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Worst Collection Trophies


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Collection trophys, the bain of my existence. I cannot put into words how much I absolutely abhor collection trophies, since for the most part programmers go out of their way to make it ridiculously hard to find items on your own without a FAQ (unless you want to spend 20-40 hours looking for them :P) Some games are reasonable, like the Darkness 2, requiring you to find 29 relics but some are downright obnoxious in my opinion.

What are some of your least favorite collection trophies, so I can avoid adding them to my list? Here are some I have had -

- Tomb Raider: Underworld - 179 treasures, small and difficult to see. Some are even in pots

- Vanquish - 122 Pangloss statues, tiny gold Oscar trophies hidden in the most ridiculous areas.

- Infamous - 350 blast shards (are you kidding me???)

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Enslaved - Tech Orbs...Most where easy to find, however, when you've scoured what you think is every inch of the playable field and the main menu says you are still missing 1%...You want to blow your brains out.

Brutal Legend - There are 5 different collectibles totaling about 200. It wasn't like they were hidden all that well, it's that the world was so damn big and there were tons of them. Granted, if you did it the smart way, you would have scoured every inch of that certain area before unlocking the next area. However, you run the risk of getting the corrupt data file in the middle of all that. Good times.

I would like to present to you the flip side of this conversation - The easiest collectibles to find.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom's collectibles were butt-ass easy to find due to every little area's menu told you want you were missing or what you had already found.

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I don't like collection trophies either (although i hate multiplayer trophies more)

Some of the ones I disliked most were/are

GTA4 - Stupid pidgeons were a nightmare, especially if there were cops nearby when you shot one.

AC 2 - Feathers. Far too much climbing involved.

inFamous 1 - at least shards in #2 were easier.

Enslaved - Currently in process of collecting orbs. 6 more chapters to do *sigh*

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Feathers in AC2 are stupidly annoying. Yes, there are maps, but they still suck. Also the flags in AC1. At least in Brotherhood it put them on the map.

Shards in Infamous 1...I'm at like 3 left, and I have no frikkin idea where they are. Ugh.

Tech Orbs in Enslaved seems like it would be really annoying, but I haven't gotten to getting those yet.

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Assassin's Creed II - 100 Feathers: i don't know how much we can reinforce that this trophy sucks

White Knight Chronicles - Armor,items, money,etc: These trophies will take you hours upon hours to collect enough for the platnum. (the average completion % is 11%) I've spent probably 300 hrs on that game and I'm not even relatively close to collecting all the stuff. Did I forget to mention that 75% of the trophies are collection-based?

Finally, Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 - emblems: All I have to say with this miserable collection is good luck.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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Dragon Age II's supplier trophy. The trophy description reads 'collect every variety of crafting resource' leading one to believe that you have to collect at least every variety of crafting resource. What it should say is 'Collect every crafting resource,' as you must gather every single plant and rock across all three years paying extreme amounts of attention at all times as many of them are in areas that can NOT be revisited, many of which are only available with a specific reputation with a party-member or a specific decision to be made, meaning that in a game that wanted to offer players open-ended choices, you can only get this trophy by following a strict itinerary throughout the 40+ hours of gameplay... I don't like it.

I'm biased, however, as the 11.1%er is the only trophy between me and the DA2 plat... I've already played though it 4-5 times, the last one aiming specifically for this trophy and missing it anyway, by 1 resource (the game is nice enough to keep count in the crafting screen). I may give it one more shot, but not any time soon. I, unlike most, did enjoy the game and would hate to play it on an itinerary.

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I've said this a lot recently but Uncharted: Golden Abyss luck/random drop bounties!! i will rave about this until the misery i suffered is gone :shakefist: The actual collectibles in the game weren't too bad.

But the worst for me:

Katamari Forever! - you need to roll up every single item in the whole game at least once, every single bloody one and there are 4143 of them, you get no clue as to what you are missing (except the category, food, people, etc) OR what level the ones you are missing are from, and there are lots of levels. To add even more insult to injury, once your katamari is past a certain size, you may not even be able to pick up said item you're missing. Yeah that item you don't even know you're missing and don't know if you're in the right level to get, i'm giving myself a headache :S I'm not even trying for platinum anymore because of this, maybe one day. Rant over. :facepalm:

Edited by JennifairyW
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Definitely the treasures in Uncharted (All 3 PS3 games, can't comment on Golden Abyss though), Ar Tonelico Qoga's trophy (can't remember what it's called & I can't be bothered checking) for finding ALL of the treasure chests. inFamous' Blast shards are getting on my nerves as well :shakefist:, at least I don't have to worry about finding the Blast Shards for inFamous 2 :yay: (Yeah, I've got inFamous 2's platinum, but not inFamous', go figure...). Assassin's Creed 2's feathers were an absolute pain to collect and you get nothing for it (Well, you technically get a trophy for it, but you have to do other things before getting the trophy).

I also hated the trophy for having 350 DIFFERENT pieces of armour and weapons in Dragon's Dogma, glad I don't have to go though that again...

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The collectables in Infamous 2 were 10000x better than the collectables in 1 despite how many there actually were. You travel so much faster in the 2nd game and you didn't need an outside map to find them all. You could collect them on the way to the end of the story and it would only make your collection of the rest easier. In the first game I collected them throughout the story, but when I went for collecting all of the shards, I had to double check areas on the map because there was very little indication on whether you got them already.

The Gold Film Reels in L.A. Noire were a pain to find. Not one of them were anywhere near where the story took you. In my eyes you should be able to at least find some of the collectables whilst playing the main campaign.

This and also Mafia 2. What a perfectly good waste of a beautiful open world map.

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