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PS4 runs like turd now.


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All these recent firmware upgrades have made the PS4 run extremely slow now.  It takes so long just to do anything or navigate anything in the menu, simple things like loading up party chats, checking messages, etc.  

Anybody else?



Edited by DARKB1KE
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The same thing has been happening with my day one vanilla PS4 since i installed the 4.00 software update. :rolleyes: Things like loading the community menu via the top bar on the home screen, viewing my own profile and viewing someone else's profile and searching for players via the friends menu, but let's not forget about loading the PlayStation Store!  :shakefist:

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I've been getting 'please wait' / four face button loading icons a shitload when trying to access anything on my account like settings, update wall, profiles, friend list and PStore since the latest software updates. Worked fine before. Have to log in/out or network test to reset whatever the prob is.


...oh, and when trying to sync trophies it stays at 0%, then suddenly when I check back later it syncs. Used to do it instantly.


When I first got the PS4 I was wowed over difference between PStore loading times and the like. Not so much now...

Edited by AironicallyHuman
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Mine has been a bit odd lately, going to the trophy menu and that may sometimes take a little bit to load. Like I was playing Super Star Wars with a mate last night and wanted to go look at the trophy for getting Han to shoot Greedo for a laugh and it took like 30 seconds to load into the game's list.


Other things too, like the store not wanting to load up some times (happened since launch though, was a LOT worse in the day), the little info sections about games by pressing down not loading at all after a while, and so on. Little stuff like this happens every now and then anyway and always has, but it has been a little more prevalent lately, now that I think about it.


And no, it's not the internet, I had great internet for ages, swapped out for a cheap option a few months ago, lasted 3 months and broke the contract (long story) and went back to great internet. It's great everywhere, including on the PS4, where it will download 10gb of stuff in the space of half an hour. 

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Haven't experienced this with mine. The store sometimes takes a while to load, and I'll often have to back out and click on it again to actually get it to load, but this is something I've had since launch. It seemed to disappear for about a year, but started cropping up again recently. The same thing also happens when I try to view my profile sometimes now as well. That's about the extent of any slowness I have with my PS4.


Maybe try doing a hard reset, and if that doesn't work, a database restore.

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