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Monthly Madness (Formerly known as FYLTBE) [OLD THREAD]

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If that works out for you that's great. I don't think I'd have the mental strength to switch between Zelda and another game without neglecting the other game. :P 

Also, I wish my daily schedule was that predictable. :D My family really loves to make my day incredibly unpredictable.


4 hours ago, blxckenigma said:



Sure, go ahead and change my name ^_^


Here's an Update for this month:


PS4 Games Platinum'd:


Congrats on your 3 platinum stars and a golden star for the 4 games challenge. :) 

Yeah, BF1 counts since there's only 1 trophy left before the plat.


3 hours ago, ShogunCroCop said:

I won't finish gaining all of the collectibles in The Division today, so here is my update after February:


Stat changes during the event:

Platinum trophies: +1

100% completed: -

Completion: +1.27%


I still want to try and go for the challenge of 4 games in one month, so the plan for March is NMS, Journey, Talos Principle, and AC Unity. (Anything French is artistic)

If it isn't that much, you might be able to do it tomorrow. There's still about 27 hours left to finish your games and earn ranks for February.

Anyways, I've updated your stats.


2 hours ago, Komrade_Konrad said:

Looks like it's that time again.  Final weigh in for February.  I'll have to update my completion percentage later though because internet's been down at my house since Friday, so I can't sync my trophies.


Themed Platinums

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (Counts for a platinum and has the plat image that I want)

Shovel Knight



Since you can't sync your trophies right now, I went ahead and gave you your platinum star for Shovel Knight. Give me a heads up when you manage to sync them, so I can check if everything's alright with that plat. Otherwise, congrats on your new platinum star. :D 


2 hours ago, Hemiak said:

Am I the only one that finds the neon green numbers practically unreadable? 

2 hours ago, Komrade_Konrad said:


Nope.  I'm going to change mine for future updates.  I liked the idea of having green and red for plus minus, but it's just too hard to read.  Maybe a different shade of green would be better.

2 hours ago, Edunstar84 said:

I can read them just fine, but the darker green would probably be better. It is a bit bright.

I personally have no trouble reading the green numbers but I can see where you're coming from. I'll probably change them to a darker shade later so they're easier to read.



Well, 2 more hours until the grand update for next months theme. Surprisingly I'm almost done with my first game for next month already. I worked on Ratchet & Clank for the last few days and beat the hoverboard skillpoints a lot faster than I thought I would. Now I've basically only gotta purchase a few weapons to get the last few trophies. It's a bit cheesy but I'm gonna spend most of next month on KYC3 and since there's still a few trophies left before the plat I feel alright about it.


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9 minutes ago, xFalionx said:


If that works out for you that's great. I don't think I'd have the mental strength to switch between Zelda and another game without neglecting the other game. :P 

Also, I wish my daily schedule was that predictable. :D My family really loves to make my day incredibly unpredictable.


We'll see afterwards if I can make it work, I guess.


And, well, move out on your own or with a partner and life gets much more predictable :)

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Falion's Year-long Themed Backlog Event enters the month of March!


March's theme:


Allowed are all games that are artistic in some way. This may be the artstyle, the story, the setting, the music or something else entirely.

Games that feature a theme of art in general, or that have gameplay elements involving art or the creation thereof are also eligible to this theme.

Since this theme is subject to personal interpretation, participants should post a short explanation about the way their game fits the theme.

If you're not sure wether or not your game will count, post the explanation before playing the game and I'll let you know.

Usually, if you can manage to explain why your game can be considered artistic, it's most likely to count towards the theme.

Example: The Legend of Zelda: A Link between Worlds, Journey


If you didn't manage to complete your latest February game, you still have 24 hours from the time of this post to finish your game and post about it in the thread. You can, however, already earn ranks for March as of now.


I'm looking forward to the creative explanations you'll come up with. :)

Also, as always, I'm not a robot and while I don't like to admit it, I do make mistakes from time to time, so be sure to have a look over your section in the OP and make sure everything is as it should be.

Since this is the 24 hour mark, I'll send one last reminder out to the folks @Edunstar84 and @Enma8910, who are still stuck with a bronze rank.


New things in March:

  • Since this month's theme is artistic games, I myself have released my inner artist from his cage and created some banners for our thread. Be sure to check out the OP to see how it's looking now.
  • Not only do we have banners now, we also have some shiny golden hYfrZR1.png and platinum Wa6fwNE.png stars. Those were long over due.
  • Since there have been a few complaints, I've changed your stat increases and decreases from green to green and red to red. This should make them easier to read.
  • The voting for each new theme will now end 3 days before the start of that month. This means if a month has 31 days the voting phase will end at 00:00 in the morning of the 29th day. This is so I have more time to prepare a new banner and other miscellaneous changes in advance.
Edited by xFalionx
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@xFalionx The banners are absolutely beautiful  and the platinum and gold stars look great as well. I love how you intergrated the first two themes into the banner as well. I want to thank you for running such an amazing event and going all out in every aspect.


I've finally found an event that actually helps my backlog. Events like the Spring backlog challenge are great and I'm even participating in it but this event puts new spin on tackling the backlog.

Edited by Kent10201
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2 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

And, well, move out on your own or with a partner and life gets much more predictable :)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to that, but right now it's still more convenient to be able to focus on studying without having to worry about work. :) 


20 minutes ago, Kent10201 said:

@xFalionx The banners are absolutely beautiful  and the platinum and gold stars look great as well. I love how you intergrated the first two themes into the banner as well. I want to thank you for running such an amazing event and going all out in every aspect.


I've finally found an event that actually helps my backlog. Events like the Spring backlog challenge are great and I'm even participating in it but this event puts new spin on tackling the backlog.

Thanks for these kind words. ^_^ As long as I see that my event is helping people, I'm happy to spend a few dozen hours on making it the best it could be for everyone involved. :D 



Edit: I forgot an important change in the post above. I've edited it in by now but in case anyone has missed it:

The voting for each new theme will now end 3 days before the start of that month. This means if a month has 31 days the voting phase will end at 00:00 in the morning of the 29th day. This is so I have more time to prepare a new banner and other miscellaneous changes in advance.

Edited by xFalionx
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Banners look cool.


Pro tip: you can only add three poll questions in one thread so beware. Also, votes can never be undone - once voted for answer two of question one, always voted for answer two of question one so look out with edits.


Haven't voted yet for April. Don't really know if I care, should look at my backlog first I guess.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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1 minute ago, BillyHorrible said:

Vanners look cool.


Pro tip: you can only add three poll questions in one thread so beware. Also, votes can never be undone - once voted for answer two of question one, always voted for answer two of question one so look out with edits.

Thanks. :) 


I think it should work fine if I delete the first poll before creating another, but I guess we'll see at the start of the next month. I don't want to migrate to a new thread every three months, so I'll end up using strawpoll in the worst case scenario.

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OK, time to wrap up the month...


Finished Ray Gigant for my 5th plat (and 75th overall, yay!) this month so...

- 2 PS4 games completed

- a second month of finishing 4+ games in a month

- 2 games platted for another event (Vita 5th birthday - New Little King's Story, Danganronpa 2)

- 2nd retro game done for the year so far (Day of the Tentacle)


Stat changes for the event to date...

Platinums: +8

100%:  +1

Completion rate: +1.58%


Goals for next month...


10 games adding to the profile for the Kill Your Completion 3.0 event. We'll see if I can get any finished for it and not butcher my completion rate toooo badly.

No retro titles planned but if things go well, maybe I'll find time to do another in there somewhere.

Try to make sure I get a title/plat done for the Artistic trophy here which will likely satisfy my last challenge of finishing a game because of this event that I otherwise wouldn't have played soon.

Probably bugger with Lego Dimensions since my youngest and his friend were nice enough to add it to my profile for me (hmmm, Lego = Artistic?)...


I think that is more than enough to do for a month. Thanks for making February more than just the shortest month of the year and congrats to everyone else, and especially our host xFalionx, for another great month in a great event.


Take care folks!

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1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:

Haven't voted yet for April. Don't really know if I care, should look at my backlog first I guess.

Aww, the Naming theme choices are probably my personal favorites. I love meta stuff like that. ^_^ 


1 hour ago, Psy-Tychist said:

Some end of month stats:


Completion percentage: 50.05% 
Trophies won: 6,920                  
Unearned trophies: 5,928         
Games played: 356
Completed games : 100 (58 platinums)

I'll update you tomorrow since it's getting pretty late over here.


42 minutes ago, Kevvik said:

OK, time to wrap up the month...




Goals for next month...


10 games adding to the profile for the Kill Your Completion 3.0 event. We'll see if I can get any finished for it and not butcher my completion rate toooo badly.

No retro titles planned but if things go well, maybe I'll find time to do another in there somewhere.

Try to make sure I get a title/plat done for the Artistic trophy here which will likely satisfy my last challenge of finishing a game because of this event that I otherwise wouldn't have played soon.

Probably bugger with Lego Dimensions since my youngest and his friend were nice enough to add it to my profile for me (hmmm, Lego = Artistic?)...


I think that is more than enough to do for a month. Thanks for making February more than just the shortest month of the year and congrats to everyone else, and especially our host xFalionx, for another great month in a great event.


Take care folks!

Same treatment as above for you. :) 


I think LEGO has some potential to be artistic, I'm pretty sure you could twist that enough to fit the theme if you wrote something about it. :D 


Thanks for the kind words, I'm always trying to do my best to make this event fun for everyone. ^_^ 

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8 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Since you can't sync your trophies right now, I went ahead and gave you your platinum star for Shovel Knight. Give me a heads up when you manage to sync them, so I can check if everything's alright with that plat. Otherwise, congrats on your new platinum star. :D 


My ISP wanted to charge me $75-100 to have someone come and fix my internet so I got up on the roof and realigned the dish myself.  Internet seems to be working fine again and my profile is now up to date.  I edited my previous post and will copy the final stats here.


Stat changes during the event:

Platinum trophies: +10

100% completed: +4

Completion: +4.56%

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4 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Aww, the Naming theme choices are probably my personal favorites. I love meta stuff like that. ^_^


Well maybe, but you did two words and less or three words and more. If I'd have to try to think up a theme like that, I'd choose either titles with only one word or titles with at least five words :)


Also personally, I prefer themes about specific genres. All racers, or all 2.5D platformers, et cetera.


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Alright, I voted! Unfortunately, I didn't complete the story for Tomb Raider. The banners look awesome!! :D


@xFalionx, when you sent your last reminder, I was dead asleep! Even though I could have done better in February, I at least achieved my own personal goal, which is to plat FFXIII


Stats so far:

Platinum trophies: +2

100% completed: +1 - (Does completing a plat count as 100%? Otherwise this should be a zero)

Completion: +3.53



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17 hours ago, xFalionx said:

I can't help it but I started reading your posts in the Gadgetron Help Desk voice. :lol:


That's just unfortunate. At least you can boost the MP now, if there's trophies for that but that's quite a high price for some additional trophies.


Nah, I prefer the Grummel Net salesman. xD

Boosting would be quite a PITA though as it takes about 12 to 18 hours in full lobbies to boost the online trophies. I don't even want to imagine how long it takes with two or three players... :|


Oh and I would like to join the crew:

Stats before the event:

Platinum trophies: 126

100% completed: 39

Completion: 70.54%


Sadly I couldn't do a clean cut (--> start with the ending stats from February) as I earned one trophy right after midnight. Shouldn't try to attempt 100% synchronisation in the story missions of Black Flag right from the start. xD

I guess the only artsy-fartsy game I will play in the next 30 days will be Apotheon. The artstyle is rather unique as it looks like all old etruscan paintings you know from greek history. I hope that I like the game, though. I heard it's hit-or-miss.

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7 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Aww, the Naming theme choices are probably my personal favorites. I love meta stuff like that. ^_^


2 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Well maybe, but you did two words and less or three words and more. If I'd have to try to think up a theme like that, I'd choose either titles with only one word or titles with at least five words :)


Also personally, I prefer themes about specific genres. All racers, or all 2.5D platformers, et cetera.


Felt like elaborating a bit more.


If we have to go for a specific theme, then we're all playing kind of the same stuff, and we're in kind of the same mood. If we're doing racers then some might do The Crew, some might do Need For Speed Rivals, some might do Burnout Paradise, but we're all burning rubber. If the epic adventures theme had been chosen then some would have played Zelda, some would have played Witcher III, some would have played Dark Souls or Mass Effect or Shadow Of Mordor or Shadow Of The Colossus or God Of War but we'd all be playing epics.


With a meta theme like "no E" or "two word titles", anything goes and we seem to be less in it together and more in it separately, at least that's my opinion. Just like how the "artistic" thing this month is handled pretty loosely. I get why "all games can be artistic" has value, but I can't stop thinking that it might lessen the theme. I get that stuff like Witcher, INSIDE, Four Sided Fantasy and such can count as artistic, but stuff like Tomb Raider, Hitman and LEGO as well? I mean, where's the cutoff?


I guess I just like my rules a bit more themed and strict, but you probably knew that already.


Edit: guess I'm going for "without E" as I want to continue on Õkami HD anyway, and I have enough other options that could fit the bill, like Watch_Dogs or Psychonauts.


Edit: damn, now I'm thinking about doing an event for epic adventures.

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1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:

With a meta theme like "no E" or "two word titles", anything goes and we seem to be less in it together and more in it separately, at least that's my opinion. Just like how the "artistic" thing this month is handled pretty loosely. I get why "all games can be artistic" has value, but I can't stop thinking that it might lessen the theme. I get that stuff like Witcher, INSIDE, Four Sided Fantasy and such can count as artistic, but stuff like Tomb Raider, Hitman and LEGO as well?

It's just like you said, all games are artistic in some way or another, either through the graphics of the games, the characters or locations or even just by the music that is in the game (The Last of Us music is amazing so this could be an example).:) So I wouldn't think that there could be any sort of barrier and also I wouldn't feel that it would lessen the feel of the theme as people could share some artistic screenshots from games such as The Witcher 3 (:P it's so beautiful!) or art designs/locations from a game such as Tomb Raider for example. (Just a thought that popped into my head while typing this:P

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1 hour ago, RizzleAbbey12 said:

It's just like you said, all games are artistic in some way or another, either through the graphics of the games, the characters or locations or even just by the music that is in the game (The Last of Us music is amazing so this could be an example).:) So I wouldn't think that there could be any sort of barrier and also I wouldn't feel that it would lessen the feel of the theme as people could share some artistic screenshots from games such as The Witcher 3 (:P it's so beautiful!) or art designs/locations from a game such as Tomb Raider for example. (Just a thought that popped into my head while typing this:P


On the scale of "doing it for the art" versus "doing it for the money", I'd definitely place Witcher and Journey and Bound much more towards art, while I'd place Tomb Raider and LEGO titles and stuff from Telltale Games much more towards money though. Personally I expected that to be the measuring stick with this theme.


@xFalionx First tries for my icon this month:

us5pPZe.png  bxnDe4b.png  PENtzfd.png


I really like how that climbing one worked out, might just use that one.


Though I have to admit, if I happen to finish the story from Witcher III then I'm going to have to think hard about which one of the two I'm going to use as my entry for March... Already decided that if I happen to 100% one of the KYC3 games (all of which I could justify as art, just you watch me), then I'm going to use them as one or more challenges here but I won't use them in the main bit. I want to use games I'm playing regardless of other events in my main list, so Zelda or Witcher it is.

Edited by BillyHorrible
space was left out
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15 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

On the scale of "doing it for the art" versus "doing it for the money", I'd definitely place Witcher and Journey and Bound much more towards art, while I'd place Tomb Raider and LEGO titles and stuff from Telltale Games much more towards money though. Personally I expected that to be the measuring stick with this theme.

I suppose if your going to go by that, then aren't all games made to make money AND to provide an artistic and enjoyable experience to all gamers? Just a thought but I get what your saying though:)

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3 minutes ago, RizzleAbbey12 said:

I suppose if your going to go by that, then aren't all games made to make money AND to provide an artistic and enjoyable experience to all gamers? Just a thought but I get what your saying though:)


Money is almost always a factor, true. It's more about how high "let's make a great experience" is on the list and how high "let's make some money" is. Would Mass Effect have been less successful if they hadn't thought up pages of backstory for each stupid little planet? I doubt it, but they did it anyway.


Assassin's Creed is a great example of this sliding scale. The series definitely went from one end of the spectrum to the other.

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7 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Money is almost always a factor, true. It's more about how high "let's make a great experience" is on the list and how high "let's make some money" is. Would Mass Effect have been less successful if they hadn't thought up pages of backstory for each stupid little planet? I doubt it, but they did it anyway.


Assassin's Creed is a great example of this sliding scale. The series definitely went from one end of the spectrum to the other.

I get what your saying here and I wouldn't know about Mass Effect as I've never played it before:facepalm: That's true about Assassins Creed, they did seem to have a bad patch but seem to be turning it around and hopefully the next one will have the same high standard that they gave Syndicate. 

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1 minute ago, RizzleAbbey12 said:

I get what your saying here and I wouldn't know about Mass Effect as I've never played it before:facepalm: That's true about Assassins Creed, they did seem to have a bad patch but seem to be turning it around and hopefully the next one will have the same high standard that they gave Syndicate. 


Syndicate may have had a higher standard but I feel like the series deserves more. Also, female assassins deserve more. All that talk about Evie being a main character, yet she only gets two missions each sequence - one for her own story, one to clean up Jacob's mess from the previous sequence. Ugh.


I have high hopes for the next game though, will definitely pre-order it but Ubisoft has to really step it up before I see Assassin's Creed as anything else but "that cool fluff that I now play in between other games". It's tough since Assassin's Creed is on of my favourite non-Nintendo game franchises, but it could have been so much more...

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