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Rockstar controversy started already?


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I thought the video was funny and the SWJs getting angry about it funny as well. I'm certainly not an anti SWJ, these idiots can have meltdowns for as long as they see fit and I'll just watch.


If games get banned, censored or changed though because of SWJs then that indeed I am annoyed about. Things like loot boxes and gambling are worse right now.

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20 hours ago, Agent 47 said:

Well, to be fair, in Red Dead Redemption II you can punch a suffragette in the face, but you can also kill KKK members (without that even lowering your honour system). So... Having your cake and eating it too, or something.


It's like when people were outraged that Quentin Tarantino turned slavery into a spaghetti western. Can't we all just agree that a work of art can offend and still be good? Or is this going to be about the fragile minds of the current youngsters?


Nothing new here. You can kill women in the original Red Dead Redemption. You can kill racist Southern KKK members in Mafia 3. SJWs and Feminists just want something to bitch about. 


Fitting this topic was made during the middle of the Elections. Not that everyone here is from America considering a lot of people here are from the UK and Germany. 


But a game set in late 1800s America in the Old West is already stirring up controversy. For Rockstar this is a typical bread and butter situation, considering that every single game they’ve made since GTA 3 back in 2001 has generated some sort of backlash. 


Usually from people who have no understanding of video games.

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Ahh I saw this video (didn't watch it, just saw the thumbnail and title) and figured that it would spark something. It's a game people. You know, for fun? Punching people in the face, no matter who it is, is fun. You can't do it in real life so take advantage of a game that lets you do it with the only consequences being in-game. 

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49 minutes ago, Krove-34 said:

The guy is ban ( more than 400K sub ) for the video where he kill a feminist : 


And yet people dare to say that anti-NPCs (anti-SJWs) are worse than the NPCs while saying that those NPCs are doing a good thing and that censoring its not their fault when they are actually the worst stain on human history, found it really funny how those NPCs got triggered over an actual npc getting beaten ? and a bit pissed of that those pussies had to go as far as removing the channel over something that offended them :\

Edited by INinjaRaidenI
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12 hours ago, Sicho said:

People that are "anti-SJW" aren't better than the extremist SJW, they are just the other side of the spectrum and should not be supported or celebrated as well. People that are quickly offended and easily triggered by stuff probably have a lot of mental issues and mocking them just makes you a bully. Try reasoning with them and if they can't be reasoned with, ignore them. But don't mock them aggressively.

I don't know if this is a cause or effect of the polarization we see everywhere today, but it's very real. People assume the "other side" doesn't want to listen to reason because of a few loud mouthed extremists, and they just snipe at each other from their politicized castles.


Getting mad at people offended by RDR2 doesn't solve anything either. Non-gamers can't be expected to understand that there is a difference between RDR2 being an open world where it's possible to kill feminist NPCs (e.g. RDR2) and a game that encourages it through an anti-women story (e.g. not RDR2). Thankfully that's not what RDR2 is, and has been pointed out, it also allows you to kill KKK members (which I think is awesome). If people who think RDR2 is anti-women aren't willing to listen to an explanation countering that idea, that's their loss.


I ran into a disabled war veteran in the game who was asking for money. I'm sure it's possible to kill him too... hopefully the crowd that feels the need to constantly remind everyone how patriotic they are, won't be offended about the game's "disrespectful anti-military" bias. :P


I wish gaming wasn't political. I don't agree with some of the complaints against games from non-gamers, but I also wish my fellow gamers didn't often feel the need to get defensive and seemingly be intentionally offensive. Writing everyone off as extremists isn't helping anything. There is a middle ground where games can be enjoyed by everyone, and RDR2 is actually a pretty inclusive, even-handed game.

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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2018 and still this shit? People need to grow a spin

Edit: what the fuck, the guy that got banned also had majority of the game OST I listened.

One question, to all these guys making up this anti sjw terminology:


Can you give me an example of "anti sjw" blocking the freedom of speech of a "sjw"?

Edited by scemopagliaccioh
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38 minutes ago, scemopagliaccioh said:

2018 and still this shit? People need to grow a spin

Edit: what the fuck, the guy that got banned also had majority of the game OST I listened.

One question, to all these guys making up this anti sjw terminology:


Can you give me an example of "anti sjw" blocking the freedom of speech of a "sjw"?


I also find it funny how those SJWs are the ones that always demand freedom of speech while at the same time they are the same pussies that censor everything that doesn't fit their agenda. 

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Wow, it's really true!. That guy had his channel suddenly deleted... How long before all violent videogames are banned from youtube then....I bet you Jim Sterling conveniently ignores this.





Seem it is back up now. The guy seemed to get banned for his "Feeding Annoying Feminist to Pigs" video, which is also back up as of an hour ago.


I'll probably not watch this guy on his channel but I'm subscribing to him just out of protest.

Edited by enaysoft
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On 6-11-2018 at 9:44 PM, Undead Wolf said:


Wrong. The anti-SJW types aren't getting "angry" or "triggered" over this so-called controversy, most of us find it bloody hilarious. :lol: There's a big difference between mocking the other side and getting "triggered" by them.


If so, then  why feel the need to defend yourself, lol.

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On 11/7/2018 at 4:09 PM, Sicho said:


Since PETA are a bunch of extremist morons ...




You can't make this up.



That article is hilarious, especially on the milking cow mini-game on 1-2 Switch. I wonder if the PETA rep that wrote that letter to Nintendo was really able to keep a straight face while writing it.

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On 11/7/2018 at 11:22 AM, MosesRockefeller said:

I don't know if this is a cause or effect of the polarization we see everywhere today, but it's very real. People assume the "other side" doesn't want to listen to reason because of a few loud mouthed extremists, and they just snipe at each other from their politicized castles.


Getting mad at people offended by RDR2 doesn't solve anything either. Non-gamers can't be expected to understand that there is a difference between RDR2 being an open world where it's possible to kill feminist NPCs (e.g. RDR2) and a game that encourages it through an anti-women story (e.g. not RDR2). Thankfully that's not what RDR2 is, and has been pointed out, it also allows you to kill KKK members (which I think is awesome). If people who think RDR2 is anti-women aren't willing to listen to an explanation countering that idea, that's their loss.


I ran into a disabled war veteran in the game who was asking for money. I'm sure it's possible to kill him too... hopefully the crowd that feels the need to constantly remind everyone how patriotic they are, won't be offended about the game's "disrespectful anti-military" bias. :P


I wish gaming wasn't political. I don't agree with some of the complaints against games from non-gamers, but I also wish my fellow gamers didn't often feel the need to get defensive and seemingly be intentionally offensive. Writing everyone off as extremists isn't helping anything. There is a middle ground where games can be enjoyed by everyone, and RDR2 is actually a pretty inclusive, even-handed game.


Out of touch Republicans went after Far Cry 5 because of it's cast of characters and it's atmosphere. Red Dead Redemption 2 is just another game on the shit list for these extremists.


Personally I just couldn't care less. This is an internet forum, where people of all kinds come here to share a similar interest. Trophy hunting, but that's about where our similarities end.


I don't know how people outside of America feel about this but the 2018 Elections has made a lot of people on edge. Very much like what happened two years ago, so these extremists and other jackasses go after pop culture and entertainment looking for anything they find is inappropriate.


Oh look somebody hit a woman in RDR2. We can't have that according to some people, but this just goes back to the old debate about trying to censor video games and movies.


This culture today where we have this polarization everywhere and people who can't agree to disagree when it comes to politics and how they perceive our world sickens me. I almost miss the days back when video games were just a niche hobby and the gamers who played them were mostly just kids and some grownups who were into strategy titles.


Nowadays a company can make a game that is a sequel to the Manhunt series and politicians and extremists alike will jump up and down that it's too violent, we need to protect our children, etc etc. Then the media eats it all up and in return people on social media get all pissed off about the controversy.


That's the shit I cannot stand. I play video games as a form of escapism entertainment, to take a breather from my stressful job and my struggles with paying my bills. But social media today takes a lot of that escapism away, and our society is a reflection of who we are.

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