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Delisting December 1st 2023/Server Shutdown January 31st 2024


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Not surprised. It was the first GT game I ever played and I hated the online focus, microtransactions, and UI of it. It felt very barebones for a racing game and with GT7 out with a similar setup from my understanding, there's no reason to keep this one around. 


Definitely wasn't going to go back and plat this one, but good freaking luck to anyone who will!

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10 minutes ago, HuntingFever said:

What are the confirmed online trophies for this game?

Main ones that I remember, and the ones will take the most time, are :gold: Record Number of Wins, :gold: Record Number of Races, and :gold: Certified Genius as these can be done only on Sports mode unless the developers change this before the shutdown.

Edited by XxIsa-GxX
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1 minute ago, XxIsa-GxX said:

Main ones that I remember, and the ones will take the most time, are :gold: Record Number of Wins, :gold: Record Number of Races, and :gold: Certified Genius as these can be done only on Sports mode unless the developers change this before the shutdown.


Just now, barra333 said:

It should just be the 3 gold trophies. Pretty none of the others require the servers. 

Thank you for the info :).

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4 minutes ago, HuntingFever said:


Thank you for the info :).

Though @RustyZero has a good point - the level progression was saved server side, so the level trophies (Newbie/Veteran/Legendary/Ultimate Driver) may go unobtainable too, depending on how the developer makes the final update. And I have no idea whether the data for the cumulative trophies for distance and drift points etc was kept.

Edited by barra333
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17 minutes ago, barra333 said:

Though @RustyZero has a good point - the level progression was saved server side, so the level trophies (Newbie/Veteran/Legendary/Ultimate Driver) may go unobtainable too, depending on how the developer makes the final update. And I have no idea whether the data for the cumulative trophies for distance and drift points etc was kept.

One sneaky trophy to note that can be unobtainable would be :bronze: The Charm of Customization because of this lines stated, inside the update post:



Garage Car Liveries - It will not be possible to access custom liveries once the online service ends. All vehicles with applied liveries will return to their original colour.

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Guys thank you so much for this thread. Please keep updating which trophies could be potentially unobtainable after shutdown so we don't leave anything out. I'm going to start this ASAP and hopefully I'll get it done in time unlike the last racer that screwed me over with unobtainables *cough Onrush cough* That one went down while I was still playing.

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The online trophies are the following:


:platinum: Platinum Trophy (if you haven't earned these so far)

:gold: Record Number of Wins

- Get 91 online victories in Sport Mode

:gold: Record Number of Races

- Play 322 online races in Sport Mode

:gold: Certified Genius

- Get 65 Pole Positions in Sport Mode

:bronze: The Charm of Customization

- You can still create liveries, but you can't upload them so rip trophy.


Game is so old that all of these records have been beaten by Hamilton lol (and Alonso).


Currently, if you aren't good at racing games, it's a hard pill to shallow. Obviously you can reach 322 races, but 1/3 of them with a win is out of reach for 99% of players.


Get a good pole position, learn the weekly track, and avoid obstacles. If you're finding it hard wait for the next week or switch the tracK. The race A is unranked, the other two are ranked. You can begin with the last two until you get to B, then switch to the first one. Remember racing is not about what looks faster, but about what actually makes you faster, and how to gain time in every corner. Use the cars to your advantage, watch real life races, use the ghosts from the pros in the qualifying mode. GOOD LUCK!


The rest of the trophies will remain as usual, although the in-game achievements that offer xp and mileage points (useful to level up) won't be entirely available.


Out of the 60 in-game achievements, 30 won't be available after the shutdown:


Note: These achievements don't lock trophies, but you will need to grind more races to level up until level 50 for :gold: Ultimate Driver since you will have less xp.


- Clean Races

- Pole Positions

- Fastest Laps

- Races Finished

- Wins

- Photos Taken

- Liveries Created

- Likes on Photos

- Likes on Liveries

- Days logged on (doubtful, if the game counts "online" as "logged on" then it's unobtanaible


These achievements are actually 3 in one, (for example Days Logged 1, Days Logged 30, and finally Days Logged 90). Each one give mores xp than the former, so it's a good boost up to reach level 50. You can still reach it by your own means, but it will take time.



Edited by Jeanolt
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I got the plat in like 250-300 hours, playing on Dualshock only. If you want to speed things up, the trick is to keep your driver rating low (D-C). This way it will be easier to win as you will be racing against beginners but also some assholes who aren't new to the game but are low ranked because they behave like assholes, so it's a trade off - easier to win but a bit more frustrating.


You can lower your driver rating by lowering your sportmanship rating.


Sorry, this advice won't work well anymore:


4 hours ago, The Moose Knuckler said:

This isn't true anymore. There mix all driver ratings due to the number of people still playing the game.


Edited by alien713
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Finally, the worst GT will come to an end, even though GT7 didn't bring the same feeling as GT1toGT5, it's a much more complete game.


For those trying Sport mode, only play daily A races and using manual transmission.  Use qualifying to learn the track layout and improve your time in pole positions, if you have time to spare and have experience in racing games, you will achieve 65 pole positions and 92 victories in 1 month.

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Damn, I honestly never thought this would get a shutdown announcement. Hopefully I can clean it up, I gave up on it over a year ago because I couldn't deal with the online, and now was planning on doing it for 100th. This kind of justifies my reasoning for it being the big milestone, alongside what this game means to me. Good luck to everyone who tries to finish this before the deadline, we have a big grind ahead of us, so fingers crossed.🤞

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The end of an era. I'm honestly surprised Polyphony kept the servers going this long! If memory serves right, I believe GT6 shut down around half a year after GT Sport came out. Playing this game was a mighty time, overcoming the online was one of my best feelings in gaming. I wish the sincerest best of luck to anybody starting now! I recommend not doing the C Races since those usually involve fuel management from what I remember, which on top of regular racing adds a bit too much into the mix.
But all in all, definitely an end of an era, might reinstall it one last time.

Edited by Shrooba
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1 minute ago, Shrooba said:

You got this, believe in yourself! 💪 My advice is to really work on starting first on the grid, those pole positions are crucial to a lot of your wins. If you can manage the best time out of everyone in the race, then the main concern is just getting out of the slipstream range as soon as possible. Once you're out of range, just keep it clean and assuming you manage to uphold a comparable performance to your pole time, your position will be secured for the race. Manual is also important, since it gives you greater control of your vehicle and will allow you to take particular turns better than automatic, which can be restricting.
I also believe the daily races are actually monthly now, and while this may be a double-edged sword, it's very beneficial if it's a race you're strong at, since you can get a lot of wins, or potentially even all 91 in a month if you really, really push for it!

When it comes to hard games, I always like to say that no particular person is different than the other; we're all built with hands, and we all have a controller... It seems obvious, but I find it very motivating in that everyone is capable! It all comes down to perseverance! You got this, go get that platinum!!!!!! 💪

Damn, that's quite an inspiring and motivating speech lol. I did manage to get a few poles. I'm fearing that lvl 50 one just as much. My lvl barely moves as it is at 36 lol but you're right. I've got this and can do it. 


That's how I've started to look at games now as well that if someone else can do it then why can't I, and it would be a very nice UR to have in the bag.

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