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PS users playing online with Wii U users? Nintendo says YES!


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Nintendo allowing cross-platform online play with Playstation, Xbox users


Believe it or not, one indie developer has revealed that Nintendo has told them they can add cross-platform online play with Xbox and Playstation users. Of course, Sony and Microsoft would have to allow it themselves for this to happen but its a big step for the entire industry that Nintendo seems willing to make first. (3DS, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One)


Smart move by Nintendo (wow, when was the last time I said that?!?! ) I personally think this would be awesome!!!'


What are your opinions?

Edited by Bullstomp
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This sounds like a good thing. Sony has been willing to do cross-platform play with PC and with Nintendo generally being considered not a main competitor I'd hope they would be willing to work with Nintendo too. If there's one thing I'd like to see next generation it's the walls that separate gamers coming down even just a little.

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I doubt it will ever happen. With the genuine next generation consoles being so much more powerful I imagine they'll be able to support more people on screen, more action and stuff like that so to be compatible with the Wii U games would potentially have to be scaled way down to the Wii U version which isn't good for anyone. If Nintendo releases a competitive console I'd fully embrace and welcome it. I'd much rather see Sony do what they did with Portal 2 and allow games to be played with PC players as well. Most PC games are pretty much identical to their console counterparts in terms of amount of players, on screen enemies and things like that so it would be much easier to get them to work together, in my opinion.




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i always wished for this to happen on every console / handheld that have online access, especially on these multiplatform games, Sony already doing cross play with PC, some ps3 games already have this feature so ps3 users can play with PC users on games like FF14 and portal 2, also ps2, xbox 360 and PC users did play with each other in final fantasy 11, what i really wanted to see is that this feature will be on all multiplatform games, like ps3, 360 and PC users will gonna play with each other in GTA5 online or ps3, 360 and Wii U users will play with each other online in TTT2 etc.


though developers need to support the Wii U then, some developers didn't even put a multiplayer on Wii U version of their games.


so i would say yes! looking forward to this, sony and microsoft need to a prove this on their servers first. 

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I don't know about this, this seems like a good idea only for Nintendo (but bad for Sony and Microsoft).


Sony and MS customers already have tons of people to play with and good servers (for the most part). Nintendo 3rd party games don't sell well so I bet the servers are pretty much empty for games like AC3 and Black Ops2. So Nintendo benefits greatly from this SOny/MS don't gain anything.


Also 3Rd party games get dumbed down for nintendo so that means we would now be playing on those servers (also not a win for Sony and MS).


So once again only Nintendo benefits from this and they get good PR as well because they can now say "we tried to get along with SOny/MS but they refused to make this happen. They hate gamers and don't want them to have fun."


You will see PC/Console cross platform (already have in Portal 2) before Nintendo/Next Gen.

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When I first got into the PS3, I thought that's how thing worked. :P Like players in multiplayer components of multi-platform games could play against each other. How silly I was.


LOL! same here, sure the ps3 is my first time i ever played a game online in my life which was killzone 2, but before that back in the 16-bit era when i first heard about playing online on PC and then heard of next gen ( ps1, N64 and saturn at the time ) that are also going to get a few games to be played online i thought ps1, N64, saturn and PC user are all going to compete with each other online on the same game in one pay to play server, boy i was so dead wrong  :lol:  

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