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Trophy Leaderboards are Pointless


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37 minutes ago, melodicmizery said:

i avoided alot of those quick plats for prob the first 10 years and then i just kind of ran out of things to play


37 minutes ago, melodicmizery said:

ill go for my backlog on ps3 for a while, then maybe do a rare game, then some fast plats, then try to get my completion up. 


Ran out of things to play but has a PS3 backlog?

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I never really cared about the leaderboards. What i cared about was that i finally could sort my games in alphabetic order, a "feature" sony had on the ps3 and never added it ever again, which annoys me to this very day. Most trophy leaderboards are just cloud chasing... However there are a few good ones like most platinum clubs. At least there is some healthy competition.


Actually it would be funny to see a leaderboard where shovelware gives you negativ points. It would be the FUSWONETCLB (F*** You Shovelware only normal earned trophies count Leaderboard).

Edited by Laxus-0
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Leaderboards are now pointless on here because regardless of what it says on the front page, if you’re not a premium member your stats don’t auto-update anymore. I manually updated the guy directly above me on the world ranking the other day and I find out he’s actually 13 levels higher than what was being shown on the table and his profile had not been updated by the website for 11 months…Feels like this website has been abandoned by the owner.

Edited by DARKKRAKEN666
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Yeah it’s been like this for years now. The leaderboards are a joke now which is why most people don’t even pay attention to them anymore. It is a shame though, not just the effect it’s had on this hobby, but I actually do miss the days when I used to creep the top ranked player’s trophy lists and feel amazed at all the platinums and the huge variety of genres, titles, difficulty levels and tons of games I’d never heard of before and would discover that way. Those days are long over now. If you look now, those guys all have very ugly lists that consist of rows upon rows of duplicate stacks of the same 2 minute running/jumping Taco whatever bullshit.


The only value the leaderboards has left for me personally is a slight interest/enjoyment of watching my country rank rise. Even though I don’t really take it seriously, it’s still neat to notice it increase on my sig here and there. But even that is losing an its appeal as I find I’m right about at the cut off point where it’s becoming impossible to rise any higher without playing shovelware games.

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20 hours ago, CommanderClif said:

I use to love to see my position on my country and global boars slowly tick up. Got a platinum last week and lost 100+ levels. Got two platinums today (Star Wars Battlefront 2 finally and Mr Coo which was short but different for sure) and wow..up 19 spots on my country page. 


So I've lamented already about easy platinums before, shovelware, whatever you want to call it, but games you can get the platinum for in some times less than a couple minutes. Regret that I fell for a couple last year, but was curious how much was in there when I looked to see who was at the top of the world lists and how much they had in theirs. I'm seeing 50 pages of games that have a 99% completion rating. That is 3050 titles. 


It just sad that it's not what it once was with this junk overwhelming and skewing everything. 


Yeah, the leaderboards are really arbitrary and don't matter at all. It's completely populated by the platinum number-obsessed types. It's the participation trophy expression incarnate. My current gripe is all the people with The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe platinum that cheesed the system instead of showing patience and honor for the trophy where you're not supposed to play the game for 10 years. I think if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. But I'm just an old man screaming at the clouds. There's not a person who trophy hunts with passion and heart that's going to respect a person with 500 shovelware platinums versus a person who has a singular platinum of something like Super Meat Boy.


That being said. If you are a shovelware platinum trophy hunter, and you enjoy doing that and it makes you happy, more power to you! I don't get it. I feel like you should play games with more substance (not even necessarily difficulty), but again... old man screaming at clouds.


Play the games that matter to you and have fun with it. You're only in competition with yourself... and the people you might play multiplayer against. 🖖🏿

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Just appreciate that the higher you go up, the more likely you are to fall off.


Like that one dumb fuck who was number 2 or something, got flagged in three games, then stopped playing games all together. He was against a rarity leaderboard, so I'm fine with mocking that moron for eating shit.


Don't care about your position, only about the validity of being on it.

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7 minutes ago, CelestialRequiem said:

He was against a rarity leaderboard, so I'm fine with mocking that moron for eating shit.


…always nice to see differing opinions on  Rarity Leaderboards being accommodated with this kind of calm good humour and respectful disagreement from the other side 😂

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29 minutes ago, Justin__Harris said:


There's not a person who trophy hunts with passion and heart that's going to respect a person with 500 shovelware platinums versus a person who has a singular platinum of something like Super Meat Boy.


How do you feel about someone with both?


Firstly I agree leaderboards are pointless rubbish now. There was a time when I enjoyed LB chasing,  but I'm well over that now like most of us.


And to the other guy, like I said how do you feel about SMB and ezpz? Cuz I always find this invisible gaming moral line to be strange. I have no care for what anyone might think of my profile (which has both), not something that bothers me, but for myself I know I am a passionate gamer and so who would play anything. For all different reasons. The good, the bad, the short, the long, the easy, the difficult, love for them all.

The great games for wonderful memorable experiences, the shovelware for a time I enjoyed the ping, the difficult for the exciting challenge, the easy for relaxation 💜

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22 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:


…always nice to see differing opinions on  Rarity Leaderboards being accommodated with this kind of calm good humour and respectful disagreement from the other side 😂

I know you're against it, but that's not what I take issue with. 


He was against it because he admitted he wouldn't be able to be on the top of it. That was my point. 

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Every week I find posts on the same topics, people criticizing the rankings, profiles like mine, etc; Times change, it is a fact that the top 20 are slaves to EZPZ but when you turn off the PS5 and go out you forget everything, live your life and focus on your happiness, peace

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15 minutes ago, VegaMan-X4 said:

Developing a healthy narcissism helps with that issue.


Somebody got above you in a leaderboard? Pfft, how much shovelware do they have?


Somebody has a SMB plat? Pfft, how much free time do they have?


Etc., etc.

Lol pointless post. You think SMB is about free time, yea good luck with that 😂👍

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6 minutes ago, huebrin18 said:

Every week I find posts on the same topics, people criticizing the rankings, profiles like mine, etc; Times change, it is a fact that the top 20 are slaves to EZPZ but when you turn off the PS5 and go out you forget everything, live your life and focus on your happiness, peace

Calling yourself a slave is kinda harsh is it not lol? I hardly believe that those at top are really happy with what they play, if you can call it playing games at that point.

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3 hours ago, Baker said:

I came up with a brilliant idea. We can make an extra leaderboard where games above a certain rarity won’t count. 

We could call it a rarity leaderboard. 

I started a thread about this back in February and if you check that out you'll see some comments from the folks who maintain the site talking about how process heavy it would be on the database. Not a lot of stuff didn't make sense to me since I only do front end design but seems some kind of implementation of this is far off and likely never. 



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