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PlayStation 4 Pro Announced


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Won't the graphics still improve anyway regardless if you have a 4k TV or not? 


It's not like the PS4 is just a graphical enhancement version of the original PS4, don't know why so many people look at it that way. There's some performance related mechanics in there to.

There would probably be a more stable frame-rate with less drops since it's more powerful, but that's not enough for me, personally. Hell, I was fine with the frame-rate drops in the PS3 version of Skyrim. I've never had anything close to that happen with my current ps4.

Edited by kuuhaku
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I still dont have my own ps4, but i will buy the ps4 slim edition! The 100€ more it can be used to buy some amazing games! And for me, graphics is not a problem (and the ps4 versions are amazing, so... even the ps3, for me its good). And 300€ for Slim is very good! :D

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I think Microsoft caught Sony off guard with the Scorpio announcement. If they could go back and undo this, I think they would of, but they were too deep at that point. The Scorpio destroys the PS4 Pro in terms of power, so Sony have some catching up to do. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a PS5 come out in a few years, which makes this console all the more worthless.


I don't think these consoles will be in direct competition with each other. Scorpio is made to be the best of the best, a "very high end" product unlike the Pro which has the same release price as the original PS4. Everything Microsoft has said about it indicates that it's essentially the Titan X of the console world.


If anything, the Pro closer to the Xbox One S than the Scorpio. This is just Sony dipping into 4k resolution now that it's started to pick up steam. The only other option would've been to make a PS5, but it's probably too soon for that.

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This literally couldn't come at a better time for me, My original PS4 is on it's way out and the PS4 slim is a perfect choice. I was seriously surprised at it's price though ( in a good way) i was expecting it to be at least £300, but it was just the price of the original PS4. Now as for the PS4 pro that can slide on, i'm not willing to fork over money for a 4K TV when i only bought 50 inch TV (1080p) 2 years ago. i will wait for a price drop on the TV and the console itself or just wait until my ps4 slim dies.



On an unrelated note. Why hasn't retailers such as amazon UK got the pre-orders up yet? I guess it being so close to release i doubt pre-orders are even needed? 

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A more powerful console makes it easier for a game to achieve 1080p and 60fps. I know a lot of people who couldn't care less about 60fps and are fine with 30fps, but for me personally I definitely prefer a higher framerate and a more powerful console will be far less likely to drop frames than a less powerful one. Gameplay is king and a more powerful console can directly affect the gameplay experience. 





The PS4 is already capable of hitting 60fps, it's just up to the devs if they want that. It's like how the standard for PS3 games were 720p and 30fps, you'd think the PS4 would change that, but nope, it's just 1080p 30fps. Most devs go after graphics more than higher frame rates, so I can see that being the case with the Pro as well. From the conference, all they seemed to be pushing was how much better they looked on the new console. I can't imagine making a game run in 4k is cheap on the resources. The Pro isn't that much more powerful than a PS4, so I'm not sure how many games are going to have much improved frame rates. Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno.


I don't think these consoles will be in direct competition with each other. Scorpio is made to be the best of the best, a "very high end" product unlike the Pro which has the same release price as the original PS4. Everything Microsoft has said about it indicates that it's essentially the Titan X of the console world.


If anything, the Pro closer to the Xbox One S than the Scorpio. This is just Sony dipping into 4k resolution now that it's started to pick up steam. The only other option would've been to make a PS5, but it's probably too soon for that.


Scorpio is essentially the next generation machine from Microsoft. I don't think Sony were expecting Microsoft to move on so soon, which is why they have this generation half step called PS4 Pro. This leaves Sony in a tough spot because they now need to get out a next generation console to compete with Scorpio, but doing so makes this console a bit pointless. Making a PS5 come out in a year or two would of been the smartest thing, but they can't really do that now the Pro exists.

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The PS4 is already capable of hitting 60fps, it's just up to the devs if they want that. It's like how the standard for PS3 games were 720p and 30fps, you'd think the PS4 would change that, but nope, it's just 1080p 30fps. Most devs go after graphics more than higher frame rates, so I can see that being the case with the Pro as well. From the conference, all they seemed to be pushing was how much better they looked on the new console. I can't imagine making a game run in 4k is cheap on the resources. The Pro isn't that much more powerful than a PS4, so I'm not sure how many games are going to have much improved frame rates. Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno.



Scorpio is essentially the next generation machine from Microsoft. I don't think Sony were expecting Microsoft to move on so soon, which is why they have this generation half step called PS4 Pro. This leaves Sony in a tough spot because they now need to get out a next generation console to compete with Scorpio, but doing so makes this console a bit pointless. Making a PS5 come out in a year or two would of been the smartest thing, but they can't really do that now the Pro exists.


Sure, but there are also plenty of games that dip below 60fps and with the more powerful PS4 Pro, those dips shouldn't happen and the gameplay experience will be much better for someone like me. 




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I was and still am very excited about the upgrade. Specially at this price. What has surprised me and a bit worried is the lack of a 4k blu ray player.

Really sony?  I was just assuming they didn't mention it cause well yeah that should be the standard for a 'pro' machine.

I mean even the xbone S has it. Very strange choice..

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All the PC master racers should be stoked about consoles getting better. It means your games that are getting ported from console to PC are going to end up better.


This happens with every new generation, they just get outdated in a few years again. Unless this generation half step is going to become the norm, but I'd rather they just return to the regular length of a console cycle. The PS3/360 was the odd one out with it's 7/8 year life cycle. If they just went back to making a new console every 5 years, that would solve a lot of problems.


Sure, but there are also plenty of games that dip below 60fps and with the more powerful PS4 Pro, those dips shouldn't happen and the gameplay experience will be much better for someone like me. 





That's true, I just hope they don't sacrifice the quality of the regular PS4 version in favour of making the PS4 Pro version better. Instead of developing a game for one console, they now have to make the game run on two. I could see problems occur from that.

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Nothing here for me. My PS4 is running fine and the Pro doesn't seem to offer much incentive to upgrade. Solid skip for me. I hope the rest of the last gen gamers will make the swtich with the low price point of the slim and then this other model for those wanting the latest and great in layer cakes. But for me? Underwhelmed.

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I wish it was already 2Tb ready. But for 400$ its a deal. If anyone were to upgrade their old ps4 anytime soon to 1Tb they would had to buy one around 60$ anyways. So now their really shelling out 340$ for a new ps4. Not to mention if were to buy a new controller too for 40$. Heck thats like almost just 300$ for a new baby. Really didnt expect it to be this cheap. Any words on free plus for a year? With purchase. Lol.

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PS4 pro will be mine in november :D :D

Same! Don't have a ps4 yet and this will be a great first console. Triple a games will be cheap too considering how long the ps4 has been out with the extra buttery smooth framerates and hopefully 60 fps on major titles. Don't care about 4k and I really hope that if games don't run at 4k, they must runat least 1080 60 fps which is perfect! :)

Nothing here for me. My PS4 is running fine and the Pro doesn't seem to offer much incentive to upgrade. Solid skip for me. I hope the rest of the last gen gamers will make the swtich with the low price point of the slim and then this other model for those wanting the latest and great in layer cakes. But for me? Underwhelmed.

Why should I skip the pro and buy a slim if I don't have a ps4 yet. I'm curious. I mean I know it's cheaper but for a $100 extra I can buy a better console and it comes with 1 TB which itself costs about $60 plus tax. The remaining $40 becomes negligible at this point if the total money is in the hundreds and the device I'll be using for years Edited by poopooblast
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