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Kill Your Completion... Again(Finished)

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Game #2: Lords of the Fallen (Day 1)





I wanted to play this game since release but allways decided against buying it. So I'm glad I got it with PS+ a last.

As Billy allready said it's a Dark Souls clone from a German developer. As such it's more western style than Dark Souls at least in my opninion. The gameplay is much slower than in Dark Souls though


I guess that most of you have heard about Dark Souls so you probably know the controls.

:r1: for a light attack, :r2: for a heavy attack, :l1: to block, :l2: to use your shild abillity or second hand weaopn (Magic Gauntlet). With holding :square: you can use your potions and with holding :circle: you can use your magic.


I can't say anything to the story as I don't know what the fuck is going on. Just like in Dark Souls :D

At the beginning you can choose your characer. You have three magic types and three classes to choose from. Each combination creates another class so offensive magic plus warrior is another class than defensive magic plus warrior. I chose illusion magic plus warrior, which is a more heavy based class.


I defeated two bosses and am right at the third. This game is much easier than Dark Souls especially at the boss fights. I cann block almost everything and just have to wait for the right moment to attack. Like Dark Souls this game punishes you for attacking at the wrong time.

I have no clue where I am because there a so much ways to go. I think I have at least 4 or 5 different ways to go. The level designe is very great as I got to a point earlier in the area and thought: "Ah here I am again"

There's also hidden ereas in the game just like the illusory walls in Dark Souls from which I only found one so far.


There's a trophy for dying the first time and I'm glad this wasn't my first one. It was my second one.


Trophy Progress: 8/57 9%


With your rating system I would give the game a :silver: maybe even a :gold:. I love Dark Souls and this game has the same feeling for me.



Good to know you like it more. You're not biased because it comes from Germany, are you? ;-)


Yeah the game is indeed much easier than the Souls series. I'm getting into more trouble than I should though because my controls don't always respond like I want them to.


Does the game open up after the second boss? Because I'm not really seeing an open world, I'm seeing one long railroad with a couple of small side steps but nothing that big.


Going to play some more now because I will probably not have time to play tomorrow, at least not a lot. Seeing as you have played the Souls series more than I have, doesn't it bug you that it's "just" a clone? As far as I can tell it has nothing original in it, and what it does it actually does not as good as Dark Souls did even with the first Souls title. It just feels like a step back to me.


P.S. Can't believe I forgot to mention this in my day one post but this game can just be paused if you want to, unlike the Souls games. Don't yet know if I think that's a good or a bad thing.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Nothing wrong with your post, keep your own style I'd say :) personally I like reading about the big interest points: story, graphics/sound, gameplay, and overall atmosphere.


And yeah that thing in the spoiler was smart of them to do.


Personally I'd like to know if you played any other of the Arkham games before and how you'd compare this game to that one.


oke, I'll try to keep that in mind with the next game :)


and yeah, I've played the first part..got the one for ps4 as well but I wanted to finish the games on there right order :)

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:awesome: Laughed quite a bit during this.


That was the reward for reading through the wall of text :P .


I forgot to mention that there was also a duck named "Little Timmy", I'm not sure, if the devs researched the meaning beforehand, but my guess would be no as it had no "special" loot.

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On game #2 now, which is Final Fantasy XIII.  I've gotten far enough that I now have access to paradigms and can start getting abilities and customizing things.  The ability stuff reminds me very much of the sphere grid in FFX, though a bit more enclosed.


I now understand the complaints about hallways in this game.  Many of the maps are a straight and narrow path with maybe a tiny branch here and there.  While it can be annoying to deal with massive and complex dungeons, this is definitely a bit too simplified.  The combat is pretty smooth, but I'm not sure I'm a fan of the whole deal with if the leader is KOed, it's game over.  It's especially frustrating with FF's tendency to not allow you to just redo the battle, nope you reload from the last save and get to do the cutscene again, though thankfully you can skip cutscenes.  But seriously, for the time this game was made, there's no excuse to lack an option to restart from the beginning of the battle.


The story itself seems decent enough so far, though it's also rather confusing.  Of course I'm sure a good chunk of that is just a matter of it's a new game and has a lot of stuff to introduce, but this is a pretty slow start for a FF game.  I'm interested enough to keep going, but at the same time, I can see why this game is one of the more disliked in the series.  I expect more from a series like this where I know Square/Enix can make a solid and enjoyable game and is capable of telling an enjoyable and coherent story that grabs you from the start, and it's just not happening in this game and it feels like a letdown from a company and series that you know can do better than this.


Trophy progress: 3/36 (4%)

Completion: 76.66%


And in other news, I should be a bit less distracted now that I platinumed The Witch and the Hundred Knight, and also have some more room on my PS3's bitty hard drive.

Final fantasy 13 is a really slow Final Fantasy indeed not sure you gonna get to the part.. but all of a sudden when you're around 2/3 of the entire game.. the tutorial will end.. until that there are hints and new things.. And it looks like the sphere grid indeed, except you need to unlock new stages.. but you'll find that out soon enough ^~^ (Also even if the charracters aren't there.. they still get the cp)  so use that in your advantage and good luck to you! 

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Already 13 hours in? Woah, that's quite a lot. And I thought that the four hours I played in Driver were already quite much.

But it's nice to see that you like the game. Did you start with Jude's or Milla's side of the story?

I decided to put this game in slot 2 which is a Fri/Sat/Sun as I finish work at 11am on a Friday so I have the rest of the day and all weekend to play it. With any luck I'll be able to put in another 7 hours tomorrow.

I started with Jude as the 2 guides I've looked at say to start with Jude for story reasons.

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I decided to put this game in slot 2 which is a Fri/Sat/Sun as I finish work at 11am on a Friday so I have the rest of the day and all weekend to play it. With any luck I'll be able to put in another 7 hours tomorrow.

I started with Jude as the 2 guides I've looked at say to start with Jude for story reasons.


I hope you make it to the beginning of chapter 2 which introduces the last character, which is my favorite from the game. 


And it's reasonable to start with Jude. Milla's story is a quite shorter and you would miss many aspects of the story and would wonder what happened at all. 

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I hope you make it to the beginning of chapter 2 which introduces the last character, which is my favorite from the game. 


And it's reasonable to start with Jude. Milla's story is a quite shorter and you would miss many aspects of the story and would wonder what happened at all.

I'll definitely reach chapter 2 before Sunday ends. I've just come back to Sharilton after fighting the Nameless Anomaly so another couple of hours and I'll complete chapter 1. I'll be interested to meet the last character as so far none of the other 5 have stuck out as my favourite whereas in Graces f my favourite (and a lot of others peoples favourite from what I've heard) was Pascal and it didn't take very long to decide that.
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Game 2 - The Awakened Fate Ultimatum - Day 1


The gameplay is way easier than I expected. And from what I've heard easier than its predecessor The Guided Fate Paradox.




As someone who just platinumed TGFP and then started to play this right afterward: Yes, it is easier and simplified to the point of being very "watered down". Although the lack of an extreme grindfest + more focus on story is nice in its own way too.

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I'll definitely reach chapter 2 before Sunday ends. I've just come back to Sharilton after fighting the Nameless Anomaly so another couple of hours and I'll complete chapter 1. I'll be interested to meet the last character as so far none of the other 5 have stuck out as my favourite whereas in Graces f my favourite (and a lot of others peoples favourite from what I've heard) was Pascal and it didn't take very long to decide that.


Seems like you are not so far away from Chapter 2. And I just had to look up in a guide but seems like you will get to know the last char before the end of chapter 1 once you head to Jude's hometown.

As I haven't played Graces f yet I don't know how Pascal is in the game but I know her small appearance from Hearts R and I really liked her tomboy-ish nature. And I'm confident you will like "Xillia's Pascal", too. 

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finally got my review for game 1 up...it rendered terribly from the original but don't have time to try and correct it as i'm off to work in a sec here...the quality is also pretty bad but don't care...video editing not one of my strong points but enjoy doing it nonetheless...also started up game 2 last night...will try to have a review ready on time as i have a nice "half day" (8 hours) at work tomorrow...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgKvIgDpqFc

Quite impressive Prof! And I thought I upgraded my review by getting on the PC to enable the rich text editor! Thanks for taking the time to do that, I enjoyed it.

Batman, to me, will always be Adam West, because that's what I grew up on. And thanks for the pic of Julie Newmar. Gratuitous cleavage or not, she can still work the 'catwalk.'

Oof, that might be the worst pun yet in this thread. Enjoy Game 2!

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Took last night off for some tv and Destiny raiding. Getting ready to jump into a game in a few minutes.

Thanks @Hemaik. I may take you up on that if I have questions.

I now understand the complaints about hallways in this game. Many of the maps are a straight and narrow path with maybe a tiny branch here and there. While it can be annoying to deal with massive and complex dungeons, this is definitely a bit too simplified. The combat is pretty smooth, but I'm not sure I'm a fan of the whole deal with if the leader is KOed, it's game over. It's especially frustrating with FF's tendency to not allow you to just redo the battle, nope you reload from the last save and get to do the cutscene again, though thankfully you can skip cutscenes. But seriously, for the time this game was made, there's no excuse to lack an option to restart from the beginning of the battle.

The story itself seems decent enough so far, though it's also rather confusing. Of course I'm sure a good chunk of that is just a matter of it's a new game and has a lot of stuff to introduce, but this is a pretty slow start for a FF game. I'm interested enough to keep going, but at the same time, I can see why this game is one of the more disliked in the series. I expect more from a series like this where I know Square/Enix can make a solid and enjoyable game and is capable of telling an enjoyable and coherent story that grabs you from the start, and it's just not happening in this game and it feels like a letdown from a company and series that you know can do better than this

I get where you're coming from but I took a slightly different perspective. I, so far, actually think the hallway works given what they are trying to introduce. It seems like the appropriate way to handle the battle tutorials where opening it up from the outset would have you getting paradigms somewhere in the 8th hour instead of in the 3rd after you factor in walking around and interacting with things. I don't know how long the hallway lasts but I hope it opens up eventually.

I've always found the setup for FF stories as lacking and it's the characters that draw me in first and then make me care about the story. In this case, Lightning is the only character I've been introduced to yet that I'm curious about. Snow's hero bs gets old real fast so I blame him. But then the writers decided to have him knocked flat by women every hour or so. So there's that.

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I get where you're coming from but I took a slightly different perspective. I, so far, actually think the hallway works given what they are trying to introduce. It seems like the appropriate way to handle the battle tutorials where opening it up from the outset would have you getting paradigms somewhere in the 8th hour instead of in the 3rd after you factor in walking around and interacting with things. I don't know how long the hallway lasts but I hope it opens up eventually.

I've always found the setup for FF stories as lacking and it's the characters that draw me in first and then make me care about the story. In this case, Lightning is the only character I've been introduced to yet that I'm curious about. Snow's hero bs gets old real fast so I blame him. But then the writers decided to have him knocked flat by women every hour or so. So there's that.


Yeah, I think that is where I'm feeling so disappointed.  I don't like any of the characters so far.  I don't tend to expect amazing characterization from the FF series, but these characters are even flatter than the usual fare.


The game really feels very much like all the effort and resources was put into the pretty graphics, because stuff falls flat in about every other respect and to be quite honest it's even more disappointing than XII was so far.  At least XII had some interesting characters, even if I only really liked Balthier and Fran.

Edited by ladynadiad
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I made some progress on Arkham Origins' multiplayer trophies, so I went and tanked my average completion extra. Yay?


Yeah, the story is beyond meh. I didn't love the game, but it was pretty easy to play some here and there and it's an UR Plat so...


That it is. I'll keep poking at it at least until the next game's time, it's just... lacking.

I can't help but feel like it's UR because it's so blah.  :P

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Good Evening to all.


I know I am a little bit late to the party and such likes but I would like to ask a question that will probably have been answered somewhere in the annals of this forum.


Are we allowed to include 1% games or does it have to be specifically 0%?

I have not really started the 1% games I have besides trying to get an easy trophy (guilty as charged).


In any case, I have some catching up to do...

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finally got my review for game 1 up...it rendered terribly from the original but don't have time to try and correct it as i'm off to work in a sec here...the quality is also pretty bad but don't care...video editing not one of my strong points but enjoy doing it nonetheless...also started up game 2 last night...will try to have a review ready on time as i have a nice "half day" (8 hours) at work tomorrow...


Loved the video and commentary. Especially the parts where you were having a conversation with and making fun of yourself. Also, for a moment I thought that game was suffering from the worst frame rate issues in the history of video games until I realized you were slowing down the footage on purpose.


Hope you keep the videos coming.  :)

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I think all but one entrant has posted at least one update so far. Hopefully we can keep that up and everybody can complete the event successfully. Really enjoying all the reviews and opinions so far.

Are we allowed to include 1% games or does it have to be specifically 0%?

In any case, I have some catching up to do...

It's 0% games only, since playing a 1% game wouldn't add any new trophies to the account.

However, the event is officially underway and the sign ups have been closed. Feel free to follow along and comment, or even play along with us if you still feel like it.

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Question, will we be able to swap around the order of games at all?  My schedule got changed at work so my days off are different now.  Of course it may change again since I complained about the change (seriously, they couldn't even comply with my single preference of two days in a row off), so I'm not going to swap the order quite yet until I know for sure what the final result will be, but I probably will need to swap at least one game.

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