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Trophy New Years Resolutions 2015


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My trophy resolutions are perhaps a bit more unique than the posts found above and on earlier pages, so bear with me if they seem a bit strange. I have these resolutions - for lack of better words - because I like to think outside of the box. :)

1. Platinum a game deemed "one of the worst games ever" by at least 5 different critics

2. Platinum an anime-based game; condition - the anime itself CANNOT have an English port or translation yet.

3. Platinum all the games on a complete stranger's / fellow user's 'wishlist'.

4. Platinum a game suggested to me by the first person on this site to message me on the PSN with the subject "Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It" (or, more susinctly, "Your Mission...").

5. Earn a trophy that shares its name with a major business chain.

6. Earn a trophy that less than 3% of all PS3/PS4 users have (perhaps the Platinum for Catherine?)

7. Platinum a game based on an award-wining tv show (not including reality/game shows).

8. Platinum a PS3 game that featured a product promotion outside of electronics. Example from Xbox: Halo Reach (using Doritos and Mountain Dew).

9. Earn a trophy with a name that shares my initials, N.G. or N.D.G.

10. Play/Platinum a game that features music from one of my top ten music artists ((Artists: As I Lay Dying, Lecrae, Pendulum, DC Talk, Three Days Grace, Andrea Bocelli, Tool, Blind Guardian, ApologetiX, or For King and Country)).

11. Earn a trophy that shares its name with a type of food/dish

and lastly, but CERTAINLY not least:

11. Platinum a game that was ported from either the PC, Wii (Okami doesn't count since I already have it's platinum), Wii U, or private developers (NO 360 OR ONE PORTS!).


Anyone and everyone can give me suggestions for numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and/or 10. In the meantime, have a phenomenal new year and God bless you all!!! :D

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I want to get to 100 Plats by my birthday in May, maybe 130 by christmas.

I want to get The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Plat, maybe as my 100th

I'm definitely going to get the Back to the Future: The Game plat for my 88th plat. 'Because when that baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit!'

Actually finish Black Flag

and enjoy all the games I have, because they're starting to pile up and I need to get through a lot of them :P

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- Achieve 100% trophy completion

- Challenge myself and try to attain 100 ultra rare trophies

- Possibly reach trophy level 18, with more or less 40 platinums

100 ultra rare trophies? In one year I achieve only 7 xD... Soo good luck :) Edited by pese-97
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2015... The year for 'A ranks'

Like many people on here, my backlog keeps expanding! As such, I'm going to try and live by a new mentality:

-an A rank will be my equivalent of a platinum...

To some, this may sound / seem like the easy way out, but this frame of mind means....

-No stress over server closures / impossible plats (and not giving games a try)

-Wasting precious seconds of my life on 2/3 playthroughs of mediocre games when there is other stuff to try

-Isn't gaming a leisure activity?

That being said, I'll still go for platinums in games I enjoy. I will also be working on converting all other grades to 'A rank'. I think I have 50(?)... Hoping to get 40 done this year.

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I don't see a point in setting goals I'll never reach, since that'll just make me hate gaming, which is supposed to be a nice, relaxing hobby for me. So:


  • 20 total platinums
  • A B-grade average according to PSNProfiles (Which is only a challenge if I end up...)
  • Actually syncing and playing 50+ of my backlog
  • 55% average completion rate
  • 1800 trophies total

I think these are achievable but will require some effort, so I'll feel good about them, but give me enough time to do work and uni and socialising and all that other necessary crap :P

Edited by Banxiee
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My goals for this year:

1. Get a stable trophy completion rate of above 90%

2. At least beat Mirror's Edge, Infamous and Heavy Rain, three games with the worst grades on my profile

3. Buy and complete the dlc for both fallout games

4. Avoid buying a new game until I have beaten at least 2 of the games in my backlog

5. Get at least 80 platinums.

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  • 10 months later...

As the year end is near how did folks get on with their goals... for me...

  • Get a PS4 - Done
  • Reach at least Level 20 - Currently Level 21 but should get to 22 by year end
  • Keep % complete above 70% - Currently 94.2%
  • Keep unearned trophies under 1,000 - Currently 162 unearned

I'll be setting more lofty goals for 2016

Edited by markcavan
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Hmm...let's see:

20 platinums

Level 15

70% completion rate

100% Uncharted 2

Plat FF13 trilogy

Star Ocean Last Hope Internat'l plat

And most importantly, buy no new games until May 2015

This will be a challenge!


The year is coming to an end, and I'm not even close. The only thing I've/will achieve is 70% completion rate. I'll try to scale down next year and most probably have tiered resolutions. I'll start off easy and see what happens.

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I currently have 1144 trophies, would like to see that number at 2500.

My current completion rate is a rather poor 34.39% so would like that to be nearer the 50% mark.

I have 5 platinum trophies so would like to at least double that number.


I did pretty well imo, only the 50% I haven't achieved yet but hopefully I will be much closer by the end of the month!

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Oh boy, let's see about some goals:


* Get at least 20 plats

* Hit level 15

* Finish all online plats (currently: Red Dead Redemption & AC: Brotherhood)

* Finish all the plats I started, but didn't finish (currently: Disgaea D2, Dragon's Crown, Street Fighter X Tekken and Portal 2)

* Get at least 80% completion rate

* Finish both Dark Souls 3 and Persona 5 without looking at a trophy list first


Nothing too difficult overall for me, since I'm not sure how much time I'm really going to have.

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Here goes.


Reach 150 plats

Continue to work on my completion percentage. Hope to reach 80% one day.

Knock down the back log more.


Thought of a few more things.


I want to finish some games i have had started and not finished. I made a goal this year to finish some of them and haven't got to them.


Want to try to finally plat.


Bioshock 1&2

Mass Effect 3

A Crack in Time

Batman AC and Origins.


Games I haven't Started that I want to in 2015

Mass Effect

Bioshocjk Infinite

Borderlands 2

Ac Revelations, III and Liberation.


Ps4 games


Lego Marvel

Metro 2033 redux



And I want to buy more games.


I met some of my goals and some I have come up short on.


Did reach 150 plats (by a long shot)

Did work on my completion some but 80% is still a ways off

Back log probably grew more than it shrank


I didn't plat any of the games I said I wanted to finally plat. I know it is still an outside shot to get at least one done.


I did start AC revelations and Borderlands 2. Not far into either one.


I did start one of my Ps4 games and Ironicaly it may be my next plat. Lego marvel.



Is anyone going to start a thread for 2016. I'll keep my goals down as it seems I bad at keeping goals.

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1. Finish every ps4 game so i can be done with it for now.

2. i want to finish every ps4 game so i can go back to the huge backlog in the ps3.. and try to finish some of it.

3. at least 80 plats.. but it will never happen :D


My 2016 trophy goals are:

1. 5,000 total trophies

2. 65 total platinum trophies

3. Stay above 75% completion

4. Get to trophy level 22





Reach Level 57

Get to 16000 trophies

Get done my Korean PS3 Neptunia games before I go off to college

Get done as much of my PS3 backlog as I can before heading off to college since I only plan to bring my Vita and PS4 with me.


You guys realise that this is the 2015 thread, right? Alright, alright I'll start one!!

Here's the new topic guys!



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