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Upcoming Server Shutdowns & Delistings (Retired)


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2 minutes ago, Roronora_Zoro666 said:

The Hero games have always technical issues and Warriors of Rock and Metallica are known for their server issues. 

I appreciate the confirmation, I guess all we can do now is wait and see.

Actually Warriors of Rock is still up, as are GH3 and GH:Aeromsith's servers.

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17 minutes ago, LupusLance34 said:

Actually Warriors of Rock is still up, as are GH3 and GH:Aeromsith's servers.


After 20 tries of it freezing on me, I finally managed to get to song select. I have completed Diamond on Non Standard Band, so all is good lol.

Edited by Roronora_Zoro666
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59 minutes ago, Metal Slime King said:

I thought War for Cybertron had a server error where it wouldn't save your stats so you'd have go to level 100 without turning off your console or something like that? Maybe that was just for new accounts, but I certainly remember hearing there were issues with it.

That was a problem until a week or 2 back but it was fixed so the Platinum is obtainable :).


36 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

Didn't both starhawk and Ghostbusters get shut down without any warning?

Starhawk's server closure was announced by Sony, several weeks in advance but Ghostbusters was shutdown with zero advanced warning and we only found out about it, approx 2 weeks after it happened when either Atari or one of the devs announced it on Facebook :(.

Edited by HuntingFever
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Just as a heads-up, if many people did not know this, a lot of PS3 titles just run directly off PS3s themselves as servers as companies found that to be a cheaper solution. Hardware failure could account for the unannounced shutdowns, or it could be that someone unplugged it and packed it up...or Activision is just lazy. But, I just wanted to mention that PS3 shutdowns out of the blue shouldn't be that surprising at this point since many are running on old hardware.

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3 hours ago, Smashero said:

Nothing is more annoying than answer from support "Did you try to restart your console? Did you try to reset your router? Do you have electricity in your place?".
Standard BS "solutions", 98% of those "customer supports" are usually useless! And the next question will be "Are you sure your l/p for your account are correct?".

Even more annoying than that, is when you tell them you've already done all the standard things like rebooting the console and router but they insist you do them again when you've just told them they didn't work. I've lost count of the number of times I've contacted support, only for the whole thing to go round and round in circles until one side or the other gives up and drops the problem like a hot brick. I spent a month trying to get Bethesda to take a technical problem seriously that I was having with Doom (2016), only for them to pass the buck on to Sony who just went through the exact same brain dead spiel I'd just spent a month going through with Bethesda so I gave up and uninstalled the game.

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3 hours ago, Smashero said:

Nothing is more annoying than answer from support "Did you try to restart your console? Did you try to reset your router? Do you have electricity in your place?".
Standard BS "solutions", 98% of those "customer supports" are usually useless! And the next question will be "Are you sure your l/p for your account are correct?".


Yeah, the same that happened to me with the Playstation Store website and the bundles in the download queue, they started blaming my console and then my ISP. I bet that they gave them the name of another ISP that's not mine, they would've blamed that other ISP. I know them very well.

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What's funny about these cookie cutter support responses is that each publisher seems to have established their own unique set of them too, all equally useless but unique nonetheless.


Ubisoft will tell you it's all Sony's fault, EA will tell you to "clear your system cache", and Activision will try and insist it's a problem with your internet. 

These support lines are absolutely pathetic, seriously. I'm pretty sure no trophy fixes ever came from contacting them, but rather only when talking to an actual developer on a forum or website. I remember when I was pursuing a fix for "Catch the bad moment" over the phone on BFBC1, I got told to "clear my cache" by every single support agent to the point that I started my phone calls off with "for this upcoming issue, i've cleared the cache and it didn't work". It was only when I got put through to DICE that I actually had a sensible conversation and it got fixed 1 week later. 


8 minutes ago, Sinthoras_96 said:

Could you also mention the 4 007 games, if you talk with them? Would really appreciate it 


^This, including Quantum of Solace please. 

I'll be surprised if they get fixed though since they can just give you the line of "they're on the unsupported games list" without even trying so much as resetting the servers.

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58 minutes ago, HuntingFever said:

It's official, 007 and Guitar Hero are dead in the water :(: https://support.activision.com/articles/legacy-activision-games

Yeah, sucks. Hopefully we can all learn about online trophies requiring servers. We have to be strategic with our hunting.

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