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Playstation Plus October 2015 - Rumors


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Almost October 2015

So it's almost time for the new PS+ update.


1 thing that we know is that the update will bring us Super Meat Boy.... ( as said in June 2015 > http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015/06/08/super-meat-boy-is-coming-to-ps4-ps-vita-and-ps-plus/ )


but there is more!


roamers are that we will get an AAA title as in Assassin's Creed Black flag.




In the USA store this title was free for a couple of minutes... so was sony testing the Plus Update? we will see!


Other possibilities include Badlands GoY or Grim Fandango Remastered for PS4, PS3 and/or PS Vita. Another possibility is Three Forth Home: Extended Edition, which is slated for the same release date on PS4 and PS Vita as Super Meat Boy.




I'm hoping on Grim Fandango..


what are your thoughts? or wishes?


As soon as I get a glimps of the new update I'll update this post!

Edited by PBJ85
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SMB will be ace, and will probably carry the month for me. Looking forward to testing my ability to flick cubes of meat around again. 


Probably another smaller indie for PS4 after that, probably without a platinum. Hopefully it'll be interesting. 


PS3 - 2 AAA titles that I have no interest in. 


Vita - Indies, one bigger one, and one smaller one, possibly a puzzler. 


I can't wait. 

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If it's AC, I really hope it's the PS3 version. Only 2 AC games I'm missing now until I have the whole series are the PS3 version of IV and Rogue. This would be amazing for me, and easily enough to make it a good month imo. Super Meat Boy would just be icing on the cake at that point - but I'm waiting on that one to make sure it isn't broken like Binding of Isaac was at launch.

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I hope it's not rumours about Black Flag... I'd really like to play it, no matter if it's PS3 or PS4 version.

On the other hand it's a bit doubtful as everytime Sony has something big, they announce it much earlier than just a day before new month starts or on the 1st.

Edited by marcine36
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Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow, but with ever disappointing Fred who needs to get his shit together and start properly releasing the line-up the last thursday of every month like they used too, it might be pushed back again.

It's  a bit funny how everybody complains about EU Blog Manager as he should keep whole Sony up and running by himself.  :awesome:


Fred is amazing guy at Sony tbh, I can imagine this whole thing crumbling without him around. Last time he took vacation every post and update was running late, then he got back to work and BOOM suddenly PS+ Update appears.  B)



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I hope it's not rumours about Black Flag... I'd really like to play it, no matter if it's PS3 or PS4 version.

On the other hand it's a bit doubtful as everytime Sony has something big, they announce it much earlier than just a day before new month starts or on the 1st.


update will go live on oct 6.

so tomorrow is 6 days before the release...


sept was a awful month for me... can't do other then hoping on a good release this month!

Yes i took Plus for the games NOT for online gaming like 90% of the other members of PS+

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Fred? The same Fred from the EU blog? The same guy who used ridiculous excuses to justify the lack of content from the weekly Store Update posts?


He, Jawad (now gone) and Chris, the dynamic trio of my **** :P

As with your logic, not having staff member who's job update posts are and other staff doing it temporarily, being ridiculous excuse - yes, the same Fred.


Fred and Jawad always did (and Fred still does) their job well, seems like Chris ain't permitted to comment anymore as he always used to make things worse.  xD I remember him giving a false information  at times when he was the new guy. ;)


I still read blogs, but haven't commented there in months. :)

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