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That hashtag going around, #cancelwwenetwork, is a bit of an overreaction I think. I mean yeah, it sucks that Vince never listens to what his paying audience wants, but come on now. Everyone bitches how young talent doesn't get pushed, well Roman is young talent. He's just lacking a bit on the "talent" part. Everyone is turning on Roman because it seems he's getting the royalty treatment for being The Rock's cousin, and Vince's ideal top guy. That's why we don't like Roman.


That's just it - the large majority of the fanbase doesn't want Reigns vs. Lesnar at Wrestlemania. The WWE is at the end of the day, a corporation interested in making money, so it's perfectly acceptable for fans to vote with their wallets if the company has no intention of listening to them. Heaven knows that Vince has long lost his ability to gauge what the crowd wants - the last few years of awful WWE programming really underscore that particular fact.


Also, I think that a large part of the reason people don't like Reigns is that he's being shoved down our throats as THE guy to like. Vince has tried this before, and the results were similarly horrible. Just ask Diesel, who was the 1995 equivalent of Reigns in many ways. 

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The way I see it, is that the #CancelWWENetwork is caused entirely by the WWE and their desire to make this the "reality era." They destroyed kayfabe for the most part and fans no longer see Bryan getting eliminated or Reigns winning as a sporting event, we all know it's scripted and therefore it cannot be easily spun into some fairy tale. Everyone knew Reigns was winning, hell most fans have known since Summerslam. That's the problem, he had six months to improve (I know he was injured) and he hasn't. Rollins left the Shield to become the number one heel in the WWE, perhaps one of the top 5-10 heels of all-time. Ambrose splintered off into his own lunatic fringe gimmick and is left in a situation where he is so over, losses don't hurt him. Reigns is still in his Shield gear and with the Shield music. Imagine if DX broke up and Billy Gunn got pushed to the moon without any change to his gimmick, coming out to the NAO theme and such, it doesn't work. Children with get behind Roman, so will a lot of the female fans and likely some casual fans, but the ones that were shelling out $120 annually for the network, wearing Kevin Owens shirts and marking out for DDP, they will not. The something for everyone model doesn't work, when only a small portion of the audience is considered. Imagine if Austin had been thrown out early in 1998 and the Rock won that year. Austin's momentum wouldn't be hurt, but Rocky likely wouldn't be a highly grossing movie star. More than any other form of entertainment, wrestling needs to happen organically.


Based on pops, Reigns came in way below Bryan, Ambrose, Ziggler, and a few others. The thing that sucks is they had the opportunity to make this great. Bubba showing up, the Wyatt Family coming to blows, both fantastic pieces. Having Kane and Big Show in last was just awful and really hindered the ending.  Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose, Wyatt, Rusev (who is actually growing on me), Stardust, and Harper needed strong showings. And no NXT guys, would have loved Zayn or Itami to show up have a decent showing and get an interview on the post show, saying they're almost ready and they are coming hungry. Reigns could still have ended up in the main event at Wrestlemania, but in a three-way with Ambrose and Rollins. Winning that match would be more believable, especially if Ambrose took himself out with a crazy move on Rollins.

Too many wasted spots in the Rumble, too many quick eliminations, only Bubba was a real surprise, it just didn't gel. This show hurt the WWE as a company, Vince and Triple H as respected promoters/bookers, the hardcore fans for not being respected, and most of all Roman Reigns. I feel really bad for him, he is going to be the scapegoat when he doesn't succeed and not his fault.

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That hashtag going around, #cancelwwenetwork, is a bit of an overreaction I think. I mean yeah, it sucks that Vince never listens to what his paying audience wants, but come on now. Everyone bitches how young talent doesn't get pushed, well Roman is young talent. He's just lacking a bit on the "talent" part. Everyone is turning on Roman because it seems he's getting the royalty treatment for being The Rock's cousin, and Vince's ideal top guy. That's why we don't like Roman.

Not quite. Actually Dave Scherer really hit the nail on the head at pwinsider http://pwinsider.com/article/91127/how-and-why-everything-went-so-badly-wrong-for-wwe-last-night-at-the-rumble.html?p=1


It really isn't that people hated seeing Roman win (well some do) it is just the way WWE handled it. They could have held Bryan back until after the Rumble, thus making Reigns win better received. Instead they threw Bryan at the fans and then jerked him away (just because they could). Reigns was fighting an uphill battle which could have been easily avoidable if Vince knew even a little bit about the business.

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Vince's plan was obvious.  Get Bryan out early so the crowd could "get it out of their system", backload the Rumble match with guys like Ambrose, Cesaro, and Ziggler to slowly get them back, put Reigns over to a warm/mixed reaction, have Rock save the day to put them in a frenzy and, profit.  He also thought this after a tag match where Mizdow, the only guy who can still get a pop while he and Miz wrestle the Uso's for the 50th time this month, never got tagged in and a divas match where Paige, also the only worker in that match who got any reaction, suffered the same.


Instead he got Bryan out early, 45 minutes of booing and "this is bullshit" chants, a quick pop for Ambrose and Ziggler followed by kicking everyone's nuts even harder with their exits, Reigns getting boo'd out of the building after being booked far too strong, a "we want Rusev" chant and, finally, a quick pop for Rock followed by more booing.  


It's astonishing that he thought, after purposely not giving the fans what they want three times in 4 matches, on the #2 show of the year, right after the Network launches oversees, it would be anything other than a disaster.  The only good thing that can result is him losing what he seems to covet the most right now, Network subscriptions.  Enough of those fall off and maybe, just maybe, he'll listen to what fans want instead of trying to tell them.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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There is a way this can be fixed, I think. Obviously, what's done is done. Reigns is in the main event. That's that. But Lesnar can always retain at WrestleMania 31.

That's the only thing they can do, and not fuck it all up honestly. Lesnar has been booked way too strong to lose to anyone at this point. They can make Reigns look strong in the match, but still have Lesnar win. Rollins can finally cash in afterwards, and Lesnar disappears back to UFC.

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Yeah! winning the Royal Rumble may guarantee a Wrestlemania "main event" slot, but as previous Manias have shown(even counting last year's with Batista) "He can still possibly lose @ Wrestlemania".

A "Reigns loss" @ Mania, is the only way to go here; and Seth must successfully cash in(cus after seeing how they keep booking him as "The future of the WWE", just makes me worry he will possibly be repeating a "Sandow cash in").

I'm honestly shocked to see them/Vince really go with Reigns(my very! least favorite Shield member) as "The break out guy" set to replace Cena(even knowing this was set to happen for Months).


Seeing Reigns win the Rumble last night made many's suspicions(rumors) very possible, and it's why the Majority of the fans responded with much "Backlashing"(Rightfully so, but the Network Cancellation seams a bit silly, but oh well it's their money) towards the outcome.


Even if he's "The Guy"...He is "too damn green" right now, but they can still easily fix everything; and like every year "It comes down to Vince's train of thought".

Edited by DarknessKey92
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Cena and Rusev... people, this was inevitable. Captain America Cena will destroy the foreign invader Alexander Rusev. And he will overcome and win one for the red white and blue. And I will snore through most of it.


And... Why is Arnold Shwarzenegger being inducted into the hall of fame?!!!

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And... Why is Arnold Shwarzenegger being inducted into the hall of fame?!!!

Well, if memory serves, he was our first and only celebrity championship title owner.


So am I the only one who watched tonight's RAW?

Completely forgot about it until after 10; caught it in time for the Reigns interview, Ambrose showing up through the blizzard, Daniel Bryan's interview, and Roman Reigns meeting Brock Lesnar for the first time (interview conducted by Paul Heyman).

Loved all of it.

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I watched the whole show, they just gave the Royal Ru!blue match and title match replays for free. The rest of the stuff in between was interviews. Bryan's interview was interesting, when he said "Sure, I don't have the family connections, and the WWE hasn't fed me like they have Reigns." Seemed like a semi shoot.

As for Arnold, I'm OK with him being in the HoF. People always forget, WWE has a celebrity wing in the HoF, so you have to expect a celebrity every year. Plus, Arnold is a much better choice than some of the past years' celebrity inductions.

I'm worried for Rusev now. Obviously, he has to lose eventually, but why does it have to be Cena? I just hope they make him look strong against the superman, so he has a chance after the streak is broken. I don't want to see him jobbing and dancing in a few months.

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Remember everyone, in Reigns' first Survivor Series, he eliminated everyone on the opposing team, in his first Royal Rumble, he beat the record set by Kane for 11 eliminations in Rumble, won his second ever Rumble, and is currently undefeated (though it's 2-0) at WrestleMania, and has never lost a singles match clean, that's WWE's definition of an organic rise to the top.

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I'm actually rooting for Cena here(if it's happening), I shall dig up my "05 Cena fan" self for this 1 time...as I yell "CRUSH HIM!! CENA!".

I've honestly been waiting for this feud for fucken months, if they had "Rock Vs. Hogan Vs. Stone Cold" @ Fast Lane...I would still say "I'm so hyped to see Cena Vs. Rusev".


I'm gonna Mark out & Laugh every time I see Cena kick out @ 2.


I'm not even trolling here, I REALLY!! do mean all of that.

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I recently subscribed to the network and watched the Rumble, the first WWE related show I've watched since Survivor Series (since then I've watched Wrestle Kingdom 9 and a handful NJPW events). All of which blow anything I've seen WWE do in many years out the water.

As with every WWE PPV it's a one match show, Lesnar was impressive as usual, and I thought Rollins was really good. Anytime Cena is in the ring with Lesnar it's such a contrast, his offense looks plain bad and extremely weak always, but up against Brock's it's very much magnified.

As for the RR match I enjoyed the first 30 minutes or so, seeing Wyatt dominate for a while, also Bubba & DDP showing up was fun while it lasted. Even though it was obvious Reigns would win, after his piss poor matches/promos I still held out hope they'd suprise us with an Ambrose or Rusev win. Nothing against Reigns, I liked his role in the shield, as of right now though, he's just not very good.

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So what could this earth shattering announcement Triple H is gonna make on RAW be? Is he going to say Reigns's win at Royal Rumble was invalid because it was actually only a 29 man Royal Rumble? (Remember, Curtis Axel never got into the ring, and was never eliminated. Which was very odd, to say the least. I mean, why wouldn't he just get into the ring?)


That's my speculation.

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So what could this earth shattering announcement Triple H is gonna make on RAW be? Is he going to say Reigns's win at Royal Rumble was invalid because it was actually only a 29 man Royal Rumble? (Remember, Curtis Axel never got into the ring, and was never eliminated. Which was very odd, to say the least. I mean, why wouldn't he just get into the ring?)


That's my speculation.

I'm not sure what it could be, honestly. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's a troll announcement, like 'Axel was never eliminated, so Reigns vs. Axel for the #1 contenders spot tonight'.

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