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Dunno which to choose: AC4, Battlefield 4 or Call of Duty Ghosts?


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Searched for this topic but culdnt find it. So my ps4 should hopefully be coming in 2-3 days. Uber excited and its coming bundled with 2k14! 
However I'm thinking of picking up a second game; either AC4, Battlefield 4 or CoD Ghosts.

I enjoy the single player experiences of AC but FPS multiplayer is also highly addictive. I've always been a fan of the AC series & played CoD 4 and MW3. I don't mind CoD, its okish imo. Never played a battlefield game much (played BF2 once or twice) heard a lot of good things about BF4 however heard multiplayer was a bit dodgy atm or something (server problems or something?).


Anyways would love to hear some opinions! Maybe some first-hand experiences with these games thanks!!

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I havent touched the last few AC games, but I am enjoying my time with AC4. The multiplayer is terrible though.

Ghosts mp is the same as every other CoD really.

I havent played BF4 but almost everyone I know that has, has complained a lot.


My recommendation since youre debating on two shooters and want addictive mp... Get Killzone Shadow Fall. It is a superb multiplayer and Id be happy to answer any questions about it.

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Go with AC IV. BF4 is one of the most glitchiest and laggiest games I've ever played. It's on the edge of being unplayable. Piece of shit garbage broken game it is. 

I have a strong hate for COD. So only AC IV remains and that's by far the best one IMO. Even though I haven't played it. But that's just my 2 cents.

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Go with AC IV. BF4 is one of the most glitchiest and laggiest games I've ever played. It's on the edge of being unplayable. Piece of shit garbage broken game it is. 

I have a strong hate for COD. So only AC IV remains and that's by far the best one IMO. Even though I haven't played it. But that's just my 2 cents.

bf4 is fine on ps4, i have the plats on both versions, i encountered loads of problems on ps3 but ps4 was perfect


Both games are great, but if you like mp go with bf4

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I've played none of them but based on what I've heard from others both BF4 and Ghosts are among the worst in their series, AC4 on the other hand has meant to have been the best the series has had to offer in a long time so I think that would be your best value for money.

bf4 on the ps4 has 66 players, the online is pure carnage, but great fun, how is that the worst ? therefor bf4 would be the best value for money. Ac bf's multiplayer is awful

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I'm going to toss in a positive vote for BF4. A ton of fun, if you like a more cooperative shooter and it looks great for showing off the ps4 and have only had one hang while loading multiplayer.

Now I don't play the single player and only play on official servers so that may be why I don't see any issues but ultimately I'm loving it!

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bf4 on the ps4 has 66 players, the online is pure carnage, but great fun, how is that the worst ? therefor bf4 would be the best value for money. Ac bf's multiplayer is awful

I won't disagree on that BF4 probably does work perfectly fine on PS4, like I said I'm only going on the basis of opinions from various gamer friends and of course it's all personal opinions which at the end of the day should be taken with a grain of salt, most of them simply didn't enjoy it as much as BF3 and there were a couple of complaints of it actually starting to lean too close to COD in the feel and gameplay. I also agree that I don't care for the multiplayer aspects of the AC series, but in terms of single player at least (Which the original poster mentioned enjoying) I've heard extremely positive responses to, and it's the only of the games mentioned above that seems to be a huge improvement over it's predecessors. 

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I think we can all agree that Call of Duty is pretty much an instantaneous "no", haha. Seriously though, I didn't get it and my friends were saying "you're crazy" and they all bought it, and they all literally hated it, haha.


Battlefield 4 is really fun online and its been working for me personally, even though my single player save file keeps corrupting =/


I'm fatigued of Assassin's Creed right now, so I never played it but it looks like a really good open world game!

Edited by BlindMango
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My cousin insisted that I get COD Ghosts around the time that it got released. Then a couple of weeks later he complained how bad it was. I still don't have it and probably won't get it anytime soon.

I've never played BF so I can't comment on that. However, I really enjoy AC games, not really for the multiplayer part of them, but AC4 looks really good and seems to be the winner among votes here.

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It depends on whether or not you have friends to play with. If you have friends I'd be looking at CoD or Battlefield, if you're more interested in the singleplayer aspect of a game then go with Assassin's Creed IV. 


CoD: Ghosts is a good game. I was originally put off by the multiplayer because I was playing it like previous CoD games and that simply won't work. The spawns are different, the gunplay is different, the engagements are different and the maps are set up completely different as well. Once I spent the time to figure the game out (somewhat, at least) I found it to be immensely more enjoyable than I had before. The game is a fast paced arcade shooter that is meant to be played in relatively short bursts. If you have 30 minutes to kill you can fit in 4 or 5 Team Deathmatch games or maybe a few rounds of Domination. The gunplay in Ghosts feels great and the connection seems to be the best in the series. If you enjoy CoD and will take the time to "learn" the game, Ghosts is a good choice.


Battlefield 4 is also a good game. I had a lot of crashing, freezing and glitching in the first week or so the game was out but after that the game played beautifully. I personally enjoyed the game much more than Battlefield 3 but that may be because I played the PS3 version of BF3 and I'm comparing it to the PS4 version of BF4. Battlefield is a much slower paced game and it is more realistic than CoD. Guns have much more recoil, the player moves more realistically and there are a plethora of vehicles to enjoy as well. Tanks, jets, attack boats, helicopters and numerous other vehicles are all yours for the taking and they can be incredibly fun too. If you are craving a team oriented multiplayer shooter then Battlefield 4 is the game I'd choose.  


Either way you really can't go wrong, it just depends on what you want to play. 




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AC4: If you enjoy more of a single player playthrough, I'd choose this. I've never liked AC MP.


BF4: Just got this last night, if you do quick match your screwed for MP. You get a bunch of foreigners and you lag to the points of your floating to a spot you weren't at which leads to your demise pretty fast. But if you join a server via Battlelog on your PC it's much better and playable. Only complaint I have is why do level 100s camp in vehicles, are they that much of PUSSIES that they couldn't reach level 100 with guns? (it's funny.. the prison level that has no vehicles they do absolutely horrible most of the time.) 


COD: Same ol' Same ol. I bought this for extinction (On ps3) and that wasn't even worth $20 of the purchase. MP is a mess. Spawns suck, they still can't find a way to ban modded controllers...  it's annoying as all hell. SP is pretty cool though, but definitely isn't a $60 game in my books.

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