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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 underway!

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What about the trophies that are rare because of the time you need to put towards them. It doesn't always show skill, but dedication which isn't a gauge of skill at all. If this was something to be taken to an extreme serious point of view then I can understand it, but I'm assuming most people doing this are taking this as a fun way to motivate them to get trophies rather than be an uptight competition where victory is needed at all times.

Dedication isn't a "gauge of skill"? Please. Didication to get a long grind trophy is hard too, doing boring things even if they're easy are hard to do. Nothing is more hard than gaming without having fun (and i assume everyone hates grinding :P)

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My only problem with this is what if someone is really close to a bunch of platinums? They'd have an advantage from the start.... Maybe you should make everyone draw games from their backlog for the competition? (meaning everyone has to start new games for points to count).


I like the 1, 3, 9, 18 format. though games like terminator salvation and ICO kind of screw up the system a little...


Maybe you should have 2 leagues of 16. One for casual and one for hardcore trophy hunters. Have requirements like < level 18 on PSN or < 30 platinums. I'm just throwing ideas out that's all. I think it's great to host something like this. I wouldn't participate (I'm lucky to even get a trophy a day), but I do think this is a good idea to have on this site and to get people interested in trophy hunting!

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What about the trophies that are rare because of the time you need to put towards them. It doesn't always show skill, but dedication which isn't a gauge of skill at all. If this was something to be taken to an extreme serious point of view then I can understand it, but I'm assuming most people doing this are taking this as a fun way to motivate them to get trophies rather than be an uptight competition where victory is needed at all times.

If it takes a lot of time it still requires a lot more effort, and it does gauge skill(especially in a competition) because the more skillful you are, the faster you can get it. Also, like Zone said, they require dedication. If something was easy to do, it wouldn't be rare.

I assume the point of a competition is to see who's the best at something. There are absolutely people here who take the current competition seriously and strive to win every match. Also, who says there can't be a serious trophy hunting competition? Trophy hunting isn't exactly a casual thing to do in it's own right, so why would all of the competitions be casual?



To add to this, there may be Ultra Rare plats that are Ultra Rare because of there being a degree of luck

For example, LittleBigPlanet Karting. The platinum is really, really easy, but the trophies glitch for a lot of people. I got through the game without any trophies glitching, whereas my friend got a ton of glitches.


Just because it's Ultra Rare, doesn't mean it's hard.

There will always be exceptions to any rule, but just because one set is rare because it's glitched, that doesn't make all of the other ultra rare trophies easy to get. Star Ocean isn't easy, Little Big Planet isn't easy, Catherine isn't easy, Persona 4 Arena isn't easy, etc. And also, if it's glitched, it's hard to get. If you wanted to go for that plat in a competition, you'd be taking a big risk. Since it's glitched, you may not get the trophies, meaning you wouldn't get the points, and ultimately wouldn't help you out and wouldn't be an easy way to an ultra rare. Meaning that someone who went for a real ultra rare plat, and got it, would be ahead of you, because they have the skill to actually get the real ultra rare.



I get that not everyone would be into a more hardcore trophy hunting competition, but just because you wouldn't enjoy it, doesn't mean that others wouldn't. I could sit here all day and poke holes in the current style of competition, like you guys are doing with the rarity idea. Every system has flaws, and not every system would be for everyone, but there's really no need to attack it and stir up an argument, just because you're not into it.

Edited by ExHaseo
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I'm honestly doing awful, I only got two trophies, but I knew it was gonna happen, I'm in the middle of the FFX HD grind, so no surprise lol


I personally believe we shouldn't put much thought into the rules. I mean, there are as many possible scenarios as people in the world, some people will be close to several platinums, some others will play easier plats, some will buy a lot of new games, and some (like me) will just stay as usual (plus millions of other possibilities). I don't think we should be extra strict on which trophies count and which not, this is for fun, and the rules we already have are enough to bring the competitive part to the table. Just my opinion, of course :)


Enjoy your trophy hunting guys! ^^

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I had a really good start to the day with a couple of the games I am working on;  also finding I'm digging into my collection more and broadening my trophy hunting style. Normally I only stick to one game at a time, so feel this competition is going to really help motivate me in picking up some of the games in my backlog and also giving my Vita some love again.  Have hit an afternoon/evening slump though mainly due to me stressing about some personal stuff going on, so that's got in the way a little bit today.


I may need to spend some time at the end of the competition tidying up my completion rate though!


In terms of the rules, I quite like the ones that we have.  I think if they were more strict, it might have deterred me from taking part.  I like how the leagues are organised though and I'm having a lot of fun (even though I'm not the most competitive person in the world)

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I've had a good day today as well, after a slow start for the first couple of days. :)

Got my plat #110 with Tearaway (awesome game btw) and will probably start either Saints Row 4 or beyond 2 souls tomorrow. 

Really enjoying this so far and it's motivating me to improve my completion a bit as well.


Regarding the rules I think they are fine as they are, no need to make them too stringent as it a competition based around having fun. Too many rules would detract from that I think. :)


Anyway good luck to my opponent garcia, but I'm gunning for ya haha ;P

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cool idea, ignore the first two posters as they are known trolls that always cut ppl down for suggestions, games, posts etc... i wouldnt be surprised if you get a few lots of their 'cyber friends' doin the same but stick with it as this is a new fun approach to the dull league that was mentioned... i only just noticed this on the forum so its a late reply but anyways, cool league...

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I think it's thanks to this that I'll be ending my "platinum drought" after almost 8 months. Like some of the others involved in this I'm perfectly fine with the rules so far. Took a quick look at my opponent and well...I'll just say that if he gets some free time he should get a move on!  :P

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I am enjoying this the way it is and I wanted to say thanks for putting this on. I've used it as motivation, so far I've played Rayman Origins and I've started grinding towards tha platinums on Bioshock 2 and Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood. I'm so close on the last two, mainly just multiplayer left and a runthrough on the hardest level on Bioshock 2.

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Im so glad that everyone is meeting the sole point of this! it seems alot of people ( omar exempt :P ) are really pushing themselves to win their fixtures, which in turn is i guess resulting in good fun for people aswell as finding a new gear that some may have thought they didn't have! i know for a fact that Rach has pushed me hard this fixture and it feels great that im focused on this, rather than my mountain of DLC that is coming along great now, even if i lose to Rach ( Which looks likely! ) IM STILL A WINNER! :D 

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I've had a good day today as well, after a slow start for the first couple of days. :)

Got my plat #110 with Tearaway (awesome game btw) and will probably start either Saints Row 4 or beyond 2 souls tomorrow. 

Really enjoying this so far and it's motivating me to improve my completion a bit as well.


Regarding the rules I think they are fine as they are, no need to make them too stringent as it a competition based around having fun. Too many rules would detract from that I think. :)


Anyway good luck to my opponent garcia, but I'm gunning for ya haha ;P


Damn... if I didn't have to work my 8 hour shift Today (Sat 12-8 EST) and tomorrow (Sun 12-8 EST) then I would have had my games platinumed already. I guess I have to spend more time gaming and less time sleeping lol :D.

Edited by GarciaFever
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I knew nothing about my rival till yesterday......I really need to focus on this a bit more lol


For the next fixture, I'll try to open up a bit and play some of my backlog, I don't want to be losing all the time hahaha

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I knew nothing about my rival till yesterday......I really need to focus on this a bit more lol

For the next fixture, I'll try to open up a bit and play some of my backlog, I don't want to be losing all the time hahaha

If you're up against me in the next fixture, maybe we could have an RPG challenge :) I've got Ni No Kuni and FFX in my backlog, plus Kingdom Hearts, Lightning Returns and Tales of Graces untouched.

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If you're up against me in the next fixture, maybe we could have an RPG challenge :) I've got Ni No Kuni and FFX in my backlog, plus Kingdom Hearts, Lightning Returns and Tales of Graces untouched.


That sounds great, I have FFX, Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM, Ni No Kuni Tales of Symphonia and Skyrim in my backlog and I'll start FFX-2 as soon as I plat FFX, so we both have plenty of room for work :)

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Damn... if I didn't have to work my 8 hour shift Today (Sat 12-8 EST) and tomorrow (Sun 12-8 EST) then I would have had my games platinumed already. I guess I have to spend more time gaming and less time sleeping lol :D.


Who needs sleep when you can play games?!

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If it takes a lot of time it still requires a lot more effort, and it does gauge skill(especially in a competition) because the more skillful you are, the faster you can get it. Also, like Zone said, they require dedication. If something was easy to do, it wouldn't be rare.

I assume the point of a competition is to see who's the best at something. There are absolutely people here who take the current competition seriously and strive to win every match. Also, who says there can't be a serious trophy hunting competition? Trophy hunting isn't exactly a casual thing to do in it's own right, so why would all of the competitions be casual?



There will always be exceptions to any rule, but just because one set is rare because it's glitched, that doesn't make all of the other ultra rare trophies easy to get. Star Ocean isn't easy, Little Big Planet isn't easy, Catherine isn't easy, Persona 4 Arena isn't easy, etc. And also, if it's glitched, it's hard to get. If you wanted to go for that plat in a competition, you'd be taking a big risk. Since it's glitched, you may not get the trophies, meaning you wouldn't get the points, and ultimately wouldn't help you out and wouldn't be an easy way to an ultra rare. Meaning that someone who went for a real ultra rare plat, and got it, would be ahead of you, because they have the skill to actually get the real ultra rare.



I get that not everyone would be into a more hardcore trophy hunting competition, but just because you wouldn't enjoy it, doesn't mean that others wouldn't. I could sit here all day and poke holes in the current style of competition, like you guys are doing with the rarity idea. Every system has flaws, and not every system would be for everyone, but there's really no need to attack it and stir up an argument, just because you're not into it.


I'm personally counting the points following the same rarity-sistem of PSNP only to see if there will be different results for each fixture. 

It's just an experiment, nothing more.

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