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Does anybody else here not smoke and not drink?


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Smoking:  Never.  I grew up with parents who smoked and always thought it smelled horrible.  Not to mention both the effects on one's lifespan and how expensive they are.  After my father passed away with lung cancer at 56 last year I'm certainly glad I never picked it up.  It's so addictive my Mother can't stop despite wanting to and watching Dad's horrible death.


Drinking:  Never.  I always say I'm ditsy and clumsy enough as it is with all my faculties so why inhibit them?  In actuality though I come from a long line of alcoholics and I am 1/8th Cherokee. Due to my family history and my Native American blood I'm honestly too afraid to try.


Drugs:  Basically the same as the above except both of my parents smoked marijuana.  For some reason being around it so much kind of made it non-taboo for me so I was never intrigued.

In the end I have an addictive personality.  Ultimately it is fear that keeps me from doing it.  I want my escape to be video games.

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Surprised of how many healthy souls there are on this forum xD

Smoking: Have tried it for a year of so when I was about 16. I eventually quit because it got way to expensive and I didn't want to get addicted.

Drinking: Well, as you might expect from someone who is born in the country that drinks the most beer per person on average, I'm no exception :P I really enjoy I good cold beer now and then especially when I go clubbing or when we're having "a family man night" :P (when me, my brother and two cousins come together to watch a good movie or sports while their girls/wives are out)

Drugs: Had enough chances to try some, but for some reason I never did even though I was curious. Maybe I was just scared at the moment.

Edited by DarKNesS_X
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If you mean a Heiniken by that, you haven't even tasted real beer yet xD

Just messing with ya of course, can't blame all of the Dutch for having Heiniken :P

LOL, I wouldn't know because I've never had a Heiniken before. We do have Heineken though  :P


Actually I prefer Hertog Jan over Heineken. So what is in your opinion real beer?

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LOL, I wouldn't know because I've never had a Heiniken before. We do have Heineken though  :P


Actually I prefer Hertog Jan over Heineken. So what is in your opinion real beer?

Phew xD Hertog Jan sounds good to me :P Never tried it though :) but I've heard of it.

I'll give you some brands of what I'd call real beer (I haven't tried every single beer in the world so there might be a lot others that I didn't mention)




-Stella Artois


-San Miguel






Most of them are Belgian beers though :P

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Smoking: Never. I already have respiratory problems, and I don't want to make them any worse.


Drinking: I haven't drunken anything for the past five years, and it just one wine cooler. I prefer drinking wine coolers over beer or any other hard liquor because they taste like sodas while the others taste all bitter and gross.



Drugs: Never. I didn't learn to be drug-free during my years in school for nothing.  

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I try not to drink alcohol too often, I'll have a beer or two if it's like a family get together or something.

I don't smoke tobacco at all because it doesn't appeal to me and the whole cancer thing helps.

Yes I smoke marijuana, and I live in a state where it's medically legal, but still a "dangerous drug" on the federal level. Let's not even get into that damn argument here. I do it for my own reasons and hate those who think it's "cool" or only smoke because of their friends. -_-

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I've never even tasted a cigarette. I would probably smoke occasionally because of social reasons if I didn't have personal health ... ugh, issues I guess.


However, I do drink every now and then, because I like the taste and there are, again, social reasons but I usually drink just wines, beer and ciders. I'm drunk only maybe a couple of times a year and I get hangovers even less.


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I don't smoke tobacco. I don't think it looks cool or anything, and it's bad for your health. My stepdad smoked his whole life, and I hated having to breathe that stuff in. 


I drink every now and then with friends, but I haven't in years. I'm definitely not against it though, given the situation and people are being responsible.


Drugs... I've had marijuana twice in my life. I don't know if I'll ever do it again. Depends on the situation, I guess. I'm not against people that do. I definitely won't touch the other shit though, like cocaine or anything. I live in one of the biggest areas for meth in the country, and I see what that stuff does to people. Not pretty.

Edited by WhiteWalls7
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I drink every now and again... about once every 2 months. There's essentially two scenarios. Scenario 1: I'm having dinner and accompany it with a suitable drink, like pizza with beer, chicken alfredo with sauvignon blanc, etc.  Scenario 2: Put simply, I'm getting buzzed/drunk with a friend... I don't get blind/stupid drunk like some teetotalers associate with drinking, because as it turns out, self-control is possible if one only makes the effort.


I also smoke cigarettes under scenario 2. "... But smoking's bad!" Yes. So is everything else we put in our bodies. The trick is to find the right balance, that sweet spot between over indulgence and pure stoicism. All things in moderation! Much like my drinking, my smoking is uncommon enough that I'm not inclined to feel morally equal to an alcoholic or a chain smoker.


I don't currently do anything else of an intoxicating  or medicinal nature.

Edited by Siuilarun
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I use to smoke, but gave it up 4 years ago. Been clean ever since.


I also don't generally drink. I might have a glass of wine here and there at social occasions, just to be sociable, but rarely more than one glass on each occasion. Also, half a glass of Champagne on New Years Eve just before midnight (kind of a tradition for me since I was 15.)

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I don't smoke, drink or do drugs. In fact, I've never even tried any of them. This is mainly because of religious reasons. Religion aside though, I don't think I would be into any of it anyway. I have better things to spend my money on and value my health.

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I've smoked cigars, not cigarettes though


I enjoy my alcohol. Having wine during dinner parties, having beers at the bar with friends or knocking back shots at large events. I don't drink everyday, that would be idiotic.


And of course Scotch and Cigars go together like Salt and Pepper.

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Never smoked, very rarely drink, eat right and look & feel youthful for my age.


My mother is at times a suicidally-depressed alcoholic.


My eldest brother is schizophrenic from 30 years of smoking dope.


My other brother sports a colostomy bag from eating, drinking and smoking too much shit.


Moderation is the key to any vice. Too much of a good thing is never a good thing.

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Smoking: I never liked smoking nor the smell of it. I have once bought a cigar with my friend, one of my darkest days was the moment when I saw him smoking it and complaining about how a girl left him and that he can't take it anymore while I threw it on the table and told to him stop smoking it.. I know how it feels to be devastated by a loss of someone that meant the world to you. It doesn't justify smoking nor drinking it out. But of course that didn't stop him from smoking... and what makes me even more mad/sad/crushed is that I'm not capable of preventing people who are close to me from doing something that eventually might lead them to their death. You might ask why do get into their business, Its because if someone gets that close to me, I start to care about their lives. and people deserve to spend more time with their family and friends. They don't deserve to mourn your early death because of some cigarette/drink/drug. Of course there are some people that might be special and live to hit the 100 year mark while still smoking. But that doesn't mean you are like them. So please don't waste yourself on being an alcoholic nor smoker.


Drinking: I don't drink cause 1. Religion 2. It just doesn't appeal to me. I don't mind people that drink but they must remember this:



Moderation is the key to any vice. Too much of a good thing is never a good thing.


That can be said about smoking too, but I feel the risk factor from smoking a cigarette is much bigger than a drink every once in a while. 

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