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GUNS Of The Patriots




Old Sun 

Cleared Act 5 (Outer Haven).- :bronze:- 40.42% Uncommon *atm




Screaming Mantis Doll 

Defeated Screaming Mantis by non-lethal means, and obtained the Screaming Mantis Doll.- :bronze:- 24.69% Uncommon *atm



SNAAAAAKE! Never gets old  :giggle: 

​Technically 1st play-through DONE, I just didn't saved it due to one continue during the Final Battle.

We will load that saved file and do it all again, by then 1st PT should be done officially.


Should I go for BB run on my 2nd PT.? Or enjoy it with 51 continues to unlock dead corpse :hmm:  :hmm: 

We shall see....almost forgot...I need to submit my Performance Appraisal this Monday. 








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40-bronze.pngFirst Victory
Win an online vs. match with any rule set.



This came along with finishing some rows of challenges. Amazing thanks to the dedicated team of Undead Wolf, Fatty_Fatness and DaisyVilla102.

People like that make wannabe leaders like me rest easy they'll get the job done and offer outstanding suggestions.


The quest for the Binary Domain plat has officially started xD

Edited by Lord_of_Ra
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The Ravening Beast
Kill Ghom.



Well what shall i say the game gets even funnier the further we come x3

I don't understand Tanus tastes sometimes

but yeah the head didnt fit the body at all x'D

after we trolled Belial(he was way to fast dead lol) we just hope that the next  one..Asmodan a little bit more does but than in the end i think our equipment is just to overpowert ^^'

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:gold:  Court Chef
Collected all Recipe Books.


Making a break in Diablo today doesn't mean I don't play anything x'D

I just continue Arslan, great game so far much more easier than Samurai Warriors, but still grindy :3

After the last stage, the next step will be; maxing weapon, limited cards and S rank (whew some condition for the limited cards are tricky...)

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