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The Worst Anime You Have Ever Watched.


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Sailor Moon


Dragon Ball Z

YuGiOh GX and onwards, it was okay for the first five or so seasons with Yugi and the group.

Pokemon Advanced


First 3 of those I just had a really difficult time in getting into, never got into them actually. 

Then I hated YuGiOh! GX, I have seen some of 5Ds, haven't seen Zexal, but that series lost my interest when it wasn't the original characters, even know they played the game totally wrong.

Pokemon Advanced was because of May and Max.. really annoying characters and then sometime during that series, they changed Ash's voice actor.

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If I had started them now, I'd most likely be the same Takahashi. They are tough to get in to. Sailor Moon was one I never understood. Personally, Basilisk annoyed me. The ninja Romeo and Juliet type of story was good and all, but it just left me going :facepalm: towards the end.

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  • 3 years later...

(bump because this is the perfect place for me to be salty about my least favorite series)

The worst anime I've ever seen... is easily Aoi Sekai no Chuushin De. And the worst part... the concept was great! A Nintendo vs Sega console wars parody with personified game series... I would usually LOVE stuff like that, and was genuinely looking forwards to it! But... it just ended up as a wasted concept. Nothing hurts as much as a wasted great concept...


Rushed plot, no likeable characters(they were either annoying, had almost no personality or ran on one joke that got old fast... or only showed up briefly in one scene at the ending), but the main issue, it generally it took itself a bit too seriously for what it was. Even if it's a console "war" I still think it would work better as a more silly, lighthearted story (there were some jokes, but overall it seemed to go for the more serious route) because... it's hard to take what's still a Nintendo vs Sega parody "seriously". It was like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be a game parody or a serious fantasy story... and failed at both. Several "dramatic scenes" had little impact and seemed more like cheap attempts to make it Dark and Edgy.

Also the "Nintendo" characters, the ones presented as the "main villains" only show up for under 3-4 minutes during the whole show... and Sega suddenly fights against Taito instead in what seemed mostly like a out-of-nowhere plot twist? I don't even know...


The fact that it was only 3 episodes with several months in-between (those aren't OVAs, but the whole show) should maybe have been a warning that this show wasn't exactly their priority... xD

If you wanna watch it, definitely watch with a friend so you can laugh together.

Edited by Zanreo
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Oh.. Didn't know that this thread exist... Only from 1990-2012??? Awww... You are lucky this time Glasslip, Mayoiga and Tokyo Ghoul Root A.


Anyway, would say Kuroshitsuji II, well.. What can I say... You cannot even spell it without... Kuro :awesome: 


bad continuation of the bad ending of the first season + Bad addition of one of my least anime character of all time: Alois. I wish I could make myself forget it :|

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8 hours ago, JaM said:

Only from 1990-2012???

Can't speak for the OP but assuming the 2012 is because the thread was made in mid-2013, so probably to avoid people adding currenly ongoing series, if made today it might have been 2016... I think. And considering you can't make new threads for an already-done topic...

Edited by Zanreo
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I'd say off the top of my head, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi. Easily one of the laziest attempts at comedy, both in terms of the visuals and parody, which is the bulk of its "humor".


On the visual side, we got the Lazy Gainax* method of most (if not all) of the slapstick having only 3 frames of animation with a shitton of shaky cam. I never found this funny in any of their shows, and they just can't seem to let it go.


On the parody side, all it is is "hey, this was a thing from an anime/movie. SOOO WACKY!!" and that's it. No commentary about it, no unique spin on it, just that it existed.


I was never huge on FLCL, but I can definitely appreciate its message, length and humor much more after watching this. Abenobashi feels like FLCL if it had 13 episodes, which results in alot of pointless filler and an incredibly underwhelming attempt at a serious plot point halfway through (another thing Gainax liked to do that I didn't like).


*yes, i know it was animated by madhouse

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• Sword Art Online was an awful waste of my time. It managed to take an interesting concept and make it painfully dull and become a generic romance-centered harem anime. Now, that wouldn't be *that* bad if every character wasn't terrible and had the depth of a kiddie pool. Especially Kirito.


• Panty & Stocking wasn't funny, at least not for me. Or maybe my sense of humor just isn't sophisticated enough. ? Either way, I just didn't enjoy watching it. Good music though.


There's probably a lot more, but I'd have to think about it. These are the main two that I really disliked though (though honestly any slice of life type show with "kawaii school girls OwO" and absolutely no substance would probably make this list).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mirai Nikki: The Future Diary


The worst anime I ever watched in my entire goddamn life. Awful, selfish, mean spirited characters, a useless protagonist, a stupid ass concept, stupid going nowhere plot, awful animation, bad music, CRINGY dialogue, dumb motivations, poor writing. The list continues.


In short, I fucking hate Mirai Nikki, and the stupid fanbase doesn't help.

On 4/10/2017 at 9:03 PM, Zanreo said:

Can't speak for the OP but assuming the 2012 is because the thread was made in mid-2013, so probably to avoid people adding currenly ongoing series, if made today it might have been 2016... I think. And considering you can't make new threads for an already-done topic...


Edit button fixes that, but OP hasn't bothered

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Don't know if this count's Sword Art Online S2:

I really loved the tension when they where stuck in the game and they would really die if they died in the game. After a while they became to accept life in Sword Art Online.


But when S2 began it was just 1 big pile of shit. It felt like they where aiming more for harem. The tension was gone sine they wouldn't die if they died in game. And it just became people playing a video game.



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3 minutes ago, Satoshi Ookami said:

Eh... and here I thought your dub love was the top bad opinion :awesome:


Bad opinion just because you are not agree with that? Suuuuure thing. Dude, you really need to teach us the greatness of the weebness to be all of us like you.

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