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Nintendo Switch thread for Nintendo Switch players

Oobedoob S Benubi

Questions for Switch gamers (2022)  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite Nintendo exclusive on switch (2022)?

    • Splatoon 2/3
    • Xenoblade Chronicles 1/2/3
    • Mario Odyssey
    • Metroid Dread
    • Fire Emblem 3 Houses
    • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    • Pokemon Legends: Arceus
    • Luigi's Mansion 3
    • Super Smash Bros Ultimate
    • Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
    • Kirby Forgotten Land
    • Other
  2. 2. How many hours do you have in your most played game?

  3. 3. What NSO feature would you like to see the most?

    • Custom Themes/Wallpapers
    • GB/GBA emulator
    • Game Cube emulator
    • Wii/Wii U emulator
    • Extra eShop discounts
    • Monthly free eShop games
    • More N64/SNES/NES/Genesis games

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3 minutes ago, Cubone said:

Yeah I do remember someone saying the Vita was easier to take along in their pocket... Personally, I sold the Vita in preparation for the Switch as I just knew I'd never touch it again. Being able to play on handheld away from home the exact same stuff as I was playing on a home console was too big a priority for me.

The Vita is definitely easier to carry around in your pocket, BUT I did try carrying my Switch as a proof-of-concept.


With work pants (think khakis, but I normally wear black semi-dress pants to work), the Switch barely fits in my pocket, since those pants have longer pockets. But the Joy-con on the top end juts out a bit. With jeans, it's just too big, period. However, if you take the Joy-cons off, I think it fits somewhat with the tablet in one pocket and the Joy-cons in another. I haven't tried it that way but it should work.


And I understand not hoarding consoles and portables. It's not necessarily a smart way to game, but I can't bear to part with systems where I still have games I want to play. Heck, I've only had my Wii disconnected for a year or so, once I got my backlog Gamecube games working on Wii U.


22 minutes ago, Cubone said:

I want to eventually play the game, surely. And I will definitely get it on the Switch in the end, digitally. Though I do not want to pay €40 now, which I definitely would have done if the game had been released in June or somewhere back then. I mean, it's literally on sale on PS4 in a store near me for €15 new, €13 used. For that money I can play it on PS4, sell it for about the same price (it seems to go for €15-€20 used), and buy it on the Switch for keeps a year or two to three from now if it's on a digital sale for €10.


I mean, come on, I'm willing to sponsor devs for a bit but €40 digital on Switch versus €15 new retail on PS4 is not a real choice. That's a playthrough on PS4 now, and a second playthrough and multiplayer on Switch a year or two later.


Just to be clear, there were some issues with the game when it was released but most of the negative views on the game came from people being dumb. The devs stated they wanted to go back to Banjo-Kazooie and make a third game like that and people did not take it at face value. People expected an updated upgrade like Super Mario Odyssey to Super Mario 64 or LoZ: BotW to LoZ: OoT, but all the Yooka-Laylee devs ever said was they wanted to make a retro collect-a-thon game like they used to do. That's what they delivered, warts and all. I can respect that, and it's why I'll still buy the game on the Switch digitally at some point. I just feel that the difference is too big in this example.


... I don't know, I'm conflicted. I mean, I also bought Skyrim for €60 on the Switch and it's €30 new, €20 used on PS4. That's a €40 difference right there.

That makes sense. Gamers, especially nostalgic gamers, often have unrealistic expectations. My problem with this game is that I'm not the target audience. I never played BK back in the day, since I didn't have a N64 - I do have the game in Rare Reply on X1 but those N64 games are kind of hard to jump into for the first time in 2017. Honestly, I'd probably do better with an evolutionary game like SMO from your example. So I'm still leaning towards skipping the game. It sounds like something you would enjoy though.


And you raise a good point about how we as gamers often draw the price line inconsistently. I've bought re-releases at full price on occasion, but other times I wait for a sale. But it never makes real sense. I think I played GTA5 on PS4 for 3 or 4 missions, and never touched it again, and I'm pretty sure I bought it at close to full price. But if it came to Switch, I'd probably buy it again at full price, to have it portable... and I'd probably still only play a few missions. Hopefully you're not as foolish as me, but sometimes my dumb purchasing decisions really make me question myself. At least I haven't regretted any of my Switch purchases yet. Zelda, Mario, Mario+Rabbids, and MK8D were totally worth buying at full price.

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6 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

The Vita is definitely easier to carry around in your pocket, BUT I did try carrying my Switch as a proof-of-concept.


With work pants (think khakis, but I normally wear black semi-dress pants to work), the Switch barely fits in my pocket, since those pants have longer pockets. But the Joy-con on the top end juts out a bit. With jeans, it's just too big, period. However, if you take the Joy-cons off, I think it fits somewhat with the tablet in one pocket and the Joy-cons in another. I haven't tried it that way but it should work.


I usually go by car to work, if I'm able to game away from home then I usually have a bag or backpack with me anyway.


6 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:


And I understand not hoarding consoles and portables. It's not necessarily a smart way to game, but I can't bear to part with systems where I still have games I want to play. Heck, I've only had my Wii disconnected for a year or so, once I got my backlog Gamecube games working on Wii U.


I have little problem with keeping a console around if I think I'll play more onit. That being said, I'm tempted with selling my PS3 since I don't really see myself using it any more, and I will sell the SNES if all the SNES games I still want to play are available on the Switch.


6 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

That makes sense. Gamers, especially nostalgic gamers, often have unrealistic expectations. My problem with this game is that I'm not the target audience. I never played BK back in the day, since I didn't have a N64 - I do have the game in Rare Reply on X1 but those N64 games are kind of hard to jump into for the first time in 2017. Honestly, I'd probably do better with an evolutionary game like SMO from your example. So I'm still leaning towards skipping the game. It sounds like something you would enjoy though.


Yeah I'd probably enjoy it, especially for a low price. If you can't get the Banjo-Kazooie games then you probably can't get into this one either. Rare games from that time were amazing but they were flawed as well, they're not aging well for people not accustomed to them.


You might have a blast with Jet Force Gemini and Conker's Bad Fur Day though. And I really hope we'll see Donkey Kong 64 on the Switch, as my N64 doesn't really work any more.


6 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:


And you raise a good point about how we as gamers often draw the price line inconsistently. I've bought re-releases at full price on occasion, but other times I wait for a sale. But it never makes real sense. I think I played GTA5 on PS4 for 3 or 4 missions, and never touched it again, and I'm pretty sure I bought it at close to full price. But if it came to Switch, I'd probably buy it again at full price, to have it portable... and I'd probably still only play a few missions. Hopefully you're not as foolish as me, but sometimes my dumb purchasing decisions really make me question myself. At least I haven't regretted any of my Switch purchases yet. Zelda, Mario, Mario+Rabbids, and MK8D were totally worth buying at full price.


Weird thing is I also didn't really want to buy Skyrim on PS4 until it was €15 or thereabouts. I already bought it twice on the X360 and never managed to get through it. Yet somehow I'm game on the Switch.


I am getting Yooka-Laylee on PS4, by the way. It's only €13, meaning I can in the end probably play it for free by selling it again (or trading it for a different game afterwards), and it will also give me a better idea about what the game would be worth to me on the Switch.


I did make a few purchases I "regretted" on the Switch but none are big €60 titles. I'm talking about a few under €15 titles. And it's not that they were bad, just that I took a risk and they turned outto be not for me. Robonauts comes to mind (I had to Google the title), and Pan-Pan. Not bad games (and Pan-Pan wasn't even €5) but I tried them for a bit, and didn't enjoy them as much so I went back to Mario+Rabbids or whatever I was playing at the time.


That's not to say I regret buying every game I didn't finish. Still haven't done the last world in Snake Pass but I had a blast playing it on my summer holiday.


Have to say though, all the unfinished games I have is why I've said since a week or two that after Skyrim, I'm done buying new games for a while. I mean for fuck's sake, I haven't even gotten back to Assassin's Creed Origins yet!

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3 minutes ago, Cubone said:

I usually go by car to work, if I'm able to game away from home then I usually have a bag or backpack with me anyway.

Ditto, I have an hour long commute so my vast amount of unnecessary stuff goes in my backpack. My pocket thing was more in response to the Vita comment you heard. Also, there are some places a backpack isn't convenient. Generally speaking though, I don't think the Switch has an issue with lack of portability.


6 minutes ago, Cubone said:

Weird thing is I also didn't really want to buy Skyrim on PS4 until it was €15 or thereabouts. I already bought it twice on the X360 and never managed to get through it. Yet somehow I'm game on the Switch.


I am getting Yooka-Laylee on PS4, by the way. It's only €13, meaning I can in the end probably play it for free by selling it again (or trading it for a different game afterwards), and it will also give me a better idea about what the game would be worth to me on the Switch.


I did make a few purchases I "regretted" on the Switch but none are big €60 titles. I'm talking about a few under €15 titles. And it's not that they were bad, just that I took a risk and they turned outto be not for me. Robonauts comes to mind (I had to Google the title), and Pan-Pan. Not bad games (and Pan-Pan wasn't even €5) but I tried them for a bit, and didn't enjoy them as much so I went back to Mario+Rabbids or whatever I was playing at the time.


That's not to say I regret buying every game I didn't finish. Still haven't done the last world in Snake Pass but I had a blast playing it on my summer holiday.


Have to say though, all the unfinished games I have is why I've said since a week or two that after Skyrim, I'm done buying new games for a while. I mean for fuck's sake, I haven't even gotten back to Assassin's Creed Origins yet!

Hmm, that reminds me that it may not have been clear in my GTA5 example. I played the game and finished the story on PS3 (I mostly ignored the MP though), and so when I got it on PS4, it was a double-dip. I lost interest in playing it again, pretty early on. Most likely the same thing would happen on a theoretical Switch version but I'd probably still get it because I'm dumb and easily swayed.

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23 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Ditto, I have an hour long commute so my vast amount of unnecessary stuff goes in my backpack. My pocket thing was more in response to the Vita comment you heard. Also, there are some places a backpack isn't convenient. Generally speaking though, I don't think the Switch has an issue with lack of portability.


Even if the Switch would fit in my pocket, I wouldn't put it there. Neither have I ever put the Vita there. 




Hmm, that reminds me that it may not have been clear in my GTA5 example. I played the game and finished the story on PS3 (I mostly ignored the MP though), and so when I got it on PS4, it was a double-dip. I lost interest in playing it again, pretty early on. Most likely the same thing would happen on a theoretical Switch version but I'd probably still get it because I'm dumb and easily swayed.


The example may not have been clear but my own points are still valid :)


I've done a few double dips but any dip that wasn't through PS+ or free, I actually finished.


I don't regret buying forma.8 by the way even though it's on PS+ next month, as I played a little and don't doubt that I'll love it. It's also short so double dipping is easier.


I can't think of any examples except Robonauts and Pan-Pan by the way, where I regret purchasing them because I didn't play that much. I think that I at least greatly enjoyed all other games I bought yet didn't finish. I guess I should make a backlog list for the Switch becauseI can't say if I am sure how many games on there I have not completely played through yet. 


Let me think... Robonauts and Pan-Pan, as stated. Skyrim, Retro City Rampage and Kid Trapp were my last purchases. Then... Sonic Mania (got to the final boss, got a game over, haven't retried yet), Human Resource Machine (haven't done final level yet, refuse to use a guide, won't continue on game until I'm on a holiday again), Snake Pass (final three or so levels), forma.8 (tried a bit and loved it, but this was right in between some big priority games), Blaster Master Zero (not that hugely into it back then but I really should continue on it), Octodad (already 100% on PS4, playing with missus so progress goes slow), Snipperclips DLC (also waiting on missus to game along), Stardew Valley (taking my time, in Spring of year two now, at 30+ hours played or maybe even 35+), Golf Story (really should get back to it asI love it), Putty Pals (another missus-only game). Think that's about it.


Yeez, I really should stop buying games for a while.

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Just out of curiosity, am I the only person who stalks other people's profiles on the Switch? Ok, "stalk" might be a strong word. Anytime I play an online game with a fellow Switch player (Splatoon 2, Rocket League etc.), I go to their profiles to see what games they have played. I am curious to see what games people have purchased. I am seeing a lot of DOOM, FIFA 18 and Skyrim lately so I am glad they are selling well.


12 minutes ago, Eyjabria said:

Anyone getting Xenoblade Chronicles 2? It's released tomorrow with free Japanese audio DLC, current Metascore is 85 (49 critic reviews). I might get it for Christmas if I manage to clear some of my backlog prior to that.


I may get it next year. I just started I am Setsuna yesterday and I plan on getting Skyrim this month as well. I am happy to see it is getting good reviews. The previews weren't too appealing for me so I was on the fence about getting it.

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1 hour ago, Eyjabria said:

Anyone getting Xenoblade Chronicles 2? It's released tomorrow with free Japanese audio DLC, current Metascore is 85 (49 critic reviews). I might get it for Christmas if I manage to clear some of my backlog prior to that.

I paid off the SE today, and I'll be getting the Season Pass tomorrow as well. I'm super hyped for the game, the Xenoblade series of games have been nothing short of amazing.

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1 hour ago, Gengar said:

Just out of curiosity, am I the only person who stalks other people's profiles on the Switch? Ok, "stalk" might be a strong word. Anytime I play an online game with a fellow Switch player (Splatoon 2, Rocket League etc.), I go to their profiles to see what games they have played. I am curious to see what games people have purchased. I am seeing a lot of DOOM, FIFA 18 and Skyrim lately so I am glad they are selling well.



I may get it next year. I just started I am Setsuna yesterday and I plan on getting Skyrim this month as well. I am happy to see it is getting good reviews. The previews weren't too appealing for me so I was on the fence about getting it.


I like spying what other people are playing as well. I rarely go see others' profiles but I like seeing the popups of "Friend X playing Game Y".

I'm late to the Xenoblade train as I didn't find the game too appealing at first either. But recent gameplay videos and trailers have piqued my interest more. Now that we're getting Japanese audio I'm certain I won't have to endure bad voice acting.


9 minutes ago, TheFinalEmblem said:

I paid off the SE today, and I'll be getting the Season Pass tomorrow as well. I'm super hyped for the game, the Xenoblade series of games have been nothing short of amazing.


The special edition was sold out at my favorite retailers so I probably won't be getting it. The artbook and soundtrack would have been nice. I didn't even realize there's a season pass. What kind of content is being added? This would be my first Xenoblade game so I'm a bit worried if it will be my kind of game. I like RPGs but not sure about how I'll like the battle system and open world.

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1 hour ago, Shiny Suicune said:

lol @Cubone Sounds like me. I have a list for the Switch already xD


L.A Noire

Lego Worlds(Got it for $16 couldn't pass up)

Poi Exploration Edition(Got it for $24, couldn't pass up)

Stardew Valley(Omg great game :) )

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

Few others I have can't remember now lol




Was Switch the first time you played Stardew Valley? It was for me. Didn't think I would enjoy it this much.


1 hour ago, Eyjabria said:

Anyone getting Xenoblade Chronicles 2? It's released tomorrow with free Japanese audio DLC, current Metascore is 85 (49 critic reviews). I might get it for Christmas if I manage to clear some of my backlog prior to that.


I'm not, but then again that was probably expected, it's no secret that I somehow can't really get into these kind of games.


1 hour ago, Gengar said:

Just out of curiosity, am I the only person who stalks other people's profiles on the Switch? Ok, "stalk" might be a strong word. Anytime I play an online game with a fellow Switch player (Splatoon 2, Rocket League etc.), I go to their profiles to see what games they have played. I am curious to see what games people have purchased. I am seeing a lot of DOOM, FIFA 18 and Skyrim lately so I am glad they are selling well.


I almost always check what people who've been online the last day are playing, and from time to time I go through my friend list (100% PSNP) to see what everyone has been playing. What was very weird to me was when @MosesRockefeller changed profile pictures, for a moment I thought @Parker finally had been getting active on the Switch. Now that I'm talking about profile pictures, I'm very annoyed that come Super Mario Odyssey, Mario and Cappy got a full row of new pictures yet there wasn't even one of Bowser in his suit.


1 hour ago, Gengar said:


I may get it next year. I just started I am Setsuna yesterday and I plan on getting Skyrim this month as well. I am happy to see it is getting good reviews. The previews weren't too appealing for me so I was on the fence about getting it.


Are you talking about Xenoblade or Skyrim with the (p)reviews?


I have played over ten hours in Skyrim now and I'm loving it. Here's hoping I can finish the story this time around.

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Just now, Cubone said:

Was Switch the first time you played Stardew Valley? It was for me. Didn't think I would enjoy it this much.

Actually yes it was. I played it the first time, It was slow cause money was the issue.


Then I did the money glitch(Just so I can have stuff to buy to do things) it is much more fun now. I hate being setback cause money was so hard to gain. After that I took off lol. Everything else I did was fine. Only money was the issue :)

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17 minutes ago, Eyjabria said:


I like spying what other people are playing as well. I rarely go see others' profiles but I like seeing the popups of "Friend X playing Game Y".

I'm late to the Xenoblade train as I didn't find the game too appealing at first either. But recent gameplay videos and trailers have piqued my interest more. Now that we're getting Japanese audio I'm certain I won't have to endure bad voice acting.



The special edition was sold out at my favorite retailers so I probably won't be getting it. The artbook and soundtrack would have been nice. I didn't even realize there's a season pass. What kind of content is being added? This would be my first Xenoblade game so I'm a bit worried if it will be my kind of game. I like RPGs but not sure about how I'll like the battle system and open world.

Good to hear, the games are huge. Original Xenoblade took me 150 hours before I beat it because of the sheer amount of quests and stuff to do, and Xenoblade Chronicles X took about 100, but I played it alot after beating it. Different strokes, I suppose, I enjoy the English voices.


There's 5 different things included with the Season Pass. First is listed as "Support Items for your Journey" which is listed for Dec 2017, I imagine it'll be available Day 1. "New Quests for Main Game" comes out in January. "New Rare Blade" Spring 2018. "New Challenge Battle Mode" Summer 2018. "A Brand-New Story and Adventure" Autumn 2018. So the stuff we get will basically be distributed over the next year, pretty much.

Edited by TheFinalEmblem
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2 minutes ago, Shiny Suicune said:

Actually yes it was. I played it the first time, It was slow cause money was the issue.


Then I did the money glitch(Just so I can have stuff to buy to do things) it is much more fun now. I hate being setback cause money was so hard to gain. After that I took off lol. Everything else I did was fine. Only money was the issue :)


I'm not abusing a glitch, I'm doing it all legit :) money isn't really an issue any more for me now. I like getting more options as I put more time into a game.

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Just now, Cubone said:


I'm not abusing a glitch, I'm doing it all legit :) money isn't really an issue any more for me now. I like getting more options as I put more time into a game.

Hahha that's fine. I did like it on my first account it's just... when I wanted to do so many things.... It's hard when it goes *too* slow if ya know what I mean? But hey. The money glitch doesn't really do anything fancy to gameplay xD Just gives option for me buying more things sooner then later :)

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2 minutes ago, Cubone said:

for a moment I thought @Parker finally had been getting active on the Switch.


I want to, but we're so short Officer wise at work that I've been getting forced for 16 hour shifts 4 to 5 days a week and as such I don't really get to play many video games at all. I plan on getting Odyssey in the next few weeks and I'll probably play some more Stardew Valley as well. We're running classes through the academy back to back so hopefully we'll be decently staffed in the next few months and the overtime will slow down. 




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8 minutes ago, Shiny Suicune said:

Hahha that's fine. I did like it on my first account it's just... when I wanted to do so many things.... It's hard when it goes *too* slow if ya know what I mean? But hey. The money glitch doesn't really do anything fancy to gameplay xD Just gives option for me buying more things sooner then later :)


I didn't think Stardew Valley was going too slow. If anything, I'm going too fast, I'm spending too much of my time watering (the first year) and now milking cows/goats and picking up eggs. Enough money, but I feel like I should be mining and doing other stuff as well :)


3 minutes ago, Parker said:


I want to, but we're so short Officer wise at work that I've been getting forced for 16 hour shifts 4 to 5 days a week and as such I don't really get to play many video games at all. I plan on getting Odyssey in the next few weeks and I'll probably play some more Stardew Valley as well. We're running classes through the academy back to back so hopefully we'll be decently staffed in the next few months and the overtime will slow down. 


I get it, it often takes so much effort for me to make some time for gaming. Still haven't been able to play Assassin's Creed Origins beyond the first weekend. On the occasion I'm home in time, I'm often too tired. I'll play for half an hour and fall straight asleep.

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8 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I hear ya. Sometimes the open world environments are too large and hard to get into. And I agree about TFA; it was a good movie but I thought the story was fairly weak. Without the nostalgia it would have been only average. And I know I'll sound crazy for saying this, but I think the story of Phantom Menace is at least more interesting than TFA. Yes, the Prequels are very flawed films, but the overarching story of Palpatine orchestrating the downfall of the Jedi by starting the Clone Wars, where he was basically controlling both sides of the war... that was a pretty cool story, and certainly different from the norm. TFA's story was basically a rehash of Episode 4, which is fine, but it wasn't this amazing story. I think the main advantage it had, is that unlike the Prequels, it had very promising new characters. Ewan, Sam, and Natalie were fine in the prequels, but they didn't have a lot to work with. I think Rey, Finn, and Poe had much better dialog in TFA, and I look forward to seeing them grow in Last Jedi and Episode 9.


I hope we get a new SW LEGO game on Switch, although it will likely be the open world format you dislike. Undercover is different to me, it felt fresh compared to most of the recent LEGO games. And I'm glad to hear the Switch version still has some Nintendo stuff in it. I'll probably double dip when it's down to $20 or so.


I agree about Bob's Burgers; I haven't watched any episodes in several years. Although to be fair I don't watch any of the "big boys" now either. I can't bring myself to watch NuSimpsons regularly, and I lost interest in Family Guy. South Park is a show I never got into. I liked Archer at first but I haven't kept up with it. I'm several years behind on that as well.


Anyway, I am vastly disappointed that I can't find a clip or GIF from the gag I was referencing. It's an early episode where Bob mentions having trouble with his "morning meeting", which was a euphemism for his daily AM poop. When you said "it's early and I'm a bit more full of shit than I realize" it sprung to mind, because in my mind you hadn't had your morning meeting yet! What can I say, I love potty humor and I can't believe that BB gag didn't catch on as a catchphrase. Or maybe since this is a Switch forum, we can start saying "Switch Toilet Break" or something... nobody? Just me? Wait, why am I being blocked???


Speaking of morning meetings, I'm having one right now, so this is gonna be (relatively) brief. I hope for another Lego Star Wars too, it's about the one series that would guarantee pulling me in, unless they did some KOTOR stuff (unpopular opinion, but I am really not digging that game by the way) anyway, but I would love it on Switch too, and hell, I'll GLADLY buy The Complete Saga for the hundredth time now if you port it to Switch tomorrow. Actually, I'm gonna see how many times I have bought Lego Star Wars, feel free to skip the to the following bit.


LSW - GBA, PS2, Xbox = 3

LSW2 - PSP, DS, PS2 = 3 (6)

LSW3 - PSP, PS3 = 2 (8)

TCS - DS, PS3, 360, GWG, Android, iOS = 6 (14)

TFA - PSV, PS4 = 2 (16)


Okay, so not counting illegal downloads on R4s, modded PSPs, and my Wii U, that's 16 separate copies I own. Dear Nintendo, let it be 17.


Anyway, yeah, I enjoy the prequels. Granted they are heavily flawed, there are good movies buried in there somewhere, and Phantom is definitely a better movie than Awakens, I do enjoy Rey and Finn though (and Poe too, since I guess he's becoming a main dude full fledged). 


I don't watch the others anymore anyway really. Stopped American Dad years ago for some reason, still watch the odd one when it's on. Stopped Family Guy when they killed off Brian for views and the show was in a giant decline as it was, I think that was why I stopped AD as well actually, but I'm meaning to get back into it some time. Simpsons I watch here and there, I did a marathon with the missus pre-baby a couple years back because I thought I was like a solid 5 or 6 seasons behind, turns out I'd only missed a few episodes here and there due to watching a fair few re-runs, anyway, I'm up to snuff until I think early season 27, but 28 I've not touched yet. Gotta fix that. Also Archer, love it, was watching it every week, but then a friend dumped her Netflix on my machine and all of a sudden I didn't need to pirate shit I couldn't watch, and Archer was on there, but they never got the new season even still, so I'll have to do something, I'm a year behind damn it. South Park I do my best to keep up with though, as the last couple years in particular have been so topical if you're a month late you're a laugh short. So in the end, I watch South Park regularly, and reruns of everything else in the background when I have time. Being old sucks, I'm missing all my shows :'( stupid parenthood making me decide between games and TV for my spare time, there used to be room for both.

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8 hours ago, Cubone said:


I didn't think Stardew Valley was going too slow. If anything, I'm going too fast, I'm spending too much of my time watering (the first year) and now milking cows/goats and picking up eggs. Enough money, but I feel like I should be mining and doing other stuff as well :)

First time playing a game like that.....


guess that's why?



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24 minutes ago, Shiny Suicune said:

First time playing a game like that.....


guess that's why?




It's my first time on Stardew Valley but I played other building games. Last one was Tropico 5 on PS4, I guess, and first one was Sim City on SNES. Sim City is super slow at the start, but Tropico 5 was fine.

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2 hours ago, Cubone said:


It's my first time on Stardew Valley but I played other building games. Last one was Tropico 5 on PS4, I guess, and first one was Sim City on SNES. Sim City is super slow at the start, but Tropico 5 was fine.

Yea. I haven't really played any of those types of games o.o

Stardew Valley is fun though :)

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2 minutes ago, Shiny Suicune said:

Yea. I haven't really played any of those types of games o.o

Stardew Valley is fun though :)


Part of what makes these games fun to me is the curve. Like in Stardew Valley, you start with ten seeds, do a bit of mining, fishing... Soon you can have forty plants on your farm. Then sixty. Then it becomes too much of a hassle to water everything, so you go for sprinklers, and add some trees and animals. Then you decide that you could build some mayo and cheese makers to get more profit out of your eggs and milk. Then you have too many animals and you need more mayo/cheese makers. It's so much fun for me to grow my farm from small to big. I guess I should post a screenshot here of my farm.


Though I have to admit that with Rollercoaster Tycoon, I downloaded an empty map with max money so I could just go nuts. The game's sequels luckily had a sandbox mode.

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On 11/17/2017 at 7:50 AM, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:



I just bought a PS VR.


God damn Christmas sales.

God damn 10% off code for family and friends
God damn impulse buys at quarter to midnight


God damn everything but my own inability to control my purchases.


On 11/17/2017 at 4:42 PM, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

PSVR is RRP 550. 

PS4 camera is 90 RRP.

Skyrim just dropped at 100 RRP.

That VR Move Worlds game or whatever is 40 RRP.

So that there is 780. Now, realistically Skyrim is on sale everywhere for around 60 as usual, but we'll ignore that to pretend I got more value.


I got all of those things in a bundle, and after 10 bucks for delivery and a family and friends discount code for 10% off, I got it for the total of 333 bones. I'm intending to sell the two games to for 50 odd, which seems pretty damn fair to me, that brings it all down to 280. So the whole total was 780, then when I ditch the two games I don't care about, it drops to 280, so basically, in effect, I've saved 500 depending on which side of Dylan's bullshit I want to look at. 280 AUD is basically 2.8 full RRP AAA games, if you actually pay full price, so I guess what I'm saying is, is PS VR worth 2.8 new games to you, Billy?


I know none of this was directed at me... but this is the story of my life lately.


It doesn't quite hit you until you look at the credit card statement, but when you spend as much time as I do putzing around the internet, it's very easy to lose yourself in deals, new releases, unexpected collector's editions of hit indie games you figured you would never own a physical copy of (damn you Edith Finch!) xD  Random games I've had my eye on with bargain bin prices on eBay.  Limited run games I may very well never get the chance to get again if I don't act immediately (damn you Hollow Knight!)  $10 there, $30 here, $15 there, $25 over here, $60 over there... that shit adds up.


I definitely need that ability to control myself, that you speak of.

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3 hours ago, Dreakon13 said:



I know none of this was directed at me... but this is the story of my life lately.


It doesn't quite hit you until you look at the credit card statement, but when you spend as much time as I do putzing around the internet, it's very easy to lose yourself in deals, new releases, unexpected collector's editions of hit indie games you figured you would never own a physical copy of (damn you Edith Finch!) xD  Random games I've had my eye on with bargain bin prices on eBay.  Limited run games I may very well never get the chance to get again if I don't act immediately (damn you Hollow Knight!)  $10 there, $30 here, $15 there, $25 over here, $60 over there... that shit adds up.


I definitely need that ability to control myself, that you speak of.


Savings be damned, it's listing the games I bought without finishing that hit me.



I just bought Elite Dangerous on the new PSN sale. It's cool though, I already had the game on disc, got the opportunity to sell it at €22,50 (I had used the season pass code and the refular game is €25 on PSN) so I figured I'd sell it and I'd buy it right at the next sale, which is now for €15 (but if you want the game too, you should really buy the complete one with season pass).

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22 hours ago, Cubone said:

Are you talking about Xenoblade or Skyrim with the (p)reviews?


I have played over ten hours in Skyrim now and I'm loving it. Here's hoping I can finish the story this time around.


I was talking about Xenoblade regarding the previews. They just didn't do it for me. I've heard good things about the game since it came out but I am already playing a few RPG's atm so I may leave it on the backburner for the next while. I imagine while everybody else is playing Kirby or Yoshi next year I will be playing Xenoblade 2 ;)

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26 minutes ago, Gengar said:


I was talking about Xenoblade regarding the previews. They just didn't do it for me. I've heard good things about the game since it came out but I am already playing a few RPG's atm so I may leave it on the backburner for the next while. I imagine while everybody else is playing Kirby or Yoshi next year I will be playing Xenoblade 2 ;)


Looping back to a different current subject: I'm definitely buying Kirby and Yoshi, no matter how big my backlog is.

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