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RealM722's Trophy Cabinet


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Can't believe you haven't played a Naughty Dog before this... that's crazy!


While there are some games that I think are best played on higher difficulties, I think that Uncharted games were made for the experience of the lower difficulties. The enemy AI and dialogue is built for brief stop-and-cover moments in between run-and-gun mechanics, not to mention the tone of the games, but I also did enjoy Crushing mode too.


I think that Uncharted 4 is the best of the series... you could spend $10 to upgrade your U4 game to the Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection. Then you get the PS5 upgrade with no DLC trophies. It comes with Lost Legacy as a strange DLC trophy list but they can be autopopped.

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Ha! Finished this one recently too and yup it was a blast!


I do think too that the Uncharted games are juuust a bit better on a lower difficulty, especially the old ones. Hard difficulty feels like the sweet spot, the AI doesn't have that insane aim but you can't tank every single bullet either :D There was another difficulty level above Crushing in the first 3 Uncharted games though, called Brutal, thank the Dogs they didn't add it here! That one is straight out unfair.


And yeah...this game was beautiful...utterly gorgeous. I never use photo mode in games, well this one made me search for the Photo Mode button combinations :lol:

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On 2/12/2024 at 4:46 PM, realm722 said:

While I'm not making any promises, the old remastered Uncharted games starring Nathan Drake have gone from a "probably never" to "maybe one day" bump in my backlog category.


And when you do -- and inevitably go for the 100%, because we know you will -- I expect you to do Brutal difficulty (one step above Crushing) on all three games legitimately. To this day, my greatest gaming achievement. So, so many deaths...


That said, I agree on Crushing being the ideal difficulty for these games. At least it adds a sense of realism in an otherwise ridiculous game. You actually played my least favorite in the series, despite Chloe being arguably the best character.  I hear they might be remaking the first game...? If so, you could play that and then jump to UC2, which is universally considered the best game in the series, I think. UC4 is good too, but you already know that.

TLOU when?

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On 2/13/2024 at 1:34 AM, Platinum_Vice said:

I think that Uncharted 4 is the best of the series... you could spend $10 to upgrade your U4 game to the Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection. Then you get the PS5 upgrade with no DLC trophies. It comes with Lost Legacy as a strange DLC trophy list but they can be autopopped.


Mate... you're a legend for this. I can't believe I didn't even make that connection. You can't even buy Lost Legacy as its own game anymore unless you buy it physical but I didn't realize this would be a great way to get to experience Uncharted 4 while avoiding that eternally painful DLC. Thanks a million!


On 2/13/2024 at 2:18 AM, Copanele said:

I do think too that the Uncharted games are juuust a bit better on a lower difficulty, especially the old ones. Hard difficulty feels like the sweet spot, the AI doesn't have that insane aim but you can't tank every single bullet either :D There was another difficulty level above Crushing in the first 3 Uncharted games though, called Brutal, thank the Dogs they didn't add it here! That one is straight out unfair.


And yeah...this game was beautiful...utterly gorgeous. I never use photo mode in games, well this one made me search for the Photo Mode button combinations :lol:


I didn't even know it could get more difficult than Crushing. That's hilarious. You die sooooo quickly in this game if you're slightly exposed. There was one hilarious bit that I didn't mention when you're fighting Asav on the train during the climactic finale of Chapter 9. Asav straight-up wombo combos Chloe in 2 hits and she goes collapsing to the floor and the checkpoint is RIGHT before it and I just kept dying over and over again while laughing my ass off.


17 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

That said, I agree on Crushing being the ideal difficulty for these games. At least it adds a sense of realism in an otherwise ridiculous game. You actually played my least favorite in the series, despite Chloe being arguably the best character.  I hear they might be remaking the first game...? If so, you could play that and then jump to UC2, which is universally considered the best game in the series, I think. UC4 is good too, but you already know that.

TLOU when?


Wow. I've read that a fair bit here on the forums and have seen the game frequently mentioned as the worst. Again, maybe this is the benefit of it being my personal first and not having experience with the ebbs and flows of the Uncharted formula yet. Chloe's incredible. I'm very tempted to wait for that remake... I've heard from people here and there that Uncharted 1 isn't just old/out-of-date it's just outright bad and the 2nd game is really where it made its leap to superstardom.


I will play the Last of Us when they remaster it for the PlayStation 6.

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Game: Speed Limit (Arcade / Action (Simple))


Analysis: I bought Speed Limit when it was on sale for $1.49 back in early September 2023 and I'm happy to say it was a fairly decent time!


Why Speed Limit? It's funny, before writing this post, I got @'d on another member's status update because somebody was trying to track down a post they vaguely remembered regarding some freak deciding to track where all the video games he's played have been developed. This is of course relevant as back when I made the original map post (now 1 1/2 years old), I had never played a game from a developer out of Croatia. Back then, I wishlisted a bunch of games available from a variety of countries I hadn't tapped into yet, and as time went on, those games mixed with one another and my memory of why I added them to the wishlist in the first place faded. Still, when you see a game on sale for less than $2, I don't exactly need much convincing to pull the trigger on it. All I truthfully knew going in was the intro that said "Play. Die. Repeat" and boy, they sure as hell weren't lying.


Learning to Die A Lot - Speed Limit is a game intended for the player to die a lot. Checkpoints are relatively close to one another and almost all enemies die in one hit. The catch is, so do you. This means a lot of practice in learning how to get past specific obstacles will be necessary. Speed Limit's neat trick is that every 2 levels, it switches modes of transportation. In the first 2 levels, you'll be on foot and blasting through an onslaught of enemy fire. Then you'll jump into a car. After navigating mayhem for 2 levels, you'll switch gears to a motorcycle. This was one of my favorite sections. After the motorcycle, you'll somehow end up in a helicopter, and after the helicopter, a fighter jet. Each of these pose their own challenges. As you're just learning the mechanics of the game and the various routes, I found the first two with one-'n-gun-firing enemies to be quite challenging. Especially since you're being shot at from the left, right, and up above. The car section can be tricky before you know the patterns but once you do and slow down when driving into on-coming traffic, you'll be fine. The motorcycle is fun as hell and you can blaze through the levels in 3 minutes max once you know what the hell you're doing. Helicopter feels like the slowest of the lot and is kind of the most laborious to get through but it's probably one of the easiest sections. Finally, the fighter jet has a remarkably confusing initial level because.. even after having beat the game a few times... I still don't know what the heck I'm doing? If I'm accelerating all the time, the other jets never catch up and just shoot? So I need to purposefully slow down hard enough for them to pass me, and then shoot them? Aight I guess. The final boss can be tricky at first but there's a trick I'll explain later on how to beat him with ease every time.


Miscellaneous Trophies - As always, I would be remiss if I didn't shout out some of the helpful aides for getting the side trophies in the game. @greenzsaber made a fantastic concise full walkthrough for the platinum and I also enjoyed BasementGamerBro's direct individual trophy videos. After beating the game and each level on Easy, I focused on a few of unique playstyle ones such as the Blue Steel trophy which asks you to beat the final boss only moving left. I then focused on the Normal mode trophy which will likey lead to A LOT of deaths. I tried to do this on my 1st attempt aiming for the speedrun and uhh... nah. I hadn't even killed the final boss yet, I was at 45 minutes, game crashed, so I'm at least thankful that it didn't screw me out of a great run. Some trophies that could be annoying include "Wicked Shot" which asks you to kill an enemy with every bullet fired in Level 1. Thankfully the level is super short, but the part where you reach all the knife guys in trenchcoats at the end kept tripping me up a bunch until I just went much slower and made sure I took out the gun guys in the rear before getting all those dudes on me. Clearing out the two levels with the helicopter without dying will take a few attempts. The most annoying part for me was this one straightaway with a carrier with like 3 guns. The key to killing it is holding down R2 until all the guns are blown up. I kept letting go and firing, letting go and firing, and that simply wasn't quick enough to take them out. With all the small trophies outta the way, I only had the two big boys left.

The 30 Minute Speedrun Trophy - A 30-minute speedrun of a game to completion sounds awful but due to the nature of the game, many levels can be completed in just 1-2 minutes. The initial difficulty in Speed Limit is found in not knowing what's coming next. Once you've gotten familiar with the levels, it becomes much easier to muscle memorize what motions are needed to get through a particular phase. For example, Level 2, which involves run-and-gunning above the subway, had me DYING A LOT on my 1st attempt due to not knowing the order of how to duck/jump over the sign boards. But this time around, I had died enough to remember the pattern and breeze through it. When you die is also relevant. Some checkpoints are so close that dying a handful amount early on doesn't cost you much. Going 1-2 minutes and then dying and getting reset though? That can do some damage to your total. I was honestly making phenomenal time this run finishing Level 9 at just over 17 minutes & 30 seconds... and then I began to choke. Quite frankly, I didn't know the proper strategy to evade the circular honing missiles that come out during the latter stage of the final boss fight. I had lucked my way through on prior playthroughs. Here's the winning strategy: hold the stick RIGHT if the missiles come from the LEFT cannon. Hold the stick LEFT if the missiles come from the RIGHT cannon. That's it. It's a bit embarrassing it took me that long to figure out. Anyways, I was so pissed at myself you literally see me pause at (26:15) and debate restarting the run ALREADY thinking I had screwed myself... but I continued. I won, died on Terminal Velocity, got through it, and then still holding the stick left for the most agonizing last few seconds finished the run with literal SECONDS to spare. What a rush! Thankfully, the trophy popped and was in the bag.


Infinite Mode & Lack of Polish - All that I had left for the platinum was completing two runs of the game on Infinite Mode. I hadn't originally intended to save this for last. What happened was I tried to go for this BEFORE attempting the speedrun, in order to better memorize the levels, but literally 1 1/2 runs into the trophy, the game crashed on me during the Level 6 motorcycle rush. That section can be a bit buggy as your motorcyclist can just fly all over the map with the lightest touch of the stick. The game crashed on me 3 other times which is quite obnoxious since you can never quit out and save your run, they need to be completed in one setting. Mercifully, I was spared on my 2nd attempt here but it was 40min down the drain. I also very unfortunately began experiencing the dreaded.. awful.... worst thing ever for a gamer... stick drift, on one of my controllers. I honestly had started to feel it a bit while playing Uncharted: Lost Legacy but this game made it extra painful due to the shooting mechanics on the early levels. I will have an extremely detailed post on this latter on in the month because I have a lot to say on the subject and seek to help others afflicted. I mention it here because it'll be a lasting memory in my time with the game. I earned the 7.69% rarity platinum in 2 weeks, 7 hours.


A Small Team Based out of Croatia - I've gotta say, while this game isn't exactly revolutionary, I was quite happy to see a small-time indie studio from a small European country put out such a sound product minus a few polishing issues. Their website for the game is remarkably detailed and worthy of praise. While I'd argue a game such as Super Time Ultra Force provides a more holistic experience of proper full levels and side content with unique mechanics, Speed Limit is the streamlined, speedrunified, version of that. While you'd be surprised by some of the games developed out of the country (such as Doodle Jump), the list isn't super extensive. I've owned Zotrix for years. never played it. I considered "I Hate Running Backwards". I debated Serious Sam. Ultimately, I'm happy with what I settled on.


Would I recommend Speed Limit? Perhaps. I enjoy these sorts of games. I enjoy a repetitive task that you need to refine and get better at. This game is that formula to a tee. Tricky, difficult to get right, but once you do, you can quite literally blaze through the game in 20 minutes. That's not for everybody. But if you want to try a game from a former state of Yugoslavia, you can't do much worse than this. I hope everyone is doing well. NFL Season is over and the Chiefs hoisted another Super Bowl which I'm happy with. If the Dolphins can't win it, I just hope the team that wins it all the time keeps winning so I don't get jealous. Heat are 30-25 and enjoying the All-Star Break. I'm looking forward to the Marlins season even if my expectations aren't that high. I've been watching some banger Cinema lately in the form of Boyhood and Memories of Murder trying to complete Bong Joon-ho's filmgraphy. I also have some other obsessions I've been getting into with one I'm particularly going to hone in on this very thread down the line. I hope it'll be as interesting for y'all as it's been for me. Oh, and to top it off, Rebirth at the end of the month. Life's pretty great at the moment.


Panda Score: 6.62 / 10

Panda Difficulty: 3.11 / 10


Speed Limit
* Oh this is one of those arcade games… uh oh
* Failed the speed run with a crash but was already like 15min over oh well
* Game has crashed on me 3 times and mid-infinite mode run ugh…
* Alright next attempt didn’t crash and
* Write up entry and YouTube speed run attempt stick drift


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Wow. I unintentionally hibernate for a month and you add a new "omg I want to drop everything to play this" game to my backlog with Interaction Isn't Explicit (and thanks for the shout-out on the price!), write a review on my most favoritest Uncharted game ever, and then do the lord's work sharing the knowledge you gained in your PhD on stick drift for the benefit of humanity!


I am so unbelievably hyped for Rebirth to come out in just a few days(!!!!!!). The extended preview earlier this month indicated to me that Rebirth is going to continue to be faithful in modernizing so many beloved-and-or-iconic aspects and mechanics of the original game, while also adapting to many conventions of the modern 3D gaming landscape. I'm still a little uncertain about the meta-narrative that they are playing with everyone who has played OG FFVII, but with all the love and attention put into the game, I'm hoping that the meta-narrative will make more sense in this installment (and confirm a popular fan theory that makes sense to me). Anyways, I'm especially excited for your Rebirth post, since you're the only person I know who will be playing it and hasn't played the original!

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On 2/23/2024 at 3:25 PM, realm722 said:

I Got My Ph.D. In PS5 Controller Stick Drift So You Don't Have To (How To Fix It)

So, I read all of this(took me a while, it's technically an engineering article) and my very first reaction was:



I tried soldering around with a previous PS4 controller and while it worked...temporarily...that kinda convinced me that the damn plastic is programmed to break.

Might be a tin foil conspiracy theory but I swear it's not really coincidence when the Ultra Dualsense 5 Premium Big Dick Edition breaks at exactly 1 year after purchase. Clockwork precision right there! Your article timing couldn't have been more fateful, since my controller started drifting like it was in Tokyo mere days before you posted this!


I found a stupid-but-actually-works? alternative solution on Reddit. Faced with this same problem, a redditor suggested that I should press down the stick that is drifting (in my case the L3) and gently do clockwise motions for 1 minute, then counterclockwise motions for another minute. Somehow, by some sorcery this fixed the issue

Whether it's temporary or not, I don't know, my bet is that I lucked out. But for some reason this worked like a charm. Waiting for the next Dualsense mega update to get my Stick Drift back 😂


Still I wish to congratulate you for your work and study on the case, even if the stupid thing will break again, at least now you can clean up a controller in no time and have one extra skill in electronics.


On 2/23/2024 at 3:25 PM, realm722 said:

THE EQUIPMENT YOU'LL NEED - Boot up this website on Google Chrome and connect your controllers to a laptop/PC

I whisper those words in the microphone of my Dualsense every time it has the idea of acting up and somehow it gets back in line. That might also be a solution.

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On 2/26/2024 at 2:52 AM, Copanele said:

I tried soldering around with a previous PS4 controller and while it worked...temporarily...that kinda convinced me that the damn plastic is programmed to break.

Might be a tin foil conspiracy theory but I swear it's not really coincidence when the Ultra Dualsense 5 Premium Big Dick Edition breaks at exactly 1 year after purchase. Clockwork precision right there! Your article timing couldn't have been more fateful, since my controller started drifting like it was in Tokyo mere days before you posted this!


I'm telling you man... there's something going on here. I'm not going to go full conspiracy theorist, I genuinely think this is just Sony doing a classic "get the most well-known stick and keep using it" since all the other companies are also doing it but the radical increase I saw around the phenomenon is either an indication of after certain amount of X hours of use, that thing is just meant to go bust. I'm not joking when I saw the term "planned obsolescence" mentioned north of 50 times across all those threads. Sorry to hear that soldering on the PS4 controller didn't go well. I've heard that one's more complicated than the PS5 to take apart sadly.


On 2/26/2024 at 2:52 AM, Copanele said:

I found a stupid-but-actually-works? alternative solution on Reddit. Faced with this same problem, a redditor suggested that I should press down the stick that is drifting (in my case the L3) and gently do clockwise motions for 1 minute, then counterclockwise motions for another minute. Somehow, by some sorcery this fixed the issue

Whether it's temporary or not, I don't know, my bet is that I lucked out. But for some reason this worked like a charm. Waiting for the next Dualsense mega update to get my Stick Drift back 😂


Yup, I've seen those tricks as well. Tried them with my base controllers ages ago when they first went bust and neither of them helped. Happy it worked for you though! I'll be curious to see if it just extends yourself drift-free short-term or if you can get another year+ of usage out of it with that simple trick!


On 2/25/2024 at 7:26 PM, pelagia14 said:

Anyways, I'm especially excited for your Rebirth post, since you're the only person I know who will be playing it and hasn't played the original!


Not only have I not played the original, I have avoided all talk about Rebirth for the last 6 months. Genuinely. I have all the key names filtered on social media. I have blocked it whenever so much of a thumbnail has popped up on YouTube. I am going to get a genuinely completely blind experience and I cannot wait. My expectations are high (I'd be sad if I didn't find the game to AT LEAST be 8/10 worthy) but I mean... this is Square Enix's BABY. They can't mess this up. I trust them to lead me to a good time and if all else fails, I loved the combat in the 1st game and that alone can float an entire experience for me.


As an aside, update everybody - I got my DualSense Edge back from the Repair center! Here is the timeline.


Packed Controller w/ Shipping Info: February 17th (Saturday)

Shipped Controller: February 20th (Tuesday)

Arrived at Repair Center: February 23rd (Friday)

Left Repair Center & Shipped Back: February 26th (Monday)

Package Arrives w/ Fixed Controller: February 29th (Thursday)


Honestly, can't complain. When I shipped it out, they said they'd try to get it back within 15 days. I got it within 9. That's pretty good. Especially given I get to enjoy FF7 Rebirth with it. Due to my location, the repair center in Laredo, Texas ended up being the closest so good on them. I checked the serial number and it's different so they actually replaced it instead of just swapping out the busted stick module which I thought was interesting. That's all from me. I'm off to hibernate and don't know when I'll reemerge. Until then!

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On 4/7/2024 at 8:04 AM, realm722 said:

My Experience Playing In A Competitive FIFA Tournament in Colombia


*shoos the cobwebs off this thread*

I swear, I wanted to reply to this way earlier but uh...uhhhh...yeah focus ain't my strong suit!


Anyway, I think reading this was the most fun I had with a FIFA ever since I played a FIFA 2007 dorm tournament with colleagues and friends, prize being an unidentified bottle of vodka(allegedly). Congrats for the massive success abroad! 

And also best of luck to ElNiño, he really sounds like a star in the rising :lol: 

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How to say you have schizophrenia without saying you have schizophrenia.

Some people may say it's cool, but most of them would just say it's crazy what you're doing. If you're so good at gaming, at least try to make ONE friend.

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Dear god that is a Masters degree in Final Fantasy 7...

I will say, mega congrats for playing AND writing that mad review. I will be completely honest, I read all that over the course of several days and I don't think I understand even 1/4 of what happens in that game 😂 but it does look like this is THE game for you, which is always nice to see 😁


I have watched some videos with the game(including the Tifa+Aerith swimsuits heh) and unlike any other jRPG, this time I am actually interested! I am really NOT a fan of jRPGs but this one looks like something I would enjoy 😁 and your Yakuza comparison kinda puts more convincing points there. Maybe one day I'll discover what is so special about chocobos 😆


But I think I will wait for part 3 just to make sure I won't invest 300+ hours playing Japanese Gwent for nothing. At least the minigames sound fun!

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Posted (edited)
On 5/4/2024 at 11:38 AM, Copanele said:

Dear god that is a Masters degree in Final Fantasy 7...

I will say, mega congrats for playing AND writing that mad review. I will be completely honest, I read all that over the course of several days and I don't think I understand even 1/4 of what happens in that game 😂 but it does look like this is THE game for you, which is always nice to see 😁


It really is. It's such a comfortable template for a game between the narrowed, focused sections and the freer open-world bits. While I'm enjoying going back to a variety of games again, if you told me, "hey 6 months from now here's 50 more hours off FF7" I'd sign up for it in a heartbeat.


On 5/4/2024 at 11:38 AM, Copanele said:

I have watched some videos with the game(including the Tifa+Aerith swimsuits heh) and unlike any other jRPG, this time I am actually interested! I am really NOT a fan of jRPGs but this one looks like something I would enjoy 😁 and your Yakuza comparison kinda puts more convincing points there. Maybe one day I'll discover what is so special about chocobos 😆


I never thought I'd be a fan honestly either. I remember downloading the FF7 Remake for PS+ Users and thinking: "maybe this'll be aight" as someone who had totally avoided Final Fantasy until then and yea... it got me hooked. I also feel strongly about those Yakuza similarities. The game shines in it's goofiness. I was surprised to hear some reviews about the game from others complain that they wished the game would get on back with the main story as I just find the "chilling with the crew" segments to be the best part of the game. Chocobos look awesome. Catching them in the game though is ☠️


On 5/4/2024 at 11:38 AM, Copanele said:

But I think I will wait for part 3 just to make sure I won't invest 300+ hours playing Japanese Gwent for nothing. At least the minigames sound fun!


Good call. Given the way the developers have been talking, 2027 or early 2028 seems like the most feasible release point. They have all of the infrastructure in place, now it's just about wrapping up the final part of the story. Given the size and scale of the games... if they managed to put out 3 50+ hour games in the span of 8 years or so, that is an INCREDIBLE achievement by Square Enix.


It's been a minute since I've written an article...

Edited by realm722
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Posted (edited)

Hype for Hades II is unreal. I haven't even finished the first one yet, but the gameplay for the second is looking as good as you could expect. Supergiant just don't miss, every single game they put out is a certified banger. I also have Going Under in my backlog, but I didn't realise it was those guys who made Another Crab's Treasure. I've had my eye on that and the reviews seem promising.

4 hours ago, realm722 said:

DigixArt (Road 96) - (NO INFO ON NEXT GAME)

I'm not 100% sure, but I could have sworn there was another Road 96 that came out as some point. I'm sure I saw it on a sale or something.

EDIT - Looks like it's a prequel from what I can find, Road 96: Mile 0. It's got no plat, so it could be useful as I know you like to mix one of those in where you can!

Edited by HelixNebula_x
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1 minute ago, HelixNebula_x said:

I'm not 100% sure, but I could have sworn there was another Road 96 that came out as some point. I'm sure I saw it on a sale or something.


Yeah, there was, Road 96: Mile 0.


4 hours ago, realm722 said:


I'm not sure if its strictly official yet, but there are reports of Roll7 being shut down.


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On 5/8/2024 at 5:33 AM, HelixNebula_x said:

I also have Going Under in my backlog, but I didn't realise it was those guys who made Another Crab's Treasure. I've had my eye on that and the reviews seem promising.


Neither did I before doing this little research project! I personally enjoy listening to the "Friends Per Second" podcast while doing house chores and one of the hosts, Lucy James, talked about it in the latest episode and said so many things that reminded me of Going Under (great game feel, good humor) that I just know I'm going to check it out eventually.


On 5/8/2024 at 5:33 AM, HelixNebula_x said:

EDIT - Looks like it's a prequel from what I can find, Road 96: Mile 0. It's got no plat, so it could be useful as I know you like to mix one of those in where you can!


Ayyy, thank you for this. I do indeed remember it coming out. I enjoyed discovering Road 96 but not sure enough to the point where I'd be down for what equals a mega-DLC at this point. I was a bit torn on deciding what truly qualifies as a new game. For example, the Hopoo Games developers technically released: "Risk of Rain Returns" in Nov. 2023 which is basically an enhanced version of their original game. Is it a new game? Kinda, sorta? But it's not enough of a departure or a proper 3rd game in the series that I didn't include it on the list.


On 5/8/2024 at 5:39 AM, jonesey46 said:

I'm not sure if its strictly official yet, but there are reports of Roll7 being shut down.


Welp, you are unfortunately correct. This news dropped just over a week ago. That freaking SUCKS. Between that and the shutdown of studios like Tango Gameworks by Xbox... I don't blame any small dev for refusing to be scooped up by a mega-publisher. I understand the financial freedom allowed in the short-term but you're at the mercy of executives and I think I'd preferred to be drawn and quartered if given the option. Welp, guess I really now gotta play OlliOlli.

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11 minutes ago, realm722 said:

Ayyy, thank you for this. I do indeed remember it coming out. I enjoyed discovering Road 96 but not sure enough to the point where I'd be down for what equals a mega-DLC at this point.

I wouldn't call it a DLC when it's a different genre. Mile 0 doesn't have rogue-like elements, instead it's main attraction is the rhythm levels which play a bit like Sayonara Wild Hearts.

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12 hours ago, Breakingthegreen said:

I wouldn't call it a DLC when it's a different genre. Mile 0 doesn't have rogue-like elements, instead it's main attraction is the rhythm levels which play a bit like Sayonara Wild Hearts.


Damn. Not gonna lie, didn't know it was that involved. A little mini-rhythm game actually sounds like it could be a fun time. Thanks for the heads up!

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