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Modern Warfare Remastered Might Need Infinite Warfare Disc

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Well, this isn't good news. 



An interesting detail about Modern Warfare Remastered has come to light; according to the official website, a disc is required to play the downloadable update. Wait, MW Remastered is being released on disc? Doesn't that kind of contradict the designation of digital download?

Well, it turns out that anyone who opts for the Collector's Edition of Infinite Warfare (to grab the remaster) will be shackled to that disc if they want to enjoy the remaster. Call it an asinine method of DRM or one of those ill-fated attempts to prevent trade-ins, but the text makes no other mentions of which disc or why there is even a requirement.


Obviously people who opt for the digital version of Infinite Warfare will not need some random disc spinning in their console, but what does this mean for the chances of this remaster being released as a standalone purchase? Will those arbitrarily require a disc, or is this just some lame way to lock people out for going physical?

Honestly, I don't know why Activision doesn't just allow an individual purchase of Modern Warfare Remastered. A bunch of people have given up on the series, but would gladly drop $50 for the "remake". Hell, Activision would probably end up making more money going that route instead of shackling this to the new game that probably won't sell as well.


Source: Destructoid


If true, Activision have figured out how to keep people from trading IW in after redeeming their Remastered code. I am curious how this will work though because the campaign is unlocking for those who pre-ordered in just a few days and obviously the IW disc won't be available then. So is this only for multiplayer or just a big misunderstanding? I guess we'll find out closer to launch. 




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It's not a might, it does. This was known months ago


Can you please give me some of those sources from months ago? Everything I've found has been recent and no one that I've seen has been able to absolutely 100% confirm it to be the case or not.






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I wouldn't be surprised, if it would be made available separately as a digital download at some point. Most exclusive content bonuses have ended up available for purchase, once those who got triggered by the words "exclusive" bought them. I mean it's just extra revenue, so Activision, being the company they are, would hardly give up on the possibility of making extra money.

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Activision. Outdoing their bullshittery every time. What a god awful business model these people have. Even EA never did stupid BS like this.

Why is that a bad business model? They know people want the remastered game but may not want the new game. So they put in a system which forces you to keep Infinite Warfare instead of trading it in or even worse returning it after your code is activated.


This means there will be less used copies on the shelf (which hurts their new sales) and more people will buy the game at launch which is also good business for them.


I don't agree with it but you can't say it isn't smart business. If you think it is a bad move...don't buy the game.

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I am curious how this will work though because the campaign is unlocking for those who pre-ordered in just a few days and obviously the IW disc won't be available then. So is this only for multiplayer or just a big misunderstanding? I guess we'll find out closer to launch. 

To answer this, the early Modern Warfare is actually a different version of the game. It's the whole game without MP (servers wouldn't be up yet), but once the game is fully released, that version of the game won't function anymore and you'll need to get the code from inside the Infinite Warfare case to download the proper, permanent version of the game. So with it being a different version of the game, it's entirely possible that IF the full version does need a disc to run normally, this version could omit that part since it's temporary anyway.

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Kind of intrigued by their decision on this. Although just thinking about it, if people were just to buy the $80 edition and then just trade it in, they'd only be getting $25 - $30 bucks (in-store credit) at most at GameStop.. I don't think anyone with a brain would just sell that game back for just that much.. Then again I've surprised myself with the customers that bring back a new game within a week cause they didn't like it and only get around 25 - 30 for it.. lol.


But Activision can see, I hope at least, that this futuristic BS that they've brought to the table two years ago has just sucked. Ghosts was the last decent game imo because you actually fought just on the ground. It just gets bad how essentially a $20 game ($60 standard + $20 cod4 = $80 legacy edition..) is their main selling point. Although I guess I mean it is working. I can say from the numbers pre-ordered in just my store, we have 80+ on both PS4 &Xbox one Legacy editions. We have like about 3 or 4 standard editions pre-ordered in total, probably because the parent hates their child that much, but.. their selling point is working. Even though it's a cheap way to actually sell your stuff, it still is a sly move.


At times idk why I seem surprised by this because it's Activision. I sometimes think good of them, thinking that they'll bring something to the table.. but as I said, just right after Ghosts when they got rid of the micro transactions for specific items and made "supply drops" a god damn thing, that kinda just opened my eyes finally from that point on how god forsaken cheap they are to consumers. Yes, it's a selling tactic. Although it was Black Ops 2 when they started introducing the micro transactions for camos and such.. correct me if I'm wrong.. which none of that stuff gave you an advantage. It wasn't pay to play. It seemed like they were doing just fine from MW3 and way before that considering that the only thing you're buying was map packs.


..sorry kinda jurassically went off topic, but yeah. mini-vent.



About the Modern Warfare Remastered Campaign


Let me provide you with the Q&A online



To sum it up since my Manager made me aware, I'm taking into assumption this is how it'll work(talking just about GameStop since I see you can pre-order from other retailers.. I don't work for BestBuy, nor Walmart..). We'll be given SKUs with codes for you to access the Modern Warfare Remastered Campaign. We need to see on your account that you payed the full amount after tax in order for you to get the code. Pretty sure the code will be a one per-pre order type of thing. The only thing is, I'm not sure if the code will be considered to be apart of "the last five purchases". In our computers we're only able to see the last five purchases someone has made. I'm not saying you can take advantage.. but you may be able to snag more than one campaign code if it doesn't show up or if you get the campaign code and just purchase five other items right after so the employee ringing you up isn't able to prove that you already had the campaign code.


I HIGHLY DOUBT.. that GameStop will email the codes. That powerup rewards account information stuff messes a lot of people up so I personally don't think GameStop would do the trouble and sending it to you by code. Plus when you pre-order games without a rewards account, we can just ask for your first and last name and just your phone number.. an email isn't required.

Edited by DuckSwimmer
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Activision. Outdoing their bullshittery every time. What a god awful business model these people have. Even EA never did stupid BS like this.

Yeah they did. You have to have Dead Space 2 in your console to play Dead Space Extraction and Medal of Honor to play Medal of Honor Frontline. I saw this a mile away and thought this would happen when they first announed that it comes with IW and that is the only way to get it.

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Why is that a bad business model? They know people want the remastered game but may not want the new game. So they put in a system which forces you to keep Infinite Warfare instead of trading it in or even worse returning it after your code is activated.


This means there will be less used copies on the shelf (which hurts their new sales) and more people will buy the game at launch which is also good business for them.


I don't agree with it but you can't say it isn't smart business. If you think it is a bad move...don't buy the game.

I didn't mean a bad business model in terms of the reasons they did it but because of WHY they are doing it. So they go and disc lock the ONLY reason people are buying that piece of stool Infinite Warfare, and instead of maybe oh I dunno make a better fucking game, they go and make it so you can't play the only decent part of the shit they are trying to do. People should have every damn right to be able to play MW Remastered without Infinite Warfare. If Infinite Warfare sucks (likely) but you like MW Remastered you should be able to return the disc and still play MW.
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I didn't mean a bad business model in terms of the reasons they did it but because of WHY they are doing it. So they go and disc lock the ONLY reason people are buying that piece of stool Infinite Warfare, and instead of maybe oh I dunno make a better fucking game, they go and make it so you can't play the only decent part of the shit they are trying to do. People should have every damn right to be able to play MW Remastered without Infinite Warfare. If Infinite Warfare sucks (likely) but you like MW Remastered you should be able to return the disc and still play MW.

But if they wanted you to play MW then they would sell it separately. The whole point of it is to get you to buy their new game. 


I don't care either way (because I am not a fan of the series) but as long as people buy IW then Activision will keep doing this. If you don't like this business practice DO NOT BUY THE GAME because if you do then you are part of the problem and it will continue to happen.


It is really that simple. If enough people refused to buy IW but sent an email to activision and said "I am not buying infinite warfare but if you release MW as a stand alone I will buy that" then Activision would eventually have to release it. But every year COD outsells the previous year which means that despite all the bitching on the Internet you guys keep going back and supporting the brand.

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But if they wanted you to play MW then they would sell it separately. The whole point of it is to get you to buy their new game. 


I don't care either way (because I am not a fan of the series) but as long as people buy IW then Activision will keep doing this. If you don't like this business practice DO NOT BUY THE GAME because if you do then you are part of the problem and it will continue to happen.


It is really that simple. If enough people refused to buy IW but sent an email to activision and said "I am not buying infinite warfare but if you release MW as a stand alone I will buy that" then Activision would eventually have to release it. But every year COD outsells the previous year which means that despite all the bitching on the Internet you guys keep going back and supporting the brand.

I know exactly what you are saying but I don't go and buy this shit new every year. Last cod I got new was Ghosts but that was only because it was a Christmas present. I buy the cods used so Activision gets 0 money.
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I know exactly what you are saying but I don't go and buy this shit new every year. Last cod I got new was Ghosts but that was only because it was a Christmas present. I buy the cods used so Activision gets 0 money.

Well OK then...stick to your principles and eventually they will sell this as a stand alone (they always do). If they don't it isn't like the original game stopped working...you could always just go back and replay that version of it.

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The only thing is, I'm not sure if the code will be considered to be apart of "the last five purchases". In our computers we're only able to see the last five purchases someone has made. I'm not saying you can take advantage.. but you may be able to snag more than one campaign code if it doesn't show up or if you get the campaign code and just purchase five other items right after so the employee ringing you up isn't able to prove that you already had the campaign code.

When you hand out the code for Modern Warfare, you're supposed to put a note on the person's pre-order saying that they got a code. That's how you're supposed to avoid that situation. Of course, if you forget to write the note... Although the customer would have no real way of knowing if the employee remembered to input that note or not.

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That doesn't surprise me at all. Activi$ion does want to trick people thinking they can sell back IW and keep their download code of CoD4 Remastered (and the opposite too). I mean why? They have their damn money, don't bother the buyers more. I guess it's all about of stupid "EULA" saying "you buy a license for the game, bla-bla-bla you don't own the game" crap. How about no? I buy the game, you have your money, I do whatever I want with it! I can destroy it or sell it, doesn't matter. Do wathever you want with my money.

As the others said, if guys don't like that commmercial practice, don't buy the game. Wait until it releases stand-alone. CoD Classic was exclusive to the Hardened edition of MW2, what happened? It got released alone. I don't see why Activi$ion wouldn't release it alone later, with all the potential huge of extra money they can get after IW release and make happy the angry people keeping hating on it.

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When you hand out the code for Modern Warfare, you're supposed to put a note on the person's pre-order saying that they got a code. That's how you're supposed to avoid that situation. Of course, if you forget to write the note... Although the customer would have no real way of knowing if the employee remembered to input that note or not.

That's true. Although when it gets bombarded with customers, I personally tend to never pay attention to the customer notes just because the less people in the store, the better.. lol. Recently my store is just crazy busy out of nowhere because everyone and their mother wants Fifa, wants to trade in a x360/ps3 towards a One, etc. I would assume it would just depend on the location, employees and just if the store is quiet or absolutely mobbed for no apparent reason. I'll be the one to admit that I've forgotten a countless number of times to give the pro gaming pass to pro members when they picked up Madden and Fifa.. lol.

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Yeah they did. You have to have Dead Space 2 in your console to play Dead Space Extraction and Medal of Honor to play Medal of Honor Frontline. I saw this a mile away and thought this would happen when they first announed that it comes with IW and that is the only way to get it.


You sure? Cuz every time I've played Dead Space Extraction, I haven't had Dead Space 2's disc in my system. I don't remember whether or not I had to put MoH in to play Frontline tho, but I did not have to put in DS2 to play Extraction

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Activision. Outdoing their bullshittery every time. What a god awful business model these people have. Even EA never did stupid BS like this.


Actually, yes they did. The Limited Edition of Medal of Honor came with MoH: Front Line as a download, and the disc was required to play the game. The same goes for Assassin's Creed: Relevations - Limited Edition: It required the disc to play the included OG Assassin's Creed. As well as Dead Space 2 LE, which was bundled with Extraction. This is the way it's done with every game that includes another as a bonus as far as I know.

You sure? Cuz every time I've played Dead Space Extraction, I haven't had Dead Space 2's disc in my system. I don't remember whether or not I had to put MoH in to play Frontline tho, but I did not have to put in DS2 to play Extraction


The PSN version of Extraction does not require Dead Space 2. The on-disc version does.

Edited by Rin Kagamine
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This sort of thing had me worried in the day. Then I remembered I'm getting it 30 days before the disc is out, which means I'll be fine. However, some of the maps are being sent out digitally later, which means an update, I'll be sure not to update until the internet confirms it's cool.


If they do try to screw us this way, jokes on them because I mostly wanted the campaign anyways and I'll still have that.

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To answer this, the early Modern Warfare is actually a different version of the game. It's the whole game without MP (servers wouldn't be up yet), but once the game is fully released, that version of the game won't function anymore and you'll need to get the code from inside the Infinite Warfare case to download the proper, permanent version of the game. So with it being a different version of the game, it's entirely possible that IF the full version does need a disc to run normally, this version could omit that part since it's temporary anyway.

This is exactly the case.

MWR will factually be locked to the disc to play, as Dead Space Extraction is to Dead Space 2, upon full release.

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