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:platinum: #6 - Pistol Whip (PS5)



My second plat for PSVR2! Really fun rhythm/shooter game that I bought looking to fill the beat sober shaped hole on the PSVR2 at the moment and I had a great time. The trophy list was pretty easy to be honest, basically took me one afternoon other than like an hour I played the night before. It doesn't require you to do the campaign at all, basically just a list of miscellaneous trophies. Little bit grindy at the end for the 1000 pistol whips but thats about it. Also has a pretty funny platinum trophy name and icon, "You're Breathtaking!" with the picture of Keanu, love it.  

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Platinum #70

Pinball Heroes



:platinum: Pinball Wizard!


Fun: 7.5/10

Difficulty 1/10


I am not the biggest Pinball fan, but I used to do it quite a lot as a kid and it was still fun, maybe not as much fun as other games that I'm playing / I've played but it was good fun.

Not too long, not too short, just long enough to enjoy.


Normally I would do a pros/cons list, but it's pinball and it works.

But I do have a platinum screenshot:


Edited by Biertje373
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February 2023 Update:



Platinum 153: 

Time On Frog Island (PS5)

This game is very cute and I like the art style, but that is about it. To be able to platinum this you pretty much need to follow a guide the whole way through, plus it bugged on me the first time. Glad to own it physically and glad I have the Platinum, but not my favourite game by any stretch of the imagination. 



Platinum 154:

Fallout Shelter (PS4)

This is a good game if you like games in this genre. Whilst progress is slow it is consistent, with this game taking me roughly 4ish months of fairly consistent chipping away at it. I did enjoy my time with it and it is bitter sweet that I have finished as I did enjoy feeling like I was constantly chipping away at a Platinum, even on days I barely had time to game, I could load this up and make some small progress. Great little game and my first Plat in the Fallout Universe.


I also made a good dent into NFS Heat this month, with the platinum not too far away and as you can see from my trophy list, the lack of platinum's and trophies is due to Hogwarts Legacy dominating my playtime (as well as an overall lack of playtime)

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