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The Last Movie You Saw?


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King of Fighters.... ummmm I guess its better than DOA, but that ain't saying much, the funniest part is Kursani's son when he is teenager hes asian, but when hes an adult he's white.... guess he got the Michael Jackson diesase, I actually thought it was the white dudes brother and he got killed or something, but nope that was suppose to be him when he was young.... i guess a 4/10 maybe a 5, I dunno how to really rate it since I never played the game, if I did it probably would go lower

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Today (or I suppose technically yesterday in my time) I watched Singin' in the Rain (1952) in my Intro to Cinema class. It is deemed the greatest musical ever by the American Film Institute. I loved it. Not typically what I watch, but I loved it for what it was. I recommend it to anyone who'd like to broaden their horizons and try something new.

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They had a Star Wars marathon during the weekend on Spike like they usually do. Ended up watching all 6 and the new trilogy was just as bad as always. The Old Trilogy, however, was still just as good.

Phantom Menace - 5/10

Attack of the Clones - 5/10

Revenge of the Sith - 7/10

A New Hope - 8/10

Empire Strikes Back - 8/10

Return of the Jedi - 7/10

Goodfellas - 10/10

Edited by Black-Xero
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Saw Your Highness, it was pretty good, but not the laugh riot I heard it was. 8/10

And that Live Action Tekken movie, it was not as bad as some other video game movies and Uwe Boll had NOTHING to do with it so that's a +, but still overall goofy and ridiculous with plenty of cheese to go around, take this one with a grain of salt. 7.5/10

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Another Tuesday, another movie from my Intro to Cinema class. Duck Soup (1933) this time, ranks as AFI's fifth funniest movie of all time. It was definitely hilarious, and so ridiculous. Being so old, I expected it to not be very funny, but it was a pleasant surprise to find that it was. It was so funny that I actually didn't realize that it was black and white until just now, thinking about it, haha. Definitely go check it out if you're looking for a good laugh.

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