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Currently Playing:

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

- Done 1 playthrough, 2 more to go.

Persona 3: FES

- My first Persona/SMT game; absolutely fantastic.

Grand Theft Auto V

- Platinum'd already but I occasionally revisit GTA Online.

I was also playing Borderlands couch co-op with a sibling, however my 2nd controller's select button got stuck so it has been postponed. Playing single-player Borderlands is completely tedious in my opinion!

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Naughty Dog kick time peoples!!!!! As I am finishing up Uncharted 3 online trophies I will be going through the following games starting today:


1. Crash Bandicoot (100% run)

2. Crash Bandicoot 2 (100% run)

3. Crash Bandicoot 3 (100% run)

4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Story run - Crushing)

5. Uncharted: Among Thieves (Story run - Crushing)

6. Uncharted: Drake's Deception (Story run - Crushing)


I'm pretty excited. :D

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