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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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5 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:



I held it in, with the Wanted and Puppeteer hate. But this.. FF7 changed my life at the age of 13. Was nothing short of amazing to me, and got me into the series. 


I don't have any kind of nostalgia factor with that game, as I barely played it back then. Those that do and enjoyed it at the time, will most likely still enjoy it today. I for one simply don't find it enjoyable at all so far.

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14 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

FF7 changed my life at the age of 13. Was nothing short of amazing to me, and got me into the series. 




Same here! And I didn't even know English back then. Didn't matter, still played the game, still loved it!  

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8 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:


Try Civ 2 or Civ 3.  Civ 2 was the heroin of my college days, I just needed a constant fix.  Civ 3 expanded and added some decent ideas and eliminated stupid combat things like your tank being defeated by a catapult.

Civ 4 really went down hill in my opinion. They "Madden"ed it, meaning they added features not necessary. Haven't played 5. But if your computer is having trouble, try Civ 3. 


I'll certainly have a look at Civ 3 at some point. Problem is I've played so many good games during this event that I have to go back to, and Persona 5 is coming just after the event finishes which I have been waiting years for, it's going be a while before I start any new games again!

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18 minutes ago, dizzyshadow said:

Game 8 - Doom - Final Review


Nice, someone else playing Doom for the event.  I've just started it today and I'm impressed by how lightning fast it feels compared to most other modern FPS games.  Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as you!


5 hours ago, dmland12 said:

I really loved the Choose Your Own Adventure stuff as a child and probably checked out every such book my middle school library had over time.  I had considered mentioning this in my Lone Wolf review, but there were considerable fewer random deaths in Lone Wolf and I didn't really think of them as gamebooks.  I had never heard of any of the rest of these gamebooks or the term itself before.  :P


You're right, the Choose Your Own Adventure books probably wouldn't fall into the same category as the rest, but they're close enough relations that I thought they were worth mentioning.  I guess there's a sliding scale from 'just make choices and see what happens', through 'also you have stats and have to roll dice for combat', ending up at 'basically here's an entire pen and paper RPG stuffed into a paperback'. :)

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Ugh ffs, I had an entire review written up and then I somehow went to another page by accident. I came back and only the first sentence was saved... Guess I won't be posting it tonight then (or ever).


This is why I usually write them in a regular doc -_-


Edited by FFHannibal
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4 hours ago, NebbyLunala said:


Wait, hold on... I think I remember reading one of those books back in my youth, I think it was where you explored a city and tried to find a way through the city but needed four codes for a chant that would open the lock at the other gate. I really enjoyed gamebooks myself before I got into video games. :)


I don't remember much about any plot from these books, but I do remember dying randomly because I chose to investigate someplace instead of some other place, etc.  Maybe there were some clues that were too subtle for me at the time, but the outcomes of my choices seemed very random.

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4 hours ago, voodoo_eyes said:

Game #9



Well, it's time to piss a lot of people off I guess. I generally try to leave the opinions on the game for the final day, but fuck me this is one of the most boring RPGs I've ever played. Maybe my expectations for this were too high, or maybe it would have a different impact on me, if I had continued playing it on PS1. What's certain is, that it doesn't hold up at all.

It actually feels like a chore to play this, as it's just feels so damn tedious.


I'm one of the few that think that Final Fantasy III/VI is better than VII, so you'll get no hate from me!  Still, I don't think VII is a bad game or anything.


59 minutes ago, dizzyshadow said:

Next Up : Reus


I'm very interested in hearing what you think, as I'm considering taking a leap and buying this one from the current NA flash sale.

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1 hour ago, FFHannibal said:

Ugh ffs, I had an entire review written up and then I somehow went to another page by accident. I came back and only the first sentence was saved... Guess I won't be posting it tonight then (or ever).


This is why I usually write them in a regular doc -_-



I feel your pain, I've had it happen to me twice in this event.  I figured it was the computer gods frowning on my use of an iPad instead of just using a PC. The convenience of the couch or the reliability of the desktop? Oh, the life decisions. 

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6 hours ago, voodoo_eyes said:


I don't have any kind of nostalgia factor with that game, as I barely played it back then. Those that do and enjoyed it at the time, will most likely still enjoy it today. I for one simply don't find it enjoyable at all so far.

I would say all the PS1 Final Fantasy games can still be enjoyed today. But maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia..

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3 hours ago, dizzyshadow said:

you start the game you are tried to slab and there is some sort of demonic ritual going on and you are about to be sacrificed, you manage to break free and then discover what is happening. There's a very silly story about the Hell dimension and solving power crisis, i've also concluded the player character is not a very nice guy (the way he treats the poor robots who give you the weapon upgrades in particular doesn't sit well with me).


He's the Doom Slayer, he's going to kill demons so our dimension stays safe. Being nice is not part of the job description.


I usually don't like FPS at all, I loved the new DOOM though. It's so gleefully testosterone-filled...


I want to go into the points you make about the beginning of the story but you'll find out the truth yourself at some point, no need for me spoiling it. You should've noticed though that you were not exactly on a slab... but IN one. That's a big story clue right there.

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While I did enjoy FF7, I don't really think I can play it now because the graphics are too primitive IMHO to what I play nowadays. Back then, when I was in college, I took what I got. Yuffie is my favorite character as she's so snarky and I felt sad when Aeris was murdered but wasn't rabid about finding a way to resurrect her. Why give her the ultimate staff if she is going to come back?


Anyways, I hope they don't have a trophy in the remake which forces you to manipulate stuff so you have to do the Barret outing at Gold Saucer again. I never did that path - don't get me wrong, Barret and Cloud do bond but I prefer not to piss of any of the female characters.

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2 hours ago, NebbyLunala said:

While I did enjoy FF7, I don't really think I can play it now because the graphics are too primitive IMHO to what I play nowadays. Back then, when I was in college, I took what I got. Yuffie is my favorite character as she's so snarky and I felt sad when Aeris was murdered but wasn't rabid about finding a way to resurrect her. Why give her the ultimate staff if she is going to come back?


Anyways, I hope they don't have a trophy in the remake which forces you to manipulate stuff so you have to do the Barret outing at Gold Saucer again. I never did that path - don't get me wrong, Barret and Cloud do bond but I prefer not to piss of any of the female characters.

See, graphics aren't really an issue with me. I have bought tons of PS1 games since buying my Vita. Some were awesome(Dino Crisis 1 &2, Parasite Eve, Crono Trigger/Cross, etc.), and others I couldn't really get into(Syphon Filter, Parasite Eve 2, and the old Tomb Raider games). This was always due to not enjoying the gameplay, though. Not because of how they looked.

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39 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

See, graphics aren't really an issue with me. I have bought tons of PS1 games since buying my Vita. Some were awesome(Dino Crisis 1 &2, Parasite Eve, Crono Trigger/Cross, etc.), and others I couldn't really get into(Syphon Filter, Parasite Eve 2, and the old Tomb Raider games). This was always due to not enjoying the gameplay, though. Not because of how they looked.


As i get older and start showing the symptoms of arthritis, I will squarely blame Syphon Filter for all the damn finger contorting that was required for the controls in that game.  

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6 hours ago, dmland12 said:


I'm one of the few that think that Final Fantasy III/VI is better than VII, so you'll get no hate from me!  Still, I don't think VII is a bad game or anything.



I'm very interested in hearing what you think, as I'm considering taking a leap and buying this one from the current NA flash sale.


To be fair, I don't think it's bad. It's just incredibly bland from what I've played so far.


4 hours ago, DamagingRob said:

I would say all the PS1 Final Fantasy games can still be enjoyed today. But maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia..


My first contact with FF was XIII. I used to play mainly on PC until like 2008, and there I mostly played FPS, Western RPGs, RTS and MMOs..I actually think nostalgia has often a lot to do with how someone views a game. Like Grim Fandango for instance, I played the original when it was released and loved it, then I played the remaster and still enjoyed the hell out of it. Even though I can objectively say that the graphics are shit, controls are jank as fuck and most of the moon logic is absolutely mental. All that doesn't matter to me as I still have loads of fun with it.


2 hours ago, NebbyLunala said:

While I did enjoy FF7, I don't really think I can play it now because the graphics are too primitive IMHO to what I play nowadays. Back then, when I was in college, I took what I got. Yuffie is my favorite character as she's so snarky and I felt sad when Aeris was murdered but wasn't rabid about finding a way to resurrect her. Why give her the ultimate staff if she is going to come back?


Anyways, I hope they don't have a trophy in the remake which forces you to manipulate stuff so you have to do the Barret outing at Gold Saucer again. I never did that path - don't get me wrong, Barret and Cloud do bond but I prefer not to piss of any of the female characters.


I still take graphics into consideration, it's part of the game and therefore has to be evaluated. It tends to be of minor importance when I rate games though. My main focus tends to go to mechanics and gameplay and if those don't feel right then I'll rip the game apart.

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11 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

As i get older and start showing the symptoms of arthritis, I will squarely blame Syphon Filter for all the damn finger contorting that was required for the controls in that game.  


Once I hit middle age and start having arthritis, I'll put all the blame on Kingdom Hearts games for their insane button mashing you have to do to avoid getting sniped. xD

3 hours ago, Myu said:

Day 24 Final Review : The Guided Fate Paradox




Trophies : 4/45 (5%)

Time played : 4 hours

Completion : 85.54% (3.44% since the beginning of the event)


This game is the prequel to The Awakened Fate Ultimatum which I reviewed a few days ago, so this is a dungeon-crawler, again.


I had played the first dungeon of this game many years ago, the one involving Cinderella, and I got really bored really fast. I should have been used to the insane complications of gameplay considering it's a NI game, but nope, this is really bad.

Edited by NebbyLunala
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34 minutes ago, NebbyLunala said:


Once I hit middle age and start having arthritis, I'll put all the blame on Kingdom Hearts games for their insane button mashing you have to do to avoid getting sniped. xD


I had played the first dungeon of this game many years ago, the one involving Cinderella, and I got really bored really fast. I should have been used to the insane complications of gameplay considering it's a NI game, but nope, this is really bad.


Trust me, the second one is worse. It's about a zombie who wants to stop being bullied by his peers. I went up to Floor 5 in this chapter and the creature is still moping and whining about his weak body and personality. At least, Cinderella wanting to get out of her repetitive story was interesting compared to that.  

You know, sometimes you play a game and you think "how is that game not more popular? it's pretty good", like Sorcery Saga for example, and then you stumble upon games such as the Guided Fate Paradox or the Awakened Fate Ultimatum and the only thing you think is "oh, now I see why." I'll still have to plat the game though :P 

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