, is generally justifiable. 

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PS+ instant collection is a mixed bag, it should be going up in quality but instead, it just stays there in the middle. I think the instant collection has given us some gems that we wouldn't have played if we had to pay full price for (Rocket League and Super Time Force Ultra) and sometimes, it has given us trash (Ether One was buggy as hell and let's not talk about the port of Dragon Fin Soup that PS got). 



I would rate PS+ instant collection a good 7/10.  

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I'm pretty sure this topic gets discussed each month... For me, 85% of the line-up is "shit" but the 15% of gems make my sub worth its money.


That 15% definitely makes up my money. Yes, I miss the days of: Kingdoms of Amalur, Deus Ex, Saints Row, Puppeteer, etc. 


But now that they don't always give quality games like that as much, that 15% is still worthy of 4-5$ a month. haha.

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I am perfectly fine with it. Sometimes we get games I don't want but I am sure there is someone out there that does want them. I have gotten a chance to play some awesome games that I would never have bought and I have played some duds that I am glad I did 't spend money on.


I think the problem is people get so upset that Uncharted 4 won't be free in May that they write off the whole service.

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People here just don't want to realize that, nowadays, PS Plus isn't the package of games anymore, but the multiplayer on the PS4. The games, now, are just a bonus. I give you an example of a friend that I have on PSN: he never had PS Plus while playing only on the PS3, but he loves playing online, so when he recently purchased the PS4, do you guess what he had to do? Subscribe to PS Plus! This is what PS Plus is right now! The online is the main content of this service, not the games! I think Sony should have changed the name of the service, so that people would stop complaining.

In my case, of course that I loved all those wonderful AAA games they gave us on 2013; of course that I would like to continue to have them as part of PS Plus, but I know that's not going to happen! The PS Plus service is something that I know that I need to continue to pay for; I can't unsubscribe now like I could before, because I need to have multiplayer available on my PS4. And, like me, most of the gamers who own a PS4. We're paying for something wonderful: having the ability to play multiplayer. Should this be free? Well, that's questionable, but it isn't free on XBox either, is it? If you want AAA games, do what I do: save money and buy them, because PS Plus isn't that anymore. Simple.

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As much as I love myself a solid AAA game, to be honest, it's not necessarily what I look for out of a PS+ subscription. I subscribe to PS+ for great free games, not great free AAA games. And provided the game is good and within my interests, a free AAA game is easily a win. But even so, AAA games tend to be pretty big time sinks, and if I haven't been interested enough to drop money on an AAA game sooner, I may just pick it up for a while and put it down a lot sooner.


Indie games, on the other hand, are often much shorter than AAA games. So, theoretically, if I get them both for free, I'm getting proportionally more of my time's worth out of playing an indie game over an AAA game, if I play them both the same amount of time.


But really, putting this complicated self-reflection aside, the most important thing is that they're games. Indie games have just as much potential in their quality as AAA games. Quite frankly, I don't mind whether the games we get are AAA or indie, especially since I've picked up over a dozen PS+ games I've enjoyed a lot for a little over a year. I'd say I've definitely gotten my money's worth from them.

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I need to renew my sub for Plus. But I use Plus to play online and for the discounts. I usually don't care about their free games. I like indie games, but the ones they offer usually don't interest me. Although there have been times where I really enjoy a game they offered me for free that I never heard of and I would have never played otherwise. 

Edited by Lilseb93
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Even when they gave out AAA games regularly, a lot of them weren't that good anyways.


The reason I complain isn't because the games are shit, but because the games are cheap. I could just as easily not spend 10 bucks a month, and pick up most of the indie game offerings for the year on sale and own them forever. Or, spend that money on indie games I want.


Taste is subjective, so of course people will complain about games not being something they like, we all have different tastes and that's fine, complaining about BS+ games not being what YOU want is just silly, because they can never satisfy everyone.


However, complaining about the drop in the average price of the games offered, and therefore, the "value" included in the service, is generally justifiable. 


Honestly though, many of the games you get even on sale cost almost twice as much as the monthly fee, and you get several such games. Even if you just want a fraction of the games, this along with better discounts, does save you a good amount of money.


In fact, just like 8 or so of these indie games on a pretty good sales is enough to justify the price alone, and then there's usually some other pretty high priced titles that blows this out with just a couple of games alone. That's before discounts, save cloud and ... online on ps4 :\


I honestly think the worst thing they can do with this service is give AAA titles AKA bloated budget games. But I'm rarely ever into those games anyway.

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I like the indie games.

I like discovering things i might not have heard about, or bought already.

But my very, very favourite part of the IGC lineup?

Coming to the forums and seeing all the neanderthals come out every month. Chuckling as they whine and bitch and moan that they aren't getting £50 worth of big publisher games (what they stupidly and incorrectly refer to as 'Triple A') for their £6(ish) per month.

I love seeing them all cluck and strut, claiming they are "quitting PS+ for good this time" -only to see them back with he same nonsense the next time.

I love the sweet sound of them yelling about how "all indie games are pixelart shit".

I love hearing them shriek into the void, unable to grasp that their utopia of all-free, all-huge, all-graphical-powerhouse games is an anachronism of a bygone era. That their own failure to spend the money they needed to spend on that type of game a decade ago is the reason ttey have been left behind now. That they themselves destroyed what they now yearn for.

Now all they can do is decry the state of the games that are the new normal.

Starving, hysterical, naked; they shout down the future like it were a great beast come to devour them.

Which, of course, it is.

The IGC line-up reflects the new shape of the industry as a whole.

People don't want the big games - if they did, then hey would all sell huge numbers and they wouldn't have dwindled away.

Developers don't want to make the big games either - big games means big money, big money means focus testing and watering down, and creativity being squashed.

It truly is a beautiful thing to see the "I want my big games" troupe get left behind.

I salute you IGC.

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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