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Cool Raiting on Stage 4

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  • 3 months later...

In two days I reached cool rating only two times in stage 4 and I failed cool mode immediately after. Someone has some helpfull advice to beat it?

In cool mode I spammed repeatedly triangle, cross, square and circle together but it doesn't work. @TheMightyImp2 how can you enter in cool mode in only 8 bars? 

I watched all your videos and read about that scheme but I can't understand your pattern, can you explain me?

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On 5 May 2018 at 6:31 PM, Anima_90 said:

In two days I reached cool rating only two times in stage 4 and I failed cool mode immediately after. Someone has some helpfull advice to beat it?

In cool mode I spammed repeatedly triangle, cross, square and circle together but it doesn't work. @TheMightyImp2 how can you enter in cool mode in only 8 bars? 

I watched all your videos and read about that scheme but I can't understand your pattern, can you explain me?

It's in my post, and my post is requoted at the top of this page... Maybe I can share play it or something? I'd like to help, but can't think of a simpler way of explaining it than previously. 


The above is two bars of 8 beats, as in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and i hit a button on 1,2,4,5,7,8 on the first 8 bar, and on 2,3,5,7 on the second 8 bar. 

To put it another way, tap tap pause tap tap pause tap tap pause tap tap pause tap pause tap pause.




Just thought of another thing.. You must have completed the game all the way through once to be allowed to try for cool rating... Have you completed game once already?

Edited by TheMightyImp2
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  • 2 months later...
On 14/4/2017 at 11:00 AM, Elvick_ said:

I finally beat the level! Praise.

Huge tip, the vibration helps yes. But MUTE THE DAMN GAME ENTIRELY when you do it this way. The vibrations are loud as hell and it's far easier with less noise going on to focus on the timing of the vibrations and ignore the visual queue [still pretty hard to ignore the visual queues imo]. But I got it in two tries this way.

Now to get cool rating. heh... D:

 this worked for me, combined with the xx tt rr ll
thanks :D

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18 minutes ago, A1r4l3x said:

 this worked for me, combined with the xx tt rr ll
thanks :D

Ironically it hasn't worked for me since lol. Somehow oversaved the file (the save system in this game is really crappy imo) and have never been able to do it again. So unfinished it will be forever. the rage. Glad it helped you though!

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  • 3 months later...

Took a few tries but found it easier than finishing on good. Eventually figured that pressing at the last possible moment gave me more luck with getting a good rating. So I mainly just did the same thing but spammed the last button about 2 or 3 more tries to push it to cool. 


I just went in blindly for the freestyle since I’m not really sure how that works (which is pretty evident in the video lol), just spammed each button maybe 3 or 4 times in a row before switching, and pausing occasionally. Got into the freestyle pretty early on so had to keep it up for about 2 mins. 


https://youtu.be/DuWk2kD_wjU (sorry, don’t know how to embed on mobile)



Glad I only have to listen to that song a couple more times for finishing on easy and finding the secret. I’ll definitely be having chicken tonight...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

PaRappa the Rapper Remastered Stage 4 Rhythm


Lesson #1:

Line 1: - - :triangle: - :triangle::triangle: - - :circle: - :r1: - - :l1: - - -      (doing the buttons a split second early seems to make it work)

Line 2: - - :cross: - :cross: - :cross: - - :square: - :r1: - - :l1: - - -      (doing the buttons a split second early seems to make it work)

Line 3: - - :triangle: - :triangle::triangle: - - :circle: - :r1: - - :l1: - - -      (spam the triangle's - repeat O and R1 twice, and then press L1 early and I get GOOD)

Line 4: - - :cross: - :cross: - :cross: - - :square: - :r1: - - :l1: - - -      (spam the x's symbol - repeat square and R1 twice, and then press L1 early and I get GOOD)


Lesson #2:

Line 1: - - :triangle: - :triangle::triangle: - - :r1: - - :l1: - - - - - 

Line 2::square: :square: - :square: - :square: - :square: - :square: - :square: :square: - - - -     (spam square literally as hard as possible, almost ALWAYS gets a GOOD rating)

Line 3: - - - :triangle: - - :triangle: - - :circle: - :r1: :r1: - :l1: - - -            (feeling it out and following has gotten the job done)

Line 4: - - :cross: - :cross: - :cross: - - :square: - :square: - :r1: :l1: - - -        (soft presses towards the end worked out)



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Lesson #3:

Line 1: - - - :triangle: - - :triangle::triangle: - :circle: - :r1: - :l1: - - -           (softly following the rhythm seems to work)

Line 2: - - :cross: - - :cross: - - :square: - - :r1: - - :l1: - - - 

Line 3: - - :triangle: - - :triangle::triangle: - - :circle: - :r1: - :l1: - - -           (softly following the rhythm seems to work)

Line 4: - - :cross: - - :cross: - - :square: - - :r1: - - :l1: - - - 

Line 5: - - :triangle: - - :triangle: :triangle::triangle: - :triangle: - - - - - - -              (I have ZERO clue what I'm doing here that's working)

Line 6: :circle: :circle: - - :circle: - - :circle: :circle: - :circle: :circle: - :circle: - - -  (spam circle literally as hard as possible, almost ALWAYS gets a GOOD rating)


Lesson #4:

Line 1: - - :cross: - :cross: - :cross: - - :cross: - - :cross: - :cross: - - -        (hitting the button a split second later seems to make it work)

Line 2: - - :square: :square: - - :square: - - :square: - :square: - - :square: - - -

Line 3::r1: :r1: - :r1: - :r1: - - :l1: :l1: - :l1: - :l1: - - - (hitting the button a split second later seems to make it work)

Line 4::triangle: :triangle: - :triangle: - :triangle: - - :circle: - :r1: - - - :l1: - - - 

Line 5: - - :triangle: - :triangle: - :triangle: - :circle: :circle: - :r1: - - :l1: - - - 





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Welp... I got into the "cool" zone for once in my life today. I maintained it for like a minute and 30 seconds. Then lost it at the last 3 verses. 


My spirit is close to being broken. I was so close - but now I've done it once I can stumble my way into doing it again. But the time investment... 

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GOOD LORD I DID IT. MY GOD. I achieved "cool" zone two more times. The 2nd one I choked and gave up like 15 seconds in. The 3rd one was like the first where I maintained it doing different rhythms for 1 minute+ but lost it on the last 2 verses. Then I got it a 4th time towards the end of the 3rd lesson and managed to hold out repeating button cycles from the first lesson of button presses. THANK GOODNESS. This trophy was infuriating and somehow I still like this game despite it driving me insane. Here's my advice to whoever enters this hellhole in the future. Can't promise it'll work for everybody, but it worked for me.



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  • 2 months later...

I finally bloody did it haha! The trick I found was to ignore the prompt order and just freestyle to the beat.


So if the game wants:

T T T - - O - - R1 - - L1


Do something like

O O - O O - R1 R1 - T T T L1


As long as the rhythm is there with what you press and it's not just all spammy and offbeat... you might do it :D!


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  • 3 months later...
On 08/05/2018 at 11:00 PM, TheMightyImp2 said:

It's in my post, and my post is requoted at the top of this page... Maybe I can share play it or something? I'd like to help, but can't think of a simpler way of explaining it than previously. 


The above is two bars of 8 beats, as in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and i hit a button on 1,2,4,5,7,8 on the first 8 bar, and on 2,3,5,7 on the second 8 bar. 

To put it another way, tap tap pause tap tap pause tap tap pause tap tap pause tap pause tap pause.




Just thought of another thing.. You must have completed the game all the way through once to be allowed to try for cool rating... Have you completed game once already?


ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY IMP!!! Thank you so much for this information, it really helped me platinum this game and I'm so happy that I never have to play it again haha.


For anyone having trouble staying in cool mode, what I did was tap L1 x2, R1 x2, triangle x 2, circle x2, X x2 and square x2, in that order, sometimes alternating until the level ended. Worked everytime for me.

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  • 4 months later...

Just got this. Got to lesson 4 with a good rating. On the line that has 5 triangles, followed by a load of circles, i just spammed the respective button and this somehow managed to get me into cool mode. Thankfully, it was the end of the song so i didn't have to keep it up for long

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  • 3 months later...

Wow, after trying off and on again for a year...I finally did it. The idea of following a specific pattern every time was the right move to get into cool...if you're not that musically inclined, I was just thinking about the opening to Red Hot Chili Pepper's By The Way baseline (which is that kind of syncopated beat previous posters have talked about)


Edit: and just got the cool rating for level 5 in own try following the pattern. It works!

Edited by JonLackey
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In case anybody comes searching for answers in this thread, here's what worked for me after watching videos and scouring the internet for tips:


Someone somewhere noted that the timing for the prompts is wrong and you have to "pre-fire" each of your inputs by at least one gray dot.  Then, simply hit the star notes with any input used in that same stretch (likewise pre-firing them) and you will gather sufficient points to enter cool mode by the 5th or 6th instance.  Additional note: I literally spammed Square as much as I could during the sequence where it is the only input and that's what caused me to enter cool mode.


Once in cool mode, just pick 3-4 buttons and keep your inputs at a 4/4 beat, hitting any other inputs on the off beat of each measure (I did this and kept getting enough points to stay in cool mode).  Just avoid overspamming, which is difficult to manage (10+ inputs is what I would consider too much).  I had something like 2500 points by the end.

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  • 1 month later...

God, what an annoying trophy. I've read a bunch of tips, so let me try to summarize what worked for me since this thread is a bit of a mess:


Turn off sound, turn on vibration, this is important. You can use the visual guide as a base but keep in mind it's pretty much worthless in this level. The actual visual input things are completely worthless, but the stars seem to represent beats. You want to feel the beat, then keep it going in your head. You need to match the beat inputs while also adding a bit more for cool - e.g. for the first one, as was mentioned in the thread, for x x x  o  r1  l1, you actually want to go more like xx xx x oo r1r1 l1; there's full beat notes and then in-between beat notes, so try to get both of them. If you can match the existing notes + add a few more each line, you'll get cool fairly easily - in my final run, I got cool, fell out of cool, then managed to get cool again during lesson 4 and keep it up for the last few lines.

Edited by Darling Baphomet
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  • 1 year later...
On 5/8/2018 at 11:00 PM, TheMightyImp2 said:

It's in my post, and my post is requoted at the top of this page... Maybe I can share play it or something? I'd like to help, but can't think of a simpler way of explaining it than previously. 


The above is two bars of 8 beats, as in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and i hit a button on 1,2,4,5,7,8 on the first 8 bar, and on 2,3,5,7 on the second 8 bar. 

To put it another way, tap tap pause tap tap pause tap tap pause tap tap pause tap pause tap pause.




Just thought of another thing.. You must have completed the game all the way through once to be allowed to try for cool rating... Have you completed game once already?

Thanks for this mate, just managed to pass stage 4 (as well as 5 and 6) yesterday so just a few easy trophies away from the platinum.

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