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Post Your Newest PlayStation Vita Game


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Its secret in our staff, how can I show it to you? Not all games were known by everyone :huh:


Back side.

I'm guessing you can't show Satoshi the source because it's fake. I can now assume this for a multitude of reasons:


1) The features boxes combined with the ESRB rating is inconsistent - do you see the features in the blue boxes? I'm talking about the things like "1 player", "Memory Required" and "Network Features". Those blue boxes only appear on Asian and European PS Vita boxes where ESRB ratings don't exist on said boxes. I double checked every single PS Vita case I own today, which is upwards of 50+ now, The ones with those blue boxes highlighting key features are only present on my copies of Moe Chronicle, Civilization Revolution 2 Plus, IA/VT Colorful, Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS-Force, Gundam Breaker 3, AW Phoenix Festa, J-Stars Victory VS+ and Steins;Gate. All of those games I listed are either English Asian versions, Japanese or European. They don't have ESRB ratings on them because they weren't released in North American (with the only exception being Steins;Gate. I just happened to buy the European version for that one).


As for every North American release I own, starting from a launch title WipEout 2048 to my most recent purchase Project Diva X, all of those feature highlight boxes are Gray, not blue. I triple checked all of them. The reason they have ESRB ratings is because they were required to have those in order to release in North America. I'll post a picture of the backs of WipEout 2048 and Project Diva X later today but every North American release I own is consistent - They have gray feature boxes alongside the ESRB rating.


2) NIS America's name on that box - NIS America was responsible for bringing the PS3 version of Atelier Totori to western territories. This is NOT the case with Atelier Totori Plus on the Vita. Koei Tecmo Europe/America themselves are responsible releasing Atelier Totori Plus in western territories. They would not make a mistake as bizarre as printing NIS America's name on the case. That's sets off red flags everywhere for me.



I'm not saying that case is 100% percent, doesn't exist type of fake but it definitely is an illegally manufactured version of the game that isn't licensed by Sony or Koei Tecmo and isn't available for public sale because it's likely some black market stuff.

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Its secret in our staff, how can I show it to you? Not all games were known by everyone :huh:

Back side.


btw Im an member in an asia collector game club, join with me if you also in there and have same hobby.


How is ~100 copies printed worldwide only a 9.5/10 rarity?


Also there's a lot of talk of account sharing in that community and I read at least 5 times the words "not hacked card." It seems kinda sketchy.

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And voila! :D




(Even though it's PEGI 12 on the final boxart =D)




It even came with a poster! Oh my, glorious Bamco, how much I love you! :D

Now if only you could release Japanese voices DLC :/

for once i like the english voices they sound cute, and if you ever want to play toghether just say it then i can show you my loli with her cute voice

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