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Cassylvania's Miserable Little Pile of Platinums


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On 6/10/2023 at 8:07 PM, Cassylvania said:

Like, I went back and watched Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers -- one of my favorite shows from when I was little -- and it was putrid. I guess the theme back then was low stakes and lots of puns.


I know I'm gonna be crucified for saying this but... Rescue Rangers was one of my favorite cartoons back in the day. Some of the episodes had humor (like the one where a shape-shifting alien turned into Dale to avoid going back home but then Dale outwitted him by tempting him with his favorite food) and most of the arcs had some sort of interesting villain twist. Fat Cat was by far the most nefarious villain any Disney cartoon back in the day. And that fly companion was uber! If he ever flew into my house and I tried to swat him, he'd rip my arm off! xD


I can understand that this was 'back in the day' and I probably won't rewatch those episodes, but it's a cartoon I'd recommend for my pre-five year old nieces. :)


On 6/21/2023 at 9:07 AM, Cassylvania said:

DuckTales is a different story. That show still holds up.


Oh definitely. Donald Duck is now a movie star since starring with Goofy in the Kingdom Hearts series and Scrooge McDuck got some roles in KH2 and KH3. I think that's why I sort of enjoyed Kingdom Hearts, because of the Disney inclusions. That's why I would love to play the Kingdom Hearts series for my nieces when they are a little bit older. ;)


I certainly enjoyed the reviews so far, even the ones with eye-searing text. xD I want to say that your obsession with Dragonball content is overshadowed by my omni-level 90 all jobs no MSQ challenge for FFXIV because I've canceled all dates with any other game until that is done, which will be the time that The Teal Mask comes out. (aka the first wave of Pokemon Gen 9 DLC, coming in Autumn. :P)

Edited by Taruta13
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On 6/22/2023 at 11:22 PM, Cassylvania said:


I would like to give a short mini review for a game I'm currently playing. There's no platinum for the game and I haven't even technically finished it yet, but I'm close enough to the 100% that I'd like to give a little shout-out to FAR: Lone Sails. It's a really basic indie game with no dialogue or story. You play as some unnamed creature -- not even sure you're a human -- in a deserted land. The entire game revolves around you traveling to the right on your ship. I wouldn't call it a survival game because there are no survival elements, but your ship does need fuel to move faster, and there is some light resource management and multi-tasking. The enjoyment from the game is the combination of the graphics, the music, and the exploration. There are puzzles too, but they're rather rudimentary. You're mostly just supposed to feel the loneliness and find comfort in protecting and upgrading your ship. I'm not going to bother with a NAP review on the game because it doesn't really need one (neither did Minit, honestly), but I will say it's probably my favorite game I've played this month. More than Minit. More than Jedi: Survivor. Definitely more than Dragon Ball: Kakarot. It's the reason I love survival games without all the things people hate about survival games. My favorite moments in games like The Long Dark and Green Hell were when I was huddled in my base during a storm with nothing but my thoughts and ambient noises to accompany me. There is a speedrun trophy, but I had one of the sloppiest runs in my life and still managed to get it on my first try, so it certainly is going to be a recommendation. And to think I wouldn't have even heard of the game if it didn't have a DBZ meme for a trophy...


This really is a strange timeline in which we live.


Incase you haven't looked yet... there was a sequel released last year called FAR: Changing Tides. I haven't played either of them yet so can't confirm that the gameplay is as good as the first one but I have had both of them in my backlog for awhile now. Worth a look maybe?



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That was a really interesting read. I'm glad you could at least find some joy out of the show. You mentioned me not playing much which is fair since I played it 2 hours then forgot. I'm going to get the platinum in honor of your dedication 


It's really funny reading you're paragraphs on the show pointing out all the obvious flaws in it,  because for some reason I've always liked dragon ball even though it's kind of a mess. I'm not even someone who really cares about anime ever, maybe it's just a childhood thing I keep close. 


I love these long posts you make when you finish a game keep it up :)

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9 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

There are lots of other characters throughout the show -- some one-offs, others who fill up entire storylines (or "sagas") -- but those six are the ones with the most screen time.


As a non-DBZ person, it was actually interesting to read your summary about the main characters of Dragon Ball! Then again, it's also a delight just to read anything you write with the amount of humor you throw in. 


9 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

OK, so Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is split into four sagas. Each one is more ridiculous than the last. That's basically the theme of the series, though. If you want an analogy for what Dragon Ball is like, imagine a group of kids playing pretend in the backyard. One of them says, "I shot you!" The other says, "Nuh-uh! You missed." The first says, "That's impossible! I used my super homing shot." The second says, "I blocked it with my laser eyes!" The first says, "I blind you with a cosmic ray!" The second says, "I blind you back with a counter cosmic ray!" The first says, "I blind you back with a counter-COUNTER cosmic ray!" The second says, "I blind you back with a counter-COUNTER cosmic ray...TIMES INFINITITY!" Now, realize those kids aren't playing pretend. They're just reenacting any episode of Dragon Ball.


Glad to know my vague impression of a standard episode is fairly accurate. 


9 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

All of these sagas last about 8-10 hours, which gives the game its ~40 hour run time. (Took me 67 hours to platinum. Don't @ me.


I mean, at least the game wasn't a 150h (read: 9,000 minutes) platinum? ?

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On 6/28/2023 at 0:11 AM, Cassylvania said:

Look, guys. I know I could've just played the game, gave it the terrible review you knew was coming, and moved on to whatever July has in store for us, but I truly wanted to immerse myself in the Dragon Ball experience.


You are a strong person, Cassy. That or extremely cray-cray. I tried to immerse myself in the Pokemon experience by watching the anime... and I got sick of it just before Wulfric in the X/Y saga. I have not seen a single episode of the Sun/Moon season(because they ruined Ash by making him look like a Ghibli character) or Journeys(because I was bitter) and I didn't even say goodbye to him when his story ended in Japan. I hope the new Riko and Liko in the new Pokemon Scarlet/Violet anime are better. At least the Pikachu is a cut-throat pirate captain here. :P


Please, Cassy, get some rest and detox with something like Kingdom Hearts III with EZ codes, like I'm doing. I had to forcefully extract myself from Final Fantasy XIV and deny my dailies so that I could finish Kingdom of Corona and escort that brat Rapunzel to the city. You can join me when I help Sora collect crabs to upgrade his galleon so he can blow up Heartless pirates. xD

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Wow… I am currently away from my laptop ALSO on a tropical island (Puerto Ricoooo babyyyyyyy) but I just did some morning catch up reading before the family woke up. Here’s some of my takes.


* Live the DBZ Show recap. I too completely missed out on the hype and never understood the fascination outside of reaction gifs and avatars on social media. The super pervy old guy mentor that couldn’t work today falls 100% in line with other media from the 1990s. There must be some DBZ fan YouTuber out there who has made a video with over 1 million views saying Master Roshi would get cancelled in the 2020s. Based on your descriptions, sounds like the show is super obvious why it appealed to kids. Fighting, power-ups, good music/voice acting. Who cares if the plot is paper thin when you’re 7?


* The fact the user who recommended you the game did NOT platinum it made my jaw hit the floor. That is hilariously twisted. Like me saying “yo Cassy I heard Crypt of the Necrodancer is awesome go play it for us will ya” while I cruise off in my Mercedes to games with 20% plat rarity and you’re left losing months of your life bashing your head against the wall. I would NEVER take a plat recommendation seriously from somebody who hadn’t done the work so good rule change.


* As for the game itself… yea, I ain’t ever touching that. 

* OH MY GOD freaking Rain World for your next game lmao it’s like the wheel is trying to break you and make you quit this project before it even takes off ???. That is one of the games I listed in my “I’m too cowardly to platinum article” from a few years ago. Good luck Cassy, you’re gonna need it. 

(also I love the different characters RNGeta & Ajna don’t ever stop)

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I'm still battling through a cold, so I'm not radiating high energy atm. I enjoyed your recent posts very much and you are probably the most entertaining writer on PSNP at this time, well besides maybe the usual drama kings and queens. 


Anyway, I guess I can be relieved that I did not play DBZ myself. Even though nostalgia would have helped to enjoy it, the gameplay part just sounds awful.


With Rainworld already in my library I think there's no way around this time, is there? :')

No idea how I'm suppose to manage all that besides my own "Ball" nightmare that is Pure Pool, attempts to clean up some dusty games on my profile and keeping up with games leaving soon from PS+, while also playing other games from +.. yeah I definitely will be able to play and finish everything I deem interesting.

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I skimmed your review on Kakarot and then this morning I said to myself... "CJ, you son of a bitch, you'd better go back and read the whole review before you go to gym." You're the Angry Video Game Nerd with manners and to see my favorite platinum trophy reviewer get addicted to one of Akira Toriyama's works is hilarious. xD


That shows how much I love your reviews. ;)


On 6/28/2023 at 0:11 AM, Cassylvania said:

I swear, waiting for that thing to buffer made the show last twice as long as it should have.

I'm used to this rendering stuff, I have to keep swapping networks between my dad's and my sister's because of rendering. At least it wasn't as bad as when I was in a group home with bad internet connections and a crappier computer. :P

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2 hours ago, realm722 said:



* The fact the user who recommended you the game did NOT platinum it made my jaw hit the floor. That is hilariously twisted. Like me saying “yo Cassy I heard Crypt of the Necrodancer is awesome go play it for us will ya” while I cruise off in my Mercedes to games with 20% plat rarity and you’re left losing months of your life bashing your head against the wall. I would NEVER take a plat recommendation seriously from somebody who hadn’t done the work so good rule change.


Guilty as charged, I hope the rule gets named after me.

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Well, I did my second spin on my own wheel, and it seems Akira Toriyama, not sated with having forced you to watch his own anime series, has now jumped to my ship and is forcing me to play the game series he brought his Dragon Ball influence into...




Yep, my next project after Kingdom Hearts III is Dragon Quest XI S, another game with Akira-san's influence. :P

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On 6/29/2023 at 4:04 AM, Taruta13 said:

Please, Cassy, get some rest and detox with something like Kingdom Hearts III with EZ codes, like I'm doing.


I'm not sure Kingdom Hearts is the series you want me playing to, erm, "detox"... Besides, I believe Dream Drop Distance is next on the chopping block. I think that's all that stands between me and KH3, so maybe I shouldn't put it off for too long.


On 6/29/2023 at 8:38 AM, realm722 said:

* OH MY GOD freaking Rain World for your next game lmao it’s like the wheel is trying to break you and make you quit this project before it even takes off ???. That is one of the games I listed in my “I’m too cowardly to platinum article” from a few years ago. Good luck Cassy, you’re gonna need it. 


The good news is I played for an hour today and already got one trophy, so I'm well on pace to be done by the end of the month! I think the trickiest thing is going to be figuring out the game's mechanics. It seems to subscribe to the whole "try something and see if it kills you" philosophy of game design.


On 6/29/2023 at 9:32 AM, Mori said:

With Rainworld already in my library I think there's no way around this time, is there? :')

... Did anybody play the games they recommended for this event? Hope you feel better soon because I'm holding you personally responsible for my mental health this month!


On 6/29/2023 at 10:39 AM, Taruta13 said:

I skimmed your review on Kakarot and then this morning I said to myself... "CJ, you son of a bitch, you'd better go back and read the whole review before you go to gym." You're the Angry Video Game Nerd with manners and to see my favorite platinum trophy reviewer get addicted to one of Akira Toriyama's works is hilarious. xD


In all honesty, I think it was the perfect game to begin the event with. It's close enough to my realm of interest that I wouldn't have turned my nose up at it, but not so close that I would've ever gotten around to it without some external factor forcing my hand. It also gave me, uh... a lot of material to work with.


On 6/29/2023 at 11:24 AM, JEDI_BROTHERS said:

Guilty as charged, I hope the rule gets named after me.


Hey, at least you played the game you recommended... even if it was for only two hours. Next month, somebody is going to say the title of the game just sounded cool.


Alright. Well, since I had an extra day or two to fiddle around on PS+ while waiting for July to begin, I decided to knock off another "free" game that caught my interest last year.


Platinum #389 - Lake



For those who don't know Latin, "Alis volat propriis" is an Oregon motto that means "she flies with her own wings." (I don't know Latin either, so I looked it up.) Providence Oaks is where the game takes place. The people there affectionately call it "P.O.", which is also short for post office (who you'll be working for) and pissed off (what you'll be when you see Meredith's "running" speed). But is this a package you should sign for, or should this parcel just be tossed in the lake? (Eh, good enough.)


In Lake, you play as Meredith Weiss, a former resident of P.O. who moved to the big city years ago to become a computer programmer and has decided to return for two weeks to cover her father's mail route. Atmospherically, if I had to compare this to another game, think of Night in the WoodsLife is Strange, or Firewatch, without all the supernatural elements. Gameplay-wise, this is an interactive story with some minor driving segments through an open world environment and some basic fetch quests. Every day, you're given a map, a list of deliveries you have to make, and you have what I assume is all the time in the world to make them. (I thought I saw a clock at some point, but I could be mistaken.) Once you finish your deliveries for the day, you're free to drive around some more or simply end the day. Some people are home and will talk to you when you stop by, while others will ask you to meet them after hours for anything from watching a scary movie to smoking a joint around the campfire. All of these scenes are fully voice acted and you occasionally get a choice of what to say. If any of this affects the story, I imagine it's minimally. For the most part, though, you'll be by yourself in this game, driving your mail van from location to location and just getting the chance to enjoy the sights. The graphics are easy on the eyes most of the time, but I think they're better at a distance. There were times when I thought a texture wasn't loading properly and...nope, that's actually what they went for when designing somebody's front lawn. Shadows could use some work too.


Most people are not going to like this game. It has mixed reviews. I haven't read any of them, but I have a feeling I know what some common complaints will be. The biggest, I think, is the voiceovers. I'm not blaming this on the actors, though. It seems they were given no direction at all. The dialogue is bland, the characters are that not interesting, and there's no real flow in the conversation. It can be awkward and cringeworthy at times. Maureen (the head waitress at the local diner) is probably the best of the lot. The others are not very good. That includes Meredith, who admittedly has some good lines. They tried to make her witty with her comebacks and retorts, but the delivery is off, which I guess is why she's only a temp.


BUT... and this is a big "BUT"... the premise is good. These are the kinds of games I want to see more of. I love small town life. Obviously, you guys know I grew up in the country, I like farming games, I love the outdoors, and I'm especially fond of anything that's set in the mid-1980's. In fact, people tell me all the time that their "dream job" was to be a marine biologist. I actually always wanted to be a mail carrier. Tom Hanks' character in Cast Away is basically my hero. I would never want to do it in the city, of course, but having a route in the suburbs or way out in the country seems amazing. Just the open road, music, and a cast of colorful characters that you're not going to get if you're working an office job. I also just like the idea of watching stories play out in real time. Like... OK, I had a job that required me knocking on people's doors at least once per year, and I kinda got to know my clientele through snippets of dialogues we'd exchange or changes they'd make to the house. I remember my first day on this job, I went to this one house where the recycling can was overflowing with crushed beer cans. Guy opens the door, 10 o'clock in the morning, hasn't shaved in a few days, and he's wearing the same tattered clothes he clearly woke up in. He grunts a response at me and I carry on with my duties. Next year, I visit and the only thing in the recycling can is sparkling water. The dirt out front has been replaced with flowers and a young lady answers the door. I know the guy still lives there, so I'm assuming he just got married and this girl made him get his act together. That made me smile. I don't have the luxury of seeing these people every day, so it's just neat that I can use context clues to kinda piece together how their lives are going. I feel like a mailman would have a much better understanding because not only are you seeing the same faces every day, but you know what's being delivered to their door. I bet you could get a really good feel for the people on your route.


Anyway, despite its shortcomings, I think this game does a decent good at capturing small town life. Your first instinct when you get in the mail truck is going to be to see how many traffic laws you can break. The answer is all of them, which is a good and bad thing. There are no repercussions for anything you do. You can run into people and cars and fences and trees, but it doesn't do anything. Nobody even cares if you back into them. They'll just stay in their car and wait patiently for you to move. The most fun I was able to have is parking my van in the middle of the road, walking as slowly as I could to my first stop, and then seeing how many cars I could get to pile up behind me. I think my best was five. I'm not sure the game will load any more cars than that. Also, at some point, the car behind you might try to pull into the oncoming lane to pass. I tried to create a few accidents this way, but to no avail. (You CAN, however, drive into the lake. It teleports you back to the starting point.)


You do get a horn, which doesn't seem to do anything. It's still fun to push.


If you want, there's a fast travel and auto pilot system, but neither are necessary. It's also impossible to get lost in the game because there's a GIANT LAKE (hence the title) in the middle of the town. I guess it's technically south of the town, but you'll be doing just as much traveling to the other side, so it'll almost always be in your sight. You can pretty much get anywhere on the map in under a minute, so it's not like the driving is tedious. I was almost able to flip the truck once.


There is music, which is good, but the local radio station has a grand total of three songs that it rotates through. I'm not kidding. I did add one of them to my Spotify list.


There is some forced romance, but... it comes across as really awkward? Like, I didn't even notice it was happening until other characters were nudging me and asking me things, "So, do you LIKE him or LIKE LIKE him?" I get that Meredith is supposed to be older and this is her chance to finally find someone to settle down with, but I think a mature woman would need more than a two minute conversation in the woods before wanting to move in with someone. I dunno. I got cheap, steamy romance novel vibes from this game, which is an odd target demographic for an indie title. I'm not saying it can't work, but I think it would need a deeper story to feel authentic.


And then there's Meredith's ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. It's not even the traffic laws. Meredith does several things by her own volition (and the occasional prodding by the player) that would put her behind bars. This is funny because it actually IS a plot point (but with a different mail carrier, so it doesn't count). She's constantly using the mail truck for personal errands and non-scheduled deliveries. I mean, I did that during my door-to-door job too, but I was using my own vehicle and had scheduled breaks. Who cares if I stop for strawberries at the local farmers market on my way back into town? Meredith doesn't care who she hurts. She'll put your package on hold while she's blazing with Mickey and June in their RV. She'll work a side hustle as a movie carrier while she's on the job. She's also constantly telling people to open their letters/packages and tell her what's inside. I struggle to think of what laws and codes of conduct Meredith doesn't break. Unfortunately, this game is too tame to acknowledge any of these as consequential, but I imagine anybody who worked as a mail carrier would have a hard time sitting through this. (Also, don't most USPS trucks have right-sided steering?)


I think free is a good price for this game. I actually enjoyed it. I enjoy weird shit. It's different enough to be unique and unique enough to stand out. My problem with a lot of "simulators" is they go for realism over fun. House Flipper is a good example of that. (And as someone who is currently flipping a house, I can assure you that it's not accurate either.) But what I like about this game is that it feels like it could be passed off a mail carrier simulator, even if it's only portraying a simplified and romanticized version of that profession. I think that's how we should start rating simulators. "Does this game make me want to do this in real life?" I am more interested in delivering mail than I was when I started the game. Thus, it's probably worth playing. Your mileage may vary.



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1 hour ago, Cassylvania said:

I'm not sure Kingdom Hearts is the series you want me playing to, erm, "detox"... Besides, I believe Dream Drop Distance is next on the chopping block. I think that's all that stands between me and KH3, so maybe I shouldn't put it off for too long.


Good luck on that, and I guess you're right. I just got to the Keyblade Graveyard and now I have to go back and get all those Lucky Emblems and chests I skipped in Arandelle, Caribbean, and San Fransokyo. Seriously, I am missing over 36 chests on the Caribbean, blame that annoying ocean map. ?


Good luck when you get to Dream Drop Distance and doing Julius on both Sora and Riku.

2 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Obviously, you guys know I grew up in the country, I like farming games, I love the outdoors, and I'm especially fond of anything that's set in the mid-1980's.


I can see you and my dad hanging out after church in a cheap bar downing a beer and talking about gardening and stuff.


My dad: "Say, you talk with my son on this forum of yours, right? Since you play video games, can you tell me what my son finds so f'king great about them to not get rightfully employed and get married at his age?"


You: "Uhmmmmm.... no comment." *swigs the beer*


(Go ahead and sue me. I actually named my female avatar in Pokemon White after you even though I know you're a dude. Cassy sounds like a girl's name.) xD

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5 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

... Did anybody play the games they recommended for this event? Hope you feel better soon because I'm holding you personally responsible for my mental health this month!


I played the other games I recommended to you, Rain World just looks like it would fit your survival games preference and since I'm interested in the game as well, I thought it might be a good recommendation.. but sure, I'll carry that weight. :') Maybe in a couple days we exchange tips and tricks and all will be good, who knows.

Edited by Mori
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On 7/2/2023 at 2:55 PM, Taruta13 said:

(Go ahead and sue me. I actually named my female avatar in Pokemon White after you even though I know you're a dude. Cassy sounds like a girl's name.) xD


Maybe Caseylvania would've been a better name?


On 7/2/2023 at 6:45 PM, Mori said:

I played the other games I recommended to you, Rain World just looks like it would fit your survival games preference and since I'm interested in the game as well, I thought it might be a good recommendation.. but sure, I'll carry that weight. :') Maybe in a couple days we exchange tips and tricks and all will be good, who knows.


I got my first tip for you. Don't hibernate with a lizard. Puts you in an endless death cycle. (I thought I was safe ducking into the bunker before him, but he followed me and respawned on top of me.)


But I'm getting ahead of myself. We still need a proper introduction to this game. Ahem... Ajna, if you'd please.


You know, I really don't feel like changing the color of font every time you want to do this.


Well, what do you propose?


Just narrate the whole thing in a different color. It'll make it easier for people to follow anyway.


I'm not doing it in pink.


Use whatever color you want. Just make it quick. It's starting to rain.


Oh, okay... Now, where we were? *flips through the script* I think it's your line...


"Here's your umbrella."


"My what?"


“Your umbrella." There was a long pause before Ajna sighed and spoke again. "...Ella. Ella."


"Oh, thanks! You can just put it on the boat. I need to finish paying my respects."


The clouds had settled in by now. After his defeat to my super powerful Kamehameha, we had buried RNGeta in the sand outside Kame House. There weren't any rocks on the island to make a tombstone, so I built a sand castle over his face and put two flags made from toothpicks and torn strips of Ajna's skirt in the towers where his eyes would be. I laid an orchid on his grave as the first drop of rain ran across my cheek. The second was a tear. They collected at my chin, forming the outline of a heart across my face.


"You know he's not dead, right?" Ajna asked. "He just passed out from overacting. I can still see him breathing."


Her voice seemed distant now. In their place, all I could hear were RNGeta's last words to me: "Eat shit, Cassarot." They echoed through my head. Was I right to go through with this? Should I just abandon the journey and go home now? Was there even a home to go back to...?


"Whatever. I'm going to finish packing the boat. If you're not on it in five minutes, I'm leaving without you."


I watched Ajna turn and walk away. Poor kid. She couldn't stand to see me like this either. If only I could walk away from all the destruction I had caused... Perhaps it was me who should be taking that final dirt nap. Master Roshi was right. I wasn't ready for the Kamehameha. Come to think of it, neither was RNGeta... That finishing attack tore a hole through him that, much like Ajna's skirt, could never be mended.


"I have to go to Rain World now," I told him. "I will defeat the evil that is there. I will find a way to fix this! I literally cannot spin the wheel without you." I clenched his fingers, which were still poking up through the sand. "I promise, my friend, this is not the end." All his fingers fell to the ground, except for the one in the middle, which seemed to be pointing at both me and the sky simultaneously. It was as if he was warning me about the dangers that were to come. I followed his fingertip to the dark clouds above and nodded grimly.


"TWO MINUTES!" Ajna shouted. I saw she was struggling with the supplies, so I suggested she put down half of what she was carrying and make two trips. She was too overcome with grief to hear me.


I took one last look at RNGeta and headed towards the boat. It was little more than a rowboat we had crafted out of driftwood, but I wasn't going to fault Ajna for shoddy workmanship. I hopped it into while Ajna finished loading our supplies and cheered her on as she pushed us out to sea. When she slipped and fell facefirst in the water, I was there to extend helpful words of encouragement. She stood back up, gritted her teeth, and dug her heels into the wet sand, determined to prove me right.


"You have a lobster on your head," I mentioned to her, just in case she hadn't noticed.


Once again, she was too overcome with grief to hear me. The lobster eventually jumped back into the ocean, but the redness on Ajna's face remained.


As I watched, the lump on the beach started to move. First, a hand. Then, a foot. Followed by another hand and then another foot. I gasped as RNGeta dug his way out of the makeshift grave. Ajna, sensing the immediate danger we were in, pushed harder. When the waves were able to do the work for her, she leapt over my head and landed on the middle seat, where the oars were waiting for her. She began paddling like our lives depended on it.


"I... HATE... sand!" RNGeta roared. His voice thundered across the sea. Poseidon himself would need ear plugs to shield himself from the cry of a man whose unrelenting hatred had brought him back from the afterlife. "It's COARSE and ROUGH and IRRITATING and it gets EVERYWHEEEERE!" He gripped a handful of sand in each hand like he was gripping somebody's throat and squeezed until that sand turned into chunks of shock quartz, which he started tossing across the water like skipping stones. The projectiles whizzed by our heads, threatening to sink us with every glancing blow, but I was safe in the flat bottom of the ship. Ajna even blocked a few stones with her head. Fortunately, we seemed to be too far from shore for him to target accurately. The sand in his eyes probably didn't help much either.


The onslaught lasted for about a minute.


"What's he doing now?" I asked Ajna.


"He's pointing his forefingers and thumbs at us like they're guns and making 'pew pew pew' noises..."


"Well, what are you waiting for!? Return fire!"


Ajna clearly didn't understand the gravity of the situation, so I climbed onto her shoulder and began fingerbanging back. I took cover behind her hair when I needed to, but RNGeta was limited to a single palm tree. His higher ground was no match for our superior naval tactics. It was a long and grueling fight, but he eventually retreated into Kame House -- likely to refill his ammo, but also to raid the fridge, which Ajna FORGOT TO PACK, DESPITE ME LEAVING POST-IT NOTES EVERYWHERE -- and I declared us the winner.


"That was a close one," I said, slumping down on Ajna's shoulder. "I don't think that's the last we'll be seeing of him." As I turned my head to the horizon, I saw the swirling tempest we were rowing towards. A maelstrom of fear and trepidation awaited us. It wouldn't be long at all before the sky was as wet as the sea below.


"You should've packed a bigger umbrella..." I whispered into her ear. The lightning really brought out the scorn in her eyes. "...Ella. Ella."



Edited by Cassylvania
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9 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Platinum #389 - Lake



I've been curious about this game, so I was excited to read your review! Seems like it is a decent PS+ Catalog game to play when I want to take a break from more difficult/longer platinums and play something short and random. Especially your comment about it being different enough to be unique, which is always something I appreciate in a game. 


9 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

And then there's Meredith's ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES.



9 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

But what I like about this game is that it feels like it could be passed off a mail carrier simulator, even if it's only portraying a simplified and romanticized version of that profession. I think that's how we should start rating simulators. "Does this game make me want to do this in real life?" I am more interested in delivering mail than I was when I started the game. Thus, it's probably worth playing. Your mileage may vary.


Yoooo did you hear how a real trucking company is putting recruitment ads in one of the Truck Simulator games?!


3 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

"That was a close one," I said, slumping down on Ajna's shoulder. "I don't think that's the last we'll be seeing of him." As I turned my head to the horizon, I saw the swirling tempest we were rowing towards. A maelstrom of fear and trepidation awaited us. It wouldn't be long at all before the sky was as wet as the sea below.


"You should've packed a bigger umbrella..." I whispered into her ear. The lightning really brought out the scorn in her eyes. "...Ella. Ella."




This was like reading a fever dream, and I loved it. I don't know what the character names reference - and there are probably plenty of other references in these that fly over my head - but thus far they've been hilarious reads. I wish I didn't get the Rhianna reference though, because that chorus line is trying to get stuck in my head now. And I think RNGeta deserves an Oscar, because I could *hear* Anakin in their performance. (Though was it a good idea for Ajna to block stones with her head?! ?)

Edited by pelagia14
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3 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Maybe Caseylvania would've been a better name?




S23.jpg This girl, from one of the early episodes in the Johto Pokemon anime, is Casey. xD


Really, don't worry about it, dude. I couldn't think of a better name for my character. ;)

Edited by Taruta13
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10 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

... Did anybody play the games they recommended for this event? Hope you feel better soon because I'm holding you personally responsible for my mental health this month!

I will say that I played through the entirety of the original launch of Blasphemous, though there's apparently been quite a few updates that added new content into the game with no new achievements for any of them.


I never got the platinum thanks to one achievement requiring you to never heal during any of the boss fights, because as much as I enjoyed the game I was both not good enough to get through most of the bosses without healing and I had a hard time not pressing the heal button just on instinct during the fights and voiding the trophy.


As for Life is Strange 2, I only recommended that one because you had already done every other game in that series, with me having zero experience with any of the games in that franchise.

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I just wanted to say that I played the games I suggested, but they didn't make the cut -  just like the guys in Hard Knocks that are called to the Coach's office who appreciate each other and what great guys they are, but the playbook has to be turned in (and I always hoped some guy would tell that his dog ate his playbook, sorry, coach). From the games on the wheel, I played two and finished only one.

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20 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

"At least I can have a moment of peace," she said to herself, right before I respawned beside her.

Wow, that was... interesting. I'm sure my sidekick Taratu would murder me too if I looked like a slime. xD


Anyways, good luck on Rain World. As for me, I want to say I just got my 200th platinum in Kingdom Hearts III. I finally defeated my archnemesis Randonort and now I have to deal with the evil Dragon Goddess in Erdrea. (Just kidding, I wanted to reference the ending of KH3 which had the surprise twist. :P)


Of course, I just used EZ codes to cheat most of the system, though I did complete it legit in an older account.


I am going to take a break and watch Anju keep beating the snot out of you while eating fajitas my dad grilled up. Have a happy Independence Day, Cass, and may the rest of 2023 be more fruitful than the first. ;)

On 7/2/2023 at 10:40 PM, grayhammmer said:

I never got the platinum thanks to one achievement requiring you to never heal during any of the boss fights, because as much as I enjoyed the game I was both not good enough to get through most of the bosses without healing and I had a hard time not pressing the heal button just on instinct during the fights and voiding the trophy.

Well, now you know what I will never play Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, because of the one trophy requiring you to defeat the final boss's true form without taking any damage, which means you have to take no damage during the FIRST phase of that fight. And I totally suck at avoiding damage. That's why I hate Risky's Revenge; I tried for ages to avoid dying to the final boss there and not chug a potion, but I kept dying due to its mermaid transformation. :(

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