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Blank friend requests.....I hate them.


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I dunno' about the rest of you, but a pet peeve of mine are the morons who send blank friend requests. I mean really, is it that agonizingly difficult for someone to say what website or game they know you from?

Unless I am expecting someone to send me a request, random blank friend requests just get deleted.

How about you, does this tick ya' off or...?

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I reckon it's funny if you play good in a game online then people try add ya lol I had it in cod if I played heaps well, on some games they would try add me haha

Yeah, I know why, but really, can't they at least say something like "Hey, played ya' on CoD" (or whatever game).

I have had some that sent blank requests and we don't even have any of the same games. :blink:

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I usually put something in the comments. I just feel like it's common courtesy unless I previously asked the person while we were playing the same game online. I'm funny about accepting FR with comments if I've never met the person online or through a gaming website similar to this one.

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Its a good job I have no friends - you only end up wasting precious breath on having to talk to them or energy on having to type stuff....

but with that said the FRs that get me are the requests that are several lines long in a language i dont speak. Then when I google the text it turns out that they are looking but buy my wife or something interesting like that.

I can sell her tho as I wouldnt have anyone to cook for me then..... :(

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Its a good job I have no friends - you only end up wasting precious breath on having to talk to them or energy on having to type stuff....

but with that said the FRs that get me are the requests that are several lines long in a language i dont speak. Then when I google the text it turns out that they are looking but buy my wife or something interesting like that.

I can sell her tho as I wouldnt have anyone to cook for me then..... :(

Pimpin ain't easy, Rory. :P

For some reason I think the misses would be pissed at that last line. Lol!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't often get them since I only have a few friends and the people from work but when I do it's kinda weird. I just delete them unless I know who the person is by gamertag. Like my co-worker is going to add me so I'll assume the next one I get is him if there is no comment since I forgot to ask for his but in all reality I don't just accept them.

However, people normally tell me why since it's almost always for trophy boosting since I helped with LBP a lot when I was working on the plat and they had to tell me what trophy they needed help with.

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  • 1 month later...

Blanks get deleted. At first I kept and approved everybody. But I had nothing but 1 timers looking to pad their friend numbers. I deleted all of those. Now, unless we've been introduced by a mutual friend, or I know of you from one of my visited websites, I delete them. I already have a great collection of friends for online playing. True, the more the merrier, but if you can't even spend a few secs to just put in "Member of PSNP" I really can't hit that accept button.

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On another trophy site, it seems like almost everyone has "NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111ONEONE" in their signature. I really don't get it. Especially enough to call people that send them "morons". I mean, what is the big deal? What good does it really do you if they type in "psnprofiles" rather than it being blank? If you don't want to add the person, then just ignore it. How can such a little thing make so many people so annoyed/angry? Then again, I suppose people in general are quick to anger. I've received a couple blank friend requests over the years. I just accepted them. Looks like I'm still here and doing well despite doing so :)

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Quick question, how often do people get blank friends requests? I only very occasionally/rarely get them, I usually delete them as they're from people I met online on games I'm not trying to boost, or they are only a level 4 or something similar.

Believe it or not, I get at least 3 a week.....

For me it is more a case that there are a few forums I visit where the persons user name and PSN name are different, unlike here. I for one like to know who it is sending me a request, and for what. Do they just want to hook up, boost...whatever. I dunno' but I just think a quick "Hey, this is so & so from PSNP" (or whatever site), or "BF3" (or whatever game) isn't too difficult a task.

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Blank friend requests dont' really bother me. If a request is blank I add them if their trophy level is high and or their name makes some sense and or if they have a cool avatar. Note to anyone reading this from this site: If you want to add me as a friend, I would prefer you mention you are from this site. Thanks :)

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