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Jack Tretton says the Vita came too late


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It seems you love making threads that are only about bad news about Sony products: "PS Now is heading to PC", "PSVR will be timed exclusive", "Vita came too late"...

I never saw you saying anything bad about Microsoft nor sharing any bad news about them, I wonder why...

How is that a bad thing? The more people that can experience great Sony games, the better. PS Now has been on Samsung Smart TV's for over a year now so PS Now going to other platforms that aren't Sony is no surprise. Also, nothing he said was untrue and the Vita most definitely too late with plenty of missteps from Sony. I bought a Vita 4 years  ago (2012) and I can attest to those mistakes.


On topic: I agree with him. The Vita had so much promise and coming off the huge successes that the PSP was, Sony really dropped the ball. Like other have mentioned, the memory cards played a big part in the issue. A SD twice the size of the Vita mem card was also half the price.

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And once again, western branch making excuses.

Ever heard of Japan/Asia branch complaining about Vita?

mate this might be hard to be believe but Japan is not the be all end all of everything. Just because a system does well in one area does not make into a success. Strong Japanese/Asian sales did not save the Vita; Sony clearly fucked up somewhere on a fundamental level.


Its the age old viscous cycle that fucked the WiiU too, nobody buys it because it has no games and it has no games because nobody buys it. And abstract JRPGs don't really count i'm talking mass market appeal.


EDIT: Unless I misunderstood you and are saying that it was a failure but that the western branch should own up to their mistake; in which case sorry about that.

Edited by HaSoOoN-MHD
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And once again, western branch making excuses.

Ever heard of Japan/Asia branch complaining about Vita?

Truth here.

Sony dropped the ball here by failing to recognize its audience. They made some mistakes, sure (notably their expensive proprietary memory cards), but really, they just fell into their common trap of trying to make eir product all things to all people.

mate this might be hard to be believe but Japan is not the be all end all of everything. Just because a system does well in one area does not make into a success. Strong Japanese/Asian sales did not save the Vita; Sony clearly fucked up somewhere on a fundamental level.


Its the age old viscous cycle that fucked the WiiU too, nobody buys it because it has no games and it has no games because nobody buys it. And abstract JRPGs don't really count i'm talking mass market appeal.

I think Satoshi would agree with that. Without speaking directly for him, I think his point is that the western branch screwed up, rather than simply mistimed the release or whatever other excuse they come up with.

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EDIT: Unless I misunderstood you and are saying that it was a failure but that the western branch should own up to their mistake; in which case sorry about that.

Yeah, Satoshi was talking mainly about how the Western Branch won't own up to their mistakes. They didn't lower the prices for the memory cards, they didn't advertise the PSVita at all, they instead chose to advertise their Phone to try to compete with Apple and Samsung (which failed and put them in debt), they stopped making 1st party games (They halted a rumor Infamous game that was going to come to the PSVita) and they couldn't convince AAA western developers to invest into the PSVita, this one is not entirely their fault as it would be difficult to conceive them unless you bribe them.


This is why I don't trust Sony with PSVR, because if it shows at least one sign of failure. Sony is going to drop it the same way they dropped the PSVita.

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There isn't a Mod in the Vita Section to delete this kind of Threads? At this point i'm here since July i've already seen like 5-6 almost similar, i don't even say mine anymore.

Why there's nothing bad about acknowledging problems the Vita has had. This article is relatively new. Just don't read it if you don't care.


Yeah, Satoshi was talking mainly about how the Western Branch won't own up to their mistakes. They didn't lower the prices for the memory cards, they didn't advertise the PSVita at all, they instead chose to advertise their Phone to try to compete with Apple and Samsung (which failed and put them in debt), they stopped making 1st party games (They halted a rumor Infamous game that was going to come to the PSVita) and they couldn't convince AAA western developers to invest into the PSVita, this one is not entirely their fault as it would be difficult to conceive them unless you bribe them.


This is why I don't trust Sony with PSVR, because if it shows at least one sign of failure. Sony is going to drop it the same way they dropped the PSVita.

PS VR worries me because the first party support seems to be coming exclusively from SCEE. And as a fan of SCEE content, I know how little SCEA actually supports the content. PS Move was mostly supported by Europe too. And a lot of those games were not released in a timely manner. Most Vita games were by Europe too. it took them at least a year to localize Invizimals on Vita and PS3. Then they toss them out without fanfare and digital only. I had already imported and completed them all by the time they came  out in NA. Wonderbook same thing. I wouldn't be surprised if the EyeToy and PS Eye were mostly supported by Europe as well.

SCEA barely supports worldwide content from Europe and Japan. They were too shortsighted to even localize Demon's Souls. I still laugh at Sony for that one.

If it's on SCEE to support PS VR, then SCEA isn't going to care. Like they've never cared about any of the other hardware. [EyeToy/PS Eye/PS Camera, PS Move, Wonderbook, Vita]



This is what i was going to say. It came on launch with Little Deviants and Resistance BurningSkies. Seriously???? Uncharted Goldn Abyss came slightly after if i recall correctly?

Killzone Mercenary (which is an ncredible game with awesome MP and average SP) came too late and tben all other good games had trouble getting localized (Freedom Wars). Can't recall the timing for Soul Sacririce and even thoughthat one was awesome, it's not themed for everyone.


(typing on vita, forgive my errors)

You've got it backwards. Resistance: Burning Skies came out in May, Uncharted was a launch title and one of the few million sellers on Vita too. Despite it's premium pricing at launch.

Edited by Elvick_
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There isn't a Mod in the Vita Section to delete this kind of Threads? At this point i'm here since July i've already seen like 5-6 almost similar, i don't even say mine anymore.


This is from a recent IGN interview with Jack Tretton not some random insider's gossip.

You've got it backwards. Resistance: Burning Skies came out in May, Uncharted was a launch title and one of the few million sellers on Vita too. Despite it's premium pricing at launch.


Wait, Uncharted: GA sold over a miliion? Yes, yes, YEASSSSSSSSSSS! Uncharted:GA is one of my favourite Uncharted game of all time. What are the other million sellers on the Vita?

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Wait, Uncharted: GA sold over a miliion? Yes, yes, YEASSSSSSSSSSS! Uncharted:GA is one of my favourite Uncharted game of all time. What are the other million sellers on the Vita?

Only one I know for sure is Minecraft. It's sold over a million in Japan alone [digital and physical].

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It seems you love making threads that are only about bad news about Sony products: "PS Now is heading to PC", "PSVR will be timed exclusive", "Vita came too late"...

I never saw you saying anything bad about Microsoft nor sharing any bad news about them, I wonder why...

This isn't an xbox site.....

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I swear I've lost track of the amount of people that have said "I would love to buy the vita, but the memory card prices...."


I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but it is literally the ONE thing that keeps me away. I have oodles of games from PS+ over the years, but I can't bring myself to spend the outrageous money required for those memory cards.

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People who wouldn't buy a Vita because of a one time memory card purchase price were never going to purchase any games for it anyway. They were the same ones who bought PSPs because they could put CFW on there and download full games off the internet at no cost to them. 


At the end of the say, the majority of gamers are hype-sheep. If Sony wasn't hyping the shit out of the Vita in the West to get it's sales strong at the beginning of it's life, it was doomed from the beginning. Sony needs to be happy with how it's sales have done in spite of their Western ignorance. Put Sony's western business model and history for the Vita up against any successful product and any products that aren't sold anymore and it'll have more in common with the failures.


At the end of the day, the Vita is still available for purchase because Sony is still manufacturing. It might be online only in some areas, but it is. Games come out for it every week. I play it every day. Vita is waiting in the west for Sony to make a few smart moves and it would absolutely improve sales. Sony is just a child who can only focus on one thing at a time. Which right now happens to be PS4 Pro. Sorry VR, as much as I want you to succeed, Sony is going to keep hyping the shit out of the Pro and expect VR to sell itself.

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Compared to how much SD cards cost, it is outrageous.

Yeah, I understand that. What I'm saying is that a lot of people who I've seen complain about the price of the memory cards will preorder games when they could wait a few months and get them at a discount. They could use the money they save from not purchasing their games day one and put that towards the price of the memory card. Then they'd still have the games and they could also have their vita and memory card.

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The Vita is a neat machine but, why pay so very much for it when the 3DS (able to play the huge DS library) and cheap mobile games exist.

How much is there really on the 3DS if you take away the Mario, Zelda and Pokemon games? Ever since I got a Vita I've only been using the 3DS for the occasional Harvest Moon and the new Ace Attorney.

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I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but it is literally the ONE thing that keeps me away. I have oodles of games from PS+ over the years, but I can't bring myself to spend the outrageous money required for those memory cards.

I only have an 8 GB, that I paid $10 for on Black Friday. Just Plat and delete. I won't pay for a huge one, either. It's ridiculous. I hate it, too, 'cause I'm a digital packrat with my consoles. But I really don't see any other option. Even if I bought a 32 GB, I'd fill it. And then what, buy another? Pfft. Yeah, that's not happening.

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There isn't a Mod in the Vita Section to delete this kind of Threads? At this point i'm here since July i've already seen like 5-6 almost similar, i don't even say mine anymore.

Well, it's the only kind of topic people can talk when it comes to Vita.


Wait, Uncharted: GA sold over a miliion? Yes, yes, YEASSSSSSSSSSS! Uncharted:GA is one of my favourite Uncharted game of all time. What are the other million sellers on the Vita?

I believe CoD and AC sold over 1M.

LBP should go over 1M as well.

I'm not sure about Killzone since it was on Plus and I dunno if that counts into sales.


And then there's obviously P4G.


How much is there really on the 3DS if you take away the Mario, Zelda and Pokemon games?

More Mario, Zelda and Pokemon. :awesome:

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How much is there really on the 3DS if you take away the Mario, Zelda and Pokemon games? Ever since I got a Vita I've only been using the 3DS for the occasional Harvest Moon and the new Ace Attorney.


Not saying that the 3DS library is better than the Vita's, but there is quite a bit outside of the core franchises for JRPG fans.  Two fantastic Fire Emblems, arguably Square's best games in years (the Bravely Defaults), great Atlus support (the Devil Survivor remakes, SMTIV and Apocalypse, and the Etrian Odyssey style games), and three different Monster Hunters.

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Sony dropped the Monster Hunter ball, if ever a franchise shifted handhelds...   :P


The Vita is indeed a great little unit, but I hardly ever touch it, except the occasional foray back into MHFU and my one time addiction to Ecolibrium, had there been further MH titles though...   To be fair, there are a lot of very good games for it, I'm just not such a big handheld player, I prefer couch comfort, controller and a big screen, but I have to agree with the memory card situation, I dropped £40 (iirc) on a 32gb way back when, and I was none too amused, I could've picked up a 500gb external for that!


Still, regardless of any overall success or failure, it's a great handheld.   Sony should bring back the comics, not sure when they disappeared but I remember using the PSP for them, long time ago now.

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People who wouldn't buy a Vita because of a one time memory card purchase price were never going to purchase any games for it anyway. They were the same ones who bought PSPs because they could put CFW on there and download full games off the internet at no cost to them.


What a nonsensical narrative. And even were it true, it still doesn't explain Sony's stupidity in this regard.



Still, regardless of any overall success or failure, it's a great handheld.   Sony should bring back the comics, not sure when they disappeared but I remember using the PSP for them, long time ago now.


That's a sad truth in the matter. It's got a great design, it works well, games look good - there's a lot to like.

Not saying that the 3DS library is better than the Vita's, but there is quite a bit outside of the core franchises for JRPG fans.  Two fantastic Fire Emblems, arguably Square's best games in years (the Bravely Defaults), great Atlus support (the Devil Survivor remakes, SMTIV and Apocalypse, and the Etrian Odyssey style games), and three different Monster Hunters.


I don't know if it was any good, but I was sad to see DQ9 go the handheld route myself.

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