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Saddest Game Ever?


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Heavy Rain - the Saddest without a doubt (of the games I've played so far ) given the depth & senstive nature of the subject material it covers


The Last of Us is an emotional rollercoaster and has some very strong 'sad' moments


The end of the Epilogue in MGS4 ( I wont say why in case it spoils it for anyone yet to play the game, but those that have will know why )


.......... I was also shocked/sad at the end of 'Tomb Raider 4' (PS1) as I could not believe what had actually happened

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Shadow of the Colossus...

The ending of Soul Sacrifice

The ending of the Walking Dead Season 1

Legend of the Dragoon


Any game where I spent time developing a character only to have them die because of the plot or my flawed decisions (Mass Effect series).

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The Walking Dead Season 1 had me depressed for the rest of the night I finished it.


Beyond Two Souls had me depressed when I finished it and the last chapter gave me a lot of goosebumps.


Red Dead Redemption when I finished the game for the first time a couple of years ago made me not touch the game for a month because I was both pissed and sad about the ending.


Last but not least...


Bloody Mass Effect especially 3!

Christ the trilogy was like my life for me these last 2 years and went so far not to touch any other game other then the Mass Effect game I was stuck on. I literally scraped every inch of all three games to make sure I enjoyed all three to the fullest. When it comes to the saddest game though it has to be 3. The game is like 3/4 Feels, and SPOILER ALERT Thane and Mordin's death, especially Mordin's death brought me to tears. Oh and not to mention again SPOILER my Commander Shepard's death also brought me to tears, heck I still refuse to replay the trilogy because I don't want to ruin how I remember all of the companions and also mostly because I don't want to play as another Shepard other then the one I already played with.


I can also say the same thing for Bioware's other big franchise, Dragon Age, but if I had to choose the saddest from the franchise, it's probably Origins.

Edited by Yukizm69
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I just completed Heavy Rain and the 1st ending I got was quite sad, but then when I went for the 'all endings' trophy I was actually really saddened by one in particular ending which I wont name, but it lasted with me for the whole evening.

It is a wonderful thing when a game can have an impact like that on someone. Full credit to the writers, artists and actors.


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