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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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I'm sorry for going off topic but...GO GET THE PLAT FOR DRAG-ON DRAGOON 3!

I would say I'm jealous of that plat, from you, simply because there is nothing stopping you from getting it now. (I can't get by the last boss to do the last bit of grinding....)


Finally got the plat for it. Grinding was worth it!



Borderlands 2


GTA: SA. I want to play it, but wanna start when I get some plats on my older games...

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Finally got the plat for it. Grinding was worth it!


Awesome! I wouldn't have minded the grinding it's just the last boss requiring more effort than it takes to get a Ph.D (and also a significant amount of luck that the universe just doesn't see fit to bestow upon me.)


To stay on topic I guess I'll be choosing that DRAG-ON DRAGOON 3 plat you have now. ;)

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