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PSNP unbearably slow most of the time

Go to solution Solved by Sly Ripper,

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So PSNP is really slow for me comparing to like, all the other sites I use.  Why is this? Is it my cache? I've done ccleaner numerous times in hope that that will fix it, but nothing.  Do I have to go in some setting in Chrome to manually clear my cache or do something that is interfering with PSNP?

Also my connection is 90MBPS, and I have a hub right under my desk that I'm connected to.

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It's this way nearly every day though, some days faster than others, but sometimes it crashes completely and gives me an error.  Yes, today I had plenty of trouble on here on my phone, but that's the thing, it's usually way faster on there than here, so it's got to be something in my settings or something.

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Oh great, i'm looking forward to reading that in 20 minutes when the bloody thing has actually loaded, not being ableto play games and having to listen to the annoying menu music while waiting.

Edited by HappyKastanie
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So it wasn't just me having this issue, that's... reassuring, I guess. Has anyone else had to refresh a page afer posting so it would actually show that you have posted?


Occasionally.  Also, at times when I'm in a thread and then post, it shows the "1 new reply" thing, even though it was me.  You know, the thing that normally shows when someone else posts while you're posting.

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The news that everyone's favourite brown eyed Uncle AF has returned from cryostasis has brought more than usual traffic.


Dont worry, it will calm down in a few days once I've destroyed the Pillow Fuckers, smashed the Cliques and given the n00bs a voice once more.

You sweet talker... should be worth watching though ;)

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