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I'd never even heard of the game till it was picked up on PS+ which was a really good move by the developer/publisher as it's definitely brought a nice spotlight to it. I also really like it's aesthetic, also the idea of a non-combat metroidvania is quite interesting so I'm excited to play it and see how they pull it off!

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I’m not sure I have the same definition as overhyped… there’s very little hyping… or anything… being discussed about this game here on the site. I wouldn’t have even looked into this game, but now that I have because of this thread, it looks really interesting and I’m considering putting it on my list of games to pick up. 

Looks like it’ll get a Limited Run release so I’ll be ordering it when it becomes available. 


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It's not even my type of game and I'd never heard of the dev or YouTuber associated with it, but my timeline on twitter has been flooded with this game. Looking at some of the replies here it just looks like the algorithm decided to throw the game at me. Same might've happened to OP.

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1 hour ago, RaidenXS said:

I think OP got hit with the targeted content. Not his fault but it sucks being stuck in one. My YT algorithm gets f'd pretty regularly


44 minutes ago, InsomniWrench said:

It's not even my type of game and I'd never heard of the dev or YouTuber associated with it, but my timeline on twitter has been flooded with this game. Looking at some of the replies here it just looks like the algorithm decided to throw the game at me. Same might've happened to OP.

Seems like you both might be right and is probably a good reminder that just because someone is seeing (or in this case deluged by) something online, doesn't mean that everyone else is having that same experience. 


When it comes to these algorithms: "Great, you've pinpointed it. Step two is washing it off." 


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Posted (edited)

I played for about 3 hours last night, and I love it.  I prefer MVs that don't hold your hand and guide you from one point to another.  And some of the puzzles end up being brain-teasers.  I saw someone refer to it as a MetroidBrainia, and I think that's an apt term.  Finding all the secrets and eggs is going to take some time, and I can see this being a trophy list that isn't completed for a couple of months until the community finds all the secrets and easter eggs


It's simple, the graphics are great, and it reminds me of the loneliness and isolation I felt when I first played Super Metroid.  Personally, it felt like there was more scrutiny on Dunkey because he talked a big game about "only publishing good games", and so far he's 1 for 1.


EDIT: Nevermind, it seems there already might be an egg guide out there.  I'm going to continue on and try to get all the eggs I can without a guide, I'm loving the environmental and platforming puzzles a lot

Edited by mattPilky69
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Probably. It may be great and is probably still going to always be at least somewhat overhyped simply because of dunkey.


But my question is, does it transcend it's genre? I am not a fan of metroidvania's in general and the puzzle/experiment until you figure out the secret nature of it is even less appealing... But despite that does this game have that special something that would pull in even me? 


My go to example, I hate like 80% of every rougelike I've ever played but find Hades to be one of my favorite games ever, the exception to the rule. 



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10 minutes ago, BENJAM1N_LINUS said:

Probably. It may be great and is probably still going to always be at least somewhat overhyped simply because of dunkey.


But my question is, does it transcend it's genre? I am not a fan of metroidvania's in general and the puzzle/experiment until you figure out the secret nature of it is even less appealing... But despite that does this game have that special something that would pull in even me? 


My go to example, I hate like 80% of every rougelike I've ever played but find Hades to be one of my favorite games ever, the exception to the rule. 



Totally understand. Everyone has their favorite genre which is why I'm thankful to live in the golden age of indie games. Subjectivity of personal preference makes it really hard to know for sure what will resonate with any particular individual. However, based on your comment, I'd say this should be a game you should skip. While It is a tight, competent, and artistically interesting game, if you don't like metroidvania's, you should avoid this game.



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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, mattPilky69 said:

I prefer MVs that don't hold your hand and guide you from one point to another.  And some of the puzzles end up being brain-teasers

I appreciate this response and agree I like that it doesn’t hold your hand and you get right into it. To everybody never hearing of the game, yeah we just got hit with the algorithm differently.

8 hours ago, iamthedotcom said:

It may feel overhyped if you don't recognize that the tone and timbre of the user reviews.


The gameplay, music, and even game engine are bespoke and created by only a single person.


It is a good game with a good "story/making of”

Nah it feels overhyped because of what I said. People are calling it a masterpiece and saying it is amazing. It’s a ball jumping around in a dungeon with a bunch of random ideas packed in. The visuals match the music and the gameplay is tight but there is nothing more to it. There are tons of indie games, especially metroidvanias, that match that description that release so frequently today.


What I was saying is exactly that the “making of” of the game is causing the game to be more appealing than it is. The guy never had to do it all solo, especially not the engine. That’s his choice for wanting to cut costs long term and make it more lucrative for himself if it takes off. He took that risk but that shouldn’t transcend the game into masterpiece territory. He also likely did it to teach himsef. I do love making of stories myself but I would never call The Room an amazing film, the making of it was extraordinary though.


Maybe if this came out around when Fez released I would understand the “amazing” praise as it would be a rare bird but from what I can gather people just want to love it more because a YouTuber published it and a solo dude made it. It’s a neat 5 hour long game, in an oversaturated genre and market. Something like World of Horror is leagues more interesting imo. I guess as a programmer who has messed around in Unity and seen how easy it is to make a platformer nowadays, I’m just taken aback about how easy it is to impress people in this day and age, over a decade after Meatboy and Fez. Have some thing jump around, add an ambient track, some totally random designs that follow a theme (animals), just make sure it all follows the same palette, get an influencer to push it and it’s a 10/10. In a way it’s great news for game devs. 🙂

By the way, none of this was meant to crap on the game or bring others’ enjoyment of it down. I personally like it, not amazing to me but I like it. I really was just surprised by the immensely positive public reaction to it and wanted to hear regular people’s reason for that instead of some influencer’s review.

Edited by taekwonbrando
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