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1980's Classic Adventures in Babysitting 

22 hours ago, Redgrave said:



Art the Clown returns for more whacky Halloween hijinks in the sequel to Terrifier where this time he has an assistant in the form of some other clown demon girl. This time Art goes after some high schoolers and their families and I guess he kind of has something of a Freddy Krueger ability where he's able to transport people into some nightmare dimension where they play catchy songs about the food you will eat and then shoot people with a tommygun. Along with that he does the classic pranks of decapitation and scalping once again but also mixes it up by having someone's decapitated head used as a candy bowl. What a character that Art!


But yeah, I liked this one maybe as much as the first one since it felt like it changed things up a bit while also being an unapologetic slasher that gets pretty gruesome at times. I think in that area it manages to outdo the first movie since a couple of the deaths he causes range from gratuitous to sadistic but Art just loves doing it. Along with that some of the dark humor like the aforementioned decapitated head as a candy bowl was pretty funny to see since in that scene they all think it's a fake head and there is even a moment where he gets onto one kid for trying to take more than one piece of candy. There is also one scene where I like the implication for it is that Art went out of his way to make mashed potatoes.


So yeah, I liked it and it looks like they tease a sequel at the end so I look forward to that whenever that comes out.




My understanding of this is that you either will or won't like it because of the way it's treated like a historical action movie but I have something of a soft spot for it for some reason. Maybe it's because of the setting that outside of the war happening is just nice to look at and the music that accompanies it adds an extra flavor to it. I also like the militia and how they interact with each other and seeing the part where they call in a parlay and you see the trick they pull. Jason Isaacs also does really good as the main antagonist since even when I first saw this in the 2000's he always stood out to me because of him basically being that evil British man.


It's also just interesting seeing how war used to be back then. It's kind of crazy how a lot of it was lining up in an open field, shooting a shot, and then hoping the enemy misses you or if they do hit you then you better hope the shot was lethal because chances are it will get infected and you will have to have the ol' sawbones take a limb or die of infection. I imagine going from Muskets to a Winchester would be like a dream come true considering how long they take to reload.

Movie is amazing a classic everyone should watch

22 hours ago, Redgrave said:



Art the Clown returns for more whacky Halloween hijinks in the sequel to Terrifier where this time he has an assistant in the form of some other clown demon girl. This time Art goes after some high schoolers and their families and I guess he kind of has something of a Freddy Krueger ability where he's able to transport people into some nightmare dimension where they play catchy songs about the food you will eat and then shoot people with a tommygun. Along with that he does the classic pranks of decapitation and scalping once again but also mixes it up by having someone's decapitated head used as a candy bowl. What a character that Art!


But yeah, I liked this one maybe as much as the first one since it felt like it changed things up a bit while also being an unapologetic slasher that gets pretty gruesome at times. I think in that area it manages to outdo the first movie since a couple of the deaths he causes range from gratuitous to sadistic but Art just loves doing it. Along with that some of the dark humor like the aforementioned decapitated head as a candy bowl was pretty funny to see since in that scene they all think it's a fake head and there is even a moment where he gets onto one kid for trying to take more than one piece of candy. There is also one scene where I like the implication for it is that Art went out of his way to make mashed potatoes.


So yeah, I liked it and it looks like they tease a sequel at the end so I look forward to that whenever that comes out.




My understanding of this is that you either will or won't like it because of the way it's treated like a historical action movie but I have something of a soft spot for it for some reason. Maybe it's because of the setting that outside of the war happening is just nice to look at and the music that accompanies it adds an extra flavor to it. I also like the militia and how they interact with each other and seeing the part where they call in a parlay and you see the trick they pull. Jason Isaacs also does really good as the main antagonist since even when I first saw this in the 2000's he always stood out to me because of him basically being that evil British man.


It's also just interesting seeing how war used to be back then. It's kind of crazy how a lot of it was lining up in an open field, shooting a shot, and then hoping the enemy misses you or if they do hit you then you better hope the shot was lethal because chances are it will get infected and you will have to have the ol' sawbones take a limb or die of infection. I imagine going from Muskets to a Winchester would be like a dream come true considering how long they take to reload.

Very good Movie one of Mel Gibsons best work besides Braveheart 

CrossRoads Ralph Macchio amazing movie

Edited by CaveBear912
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Watched it at the perfect time, I've been all about WW2 history lately and have recently finished watching Peaky Blinders. I swear there were a couple points where Thomas Shelby broke through in Cillian Murphy's performance. Absolutely fantastic and glad it emphasized the moral dilemma and what the bomb meant for the world going forward. One of the most important events in history depicted very well. Extremely well-written and well-acted. Those 3 hours went very fast. 

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What I’ve watched recently I enjoyed Taxi and Ballerina I thought those films were great and were thoroughly entertaining very good watches, As for Vampire’s Kiss I usually like black comedies but I found this to be honestly annoying to watch but that’s just me.


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