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Batman: Arkham VR - Trophy Thoughts?


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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, now that I'm thinking about it, I would not have minded if this game was 50% off for people who own Arkham Knight. It's what Driveclub, Super Stardust Ultra and a few others are doing with other games in their own franchises while Volume:Coda is even free if you own Volume already (and it's a full game, not just one X-Wing mission).

I keep thinking that €20 is a steep price for what little content there is, while €10 would be a no-brainer.

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  • 3 years later...

The problem of this game is that most of the people were expecting a Arkham full game in VR. Imagine combat in VR, what a headache xD

I loved this game. You have to take it more like a Detective experience-tech demo than a game. It is an interesting experience with cool moments and a good ending. Quite obvious if you finished Arkham Knight. And you can do the 100% in 3-4 hours maximum. 

It is true that maybe they could include a Platinum Trophy since we have shorter games with it. But it is OK. You need PS VR to play this and not everybody have this device. However, if you like VR games, and Resident Evil, just for Resident Evil 7 you need to get them. It is, so far, the best game in VR available. It is the whole game in VR in the same way like without them! Amazing experience. It is another game if you play it in this way. 

This is a smaller experience. But a cool one. :)

My suggestion, it is true that for a game of 1 hour, 3-4 for the 100%, 20 euros/dollars could be too much. But recently, this game was available for 10 euro/dollar and if you have a share account with friends, it is an interesting option. I am sharing an account with 2 other friends, for online and DLC's mainly, and we got this game for this price. So 3 euro per head. By the way, this game is also on Steam for just 3 euro/dollar.

The only thing is, is not happening with other DLC's, you need to set your PS4 as Main Console. But since is a short game, is not really a problem. Anyway, I recommend this game without any doubt if you like the Arkham universe and VR experiences. 



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