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The Great Australian Trophy Hunt Season 2 (Competition Completed)

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1 hour ago, CrestfallenV said:

You can't just set the Vita down and poke at the buttons with your index fingers? From what I've played of the arcade mode, you wouldn't need to do much more. :lol:

Ha ha ha that would've been an idea


@TheWayne-o I should be right by tomorrow unless the bloody thing comes back. I'm always available at night just a bit later on Thursdays & Fridays cause of the footy.

Edited by feral611
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I can now finally start that backlog list but I don't know what to start and wasted the last hour trying to pick one..
All I can say is what was I thinking, so many hours will be needed to get it all done... I might aim for half and see how I go.

Edited by fisty123
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1 hour ago, fisty123 said:

I can now finally start that backlog list but I don't know what to start and wasted the last hour trying to pick one..
All I can say is what was I thinking, so many hours will be needed to get it all done... I might aim for half and see how I go.


#firstworldproblems huh? :P If you finish half of your games then you'd probably be doing pretty well, last year most people only knocked off a couple of games. So I'm interested to see how many get done this year.


So for the boost, how about we aim for 10:30 on Friday night?

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I am going to Setup a boost for battle Royale Allstar on Sunday 9th of April night around 9pm / 10pm  for anyone that can't do session on Friday. I will have two systems as a backup and will be using some players outside this thread so if your interested let me know. This will be a straight up session so please don't indicate interest unless you are ? you can do it. 

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15 hours ago, cjshaitan said:

I am going to Setup a boost for battle Royale Allstar on Sunday 9th of April night around 9pm / 10pm  for anyone that can't do session on Friday. I will have two systems as a backup and will be using some players outside this thread so if your interested let me know. This will be a straight up session so please don't indicate interest unless you are 1f4af.png you can do it. 


I am interested.

Edited by AuzzieWingman
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16 hours ago, TheWayne-o said:

So for the boost, how about we aim for 10:30 on Friday night?


I'm good with that.


15 hours ago, cjshaitan said:

I am going to Setup a boost for battle Royale Allstar on Sunday 9th of April night around 9pm / 10pm  for anyone that can't do session on Friday. I will have two systems as a backup and will be using some players outside this thread so if your interested let me know. This will be a straight up session so please don't indicate interest unless you are 1f4af.png you can do it. 


I'd be down to do the PS3 version then if there's space.

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17 hours ago, TheWayne-o said:

So for the boost, how about we aim for 10:30 on Friday night?

I am cool with this.

17 hours ago, cjshaitan said:

I am going to Setup a boost for battle Royale Allstar on Sunday 9th of April night around 9pm / 10pm  for anyone that can't do session on Friday. I will have two systems as a backup and will be using some players outside this thread so if your interested let me know. This will be a straight up session so please don't indicate interest unless you are 1f4af.png you can do it. 

If the boost tomorrow fails due to blisters or soccer games ?, I will definitely do this session.

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1 hour ago, adam1984123 said:

I think we are going to have big issues boosting this (Playstation All Stars Battle Royale). I am trying to boost some by myself with 2 x PS3s and I can never find my other account...


I'm pretty sure that you can invite players to unranked matches in tournament mode, you can also invite players in versus mode but I'm not sure if this counts for the "match made online" trophies. Are you okay for 10:30 tomorrow night?


22 hours ago, cjshaitan said:

I am going to Setup a boost for battle Royale Allstar on Sunday 9th of April night around 9pm / 10pm  for anyone that can't do session on Friday. I will have two systems as a backup and will be using some players outside this thread so if your interested let me know. This will be a straight up session so please don't indicate interest unless you are 1f4af.png you can do it. 


Happy to help out if you need someone else mate, I should be available if it's closer to 10.


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Here comes another hit to the backlog.

Adding another 8 games today to my ever growing list of games


Hitman GO, Lara Croft GO, Riptide GP2, Clockwork Tales, Grand Prix Rock N Racing, Heavy Rain & Beyond Two Souls Collection.

Trying to get a few easy plats done whilst the wife is away next week haha

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18 hours ago, TheWayne-o said:


I'm pretty sure that you can invite players to unranked matches in tournament mode, you can also invite players in versus mode but I'm not sure if this counts for the "match made online" trophies. Are you okay for 10:30 tomorrow night?

Yea I'm fine for tonight.

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8 hours ago, Diagonis83 said:

Here comes another hit to the backlog.

Adding another 8 games today to my ever growing list of games


Hitman GO, Lara Croft GO, Riptide GP2, Clockwork Tales, Grand Prix Rock N Racing, Heavy Rain & Beyond Two Souls Collection.

Trying to get a few easy plats done whilst the wife is away next week haha


Nice one, all of those are super quick except Heavy Rain / Beyond. Never played Beyond but want to get to it, let us know how you find it.

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