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Your best and worst Pokémon game?


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Like many fans of the series, Pokèmon holds a place dear to my heart. I've played all of the main series games and a few of the spin-offs too. While i've had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed all of them, there are some that i liked more than others.


I want to know what game you enjoyed the most and enjoyed the least. It could be one thing that you loved/hated or lots of little things, either way, I dont want a one line answer, you have to add as much detail as possible!


All nostalgia aside, i'd have to say Pokèmon Black and White. I loved the fact that the whole Pokédex had only Unova Pokèmon. It gave me that same sense of wonder that only the original games had done before it. Since every Pokèmon was new, every wild encounter, i wondered "What is that Pokèmon? What type is it? What ability does it have? What moves does it learn?" and i really enjoyed that sense of mystery and discovery. And let's not forget N and his sad backstory.


If were to pick the game that i disliked, it would be Pokèmon Gold and Silver. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things i love about it but one thing that irks me is how the pathetic Team Rocket is. Having recently replayed it i can't help but be annoyed at how undelevelled they are all the time. Take, for instance the Goldenrod Radio Tower takeover, at this point i had 7 badges and my four Pokèmon were at Lv.34 but all the Grunts were 7 to 10 levels lower. Made fighting them all seem pointless. Sure, the Executives are strong but thats to be expected. 


I'm sure there are at least a few Pokèmon fans on this site so please let me know what's your most favourite and least favourite Pokèmon games.

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The best game for me would be the game I spent the most time. Which is Pokemon Diamond with over 999:99 playtime. I did everything thing there is to do. All Pokemon, all shiny legendary Philemon, black trainer card, multiple 100 pokemon.

The worst would be Pokemon Rangers and Pokemon Battle Revolution. Both were crap and a waste of money.

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I have played many great Pokemon games, but my favorite was Pokemon Leaf Green. I spent the most time on this game and really liked the 1st Gen pokemon. It also had a lot of fun things to do post-game to keep me busy.


My least favorite Pokemon game was Pokemon Battle Revolution. I played it for fifteen minutes and almost immediately wanted to sell it. My least favorite RPG Pokemon game was Pokemon Black. The story didn't interest me that much, and I didn't really like the new Pokemon in that game.

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Least liked, probably Black/White for the difficulty to train without stalking shaking grass. Running around grass, I'm okay with. Running back and forth outside of grass hoping to hear it shake was annoying. And it always being the same Pokemon was annoying. I love you, Audino, but we need some space.

But I miss the Dream World.


Favorite I guess X and Y. I love dressing up my girl and having all those Pokemon available instead of just the new ones until you upgrade your Dex like in some others. Getting your poodle cut in all those fancy cuts.


Speaking of missing, I miss the underground and secret bases. Spent so many hours in the underground, just chipping away and burying things. I loved using berries to make Pokeballs. Or poffins. Or blocks. Contests were fun. And the VS Seeker was so useful! Why can't every Pokemon game have all these?

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Speaking of missing, I miss the underground and secret bases. Spent so many hours in the underground, just chipping away and burying things. I loved using berries to make Pokeballs. Or poffins. Or blocks. Contests were fun. And the VS Seeker was so useful! Why can't every Pokemon game have all these?

If there was ever a reason i dislike the Gen 5 and 6 games, it's that there's no VS. Seeker. There's no excuse for leaving it out

The best game for me would be the game I spent the most time. Which is Pokemon Diamond with over 999:99 playtime. I did everything thing there is to do. All Pokemon, all shiny legendary Philemon, black trainer card, multiple 100 pokemon.

The worst would be Pokemon Rangers and Pokemon Battle Revolution. Both were crap and a waste of money.

I dont know why they thought PBR was a good idea. As for Pokèmon Rangers, i didn't like the original but i did enjoy Guardian Signs, i thought it was pretty neat

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It's a toss up between Fire Red and Sapphire for my favourites. The nostalgia associated with Fire Red is a large factor having played Blue as a young'un and his first game. I put Fire Red over Blue because I enjoy the colourful word more in the updated graphics. Sapphire is one of my favourites because of the region in which it is set. Hoenn was just such a wonderful place to look at and provided many of the best new features such as the hidden bases and Dive. If I had to choose, I'd pick Sapphire.


As for least favourite, it is probably Yellow. I can't quite put my finger on it but Yellow just didn't feel as fun as Blue. Granted many of the 3rd games in each generation often under-delivered but I think Yellow takes the cake. I dislike it more than I dislike having to re-learn all the new Pokémon in Pearl, X/Y, B/W, etc.

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I have to admit Gold/Silver is my favorite but my nostalgia glasses may be affecting my judgement. Whitney's Miltank still haunts me to this day.

Least favorite was Black/White. I disliked most of the Unova pokemon. I was so happy to get Oddish and Psyduck back on my team for X and Y.

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That is an incredibly hard question.

I have 3 favorite games for different reasons.
Ruby is my favorite for gameplay
Silver is my favorite for it's Pokemon
X is my favorite just because I have been playing Pokemon since '98.

The worst games though are Diamond/Pearl and even that is hard to say, because I enjoyed the games so much, but those are the only generation that i haven't put any additional playthroughs in. 

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My favorite was Emerald. I've spend a lot hours in contests, Safari Zone, catching legendaries, breeding, and even trying to catch that damn Feebas.


My least favorite is Black/White. I never liked Unova pokemon and you can only catch other region pokemon on the post-game.

Edited by Risechi
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My favorite: Pokemon X/ Y

My least favorite Black/White

X/Y is my fav, because it looks so good and you can customize your character. Also Charizard getting his Dragon typing via Mega Evolution. Wifi battling is so much easier and fun.

Black/White is least fav, because I've been playing pokemon since Red/Blue/Yellow and you can't get any of the old pokemon during the story(Well you can still trade them from another game, but I had only one DS). And when you're on low health the music is awful.

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My favourite would have to be Soul Silver. Never beat Silver as a kid, so I wanted to see what was after Lance, wasn't disappointed.


Least favourite would have to be Black. Was fun but that was at the time when I was losing interest in Pokemon. Now that I've all but lost interest in it, I no longer feel the urge to splash the cash for an aging yearly franchise which is running out of ideas.

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My favorite is definitely Gold. My life was complete when HeartGold/SoulSilver were made. I guess it's just the nostalgia. Pokemon Gold was pretty much the first game that I bought with my own money and every time I finished it, I started it over - and I always had pretty much the same team. Totodile <3


I really don't know why but I hate Gen III with passion. However, I'm still getting Alpha Sapphire / Omega Ruby when they are released. 

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I would say my favourite would have to be Soul Silver, The instant nostalgia that you get with that game was just incredible and with some many different features that was added to this game included the ability to have a pokemon walk behind you was amazing :)


My least favourite in the series has got to be Black, The unova region is just so plain and I just didn't have any real connection to any of the regions new pokemon :(   

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Favorite: HeartGold/SoulSilver - I loved everything about that game (Pokemon FireRed/leafGreen close second, X&Y at 3rd)

Least Favorite: Black&White - This was the game that made me almost quit pokemon as a whole, Diamond and Pearl put me off but damn did this game bore the living shit out of me. The lack of actual good pokemon (I know "good" is subjective)  made it hard to keep playing the game. Also, for a game with a better "story" than the previous entries, the whole "seperating pokemon and humans" came off as a cheap cheesy B-list movie. The whole game just felt out of place.


Just my opinion though.

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My favorite is ruby by far, it's the one that I've played the most and the Pokemon just seem better for what ever reason. I also really enjoyed the Pokemon mystery dungeon games.

My least favorite is hey you pikachu. I wish i never would've played that shit.

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My personal favorite would be any of the Ruby/Saphire/Emerald trio, it had the visuals, the music, introduced double battles and the most badass legendaries. They also gave birth to my favorite Pokemon ever, Flygon. Now nostalgia might play a part in this, but i did play Blue, Yellow and Crystal before this, yet i still like it more. Everything is just where it needs to be in these games, everything is designed to perfection.

Now if i had to pick my least favorite one, i'd have to say Gen 1. I know i loved these games as a kid, i had both Blue and Yellow and i easily spent 200 hours playing them (which is a lot for a kid that was only allowed to play 30 minues a day). However, if i take off my nostalgia glasses, i can only come to the conclusion that they're extremely inferior to all games to come after them. The fact that they're completely unbalanced doesn't really play a role here, as i never played Pokemon competitively. But even without that you still have painfully slow pacing, sprites that really require you to use your imagination as well as loads of bugs and glitches. I shouldn't be this hard on them, i mean they were the games that introduced us to Pokemon in the first place, but in comparison to later titles, they just fall flat for me.

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